College of Education and Human Development Scholarships
In the 2022-2023 academic year, the College of Education and Human Development awarded $408,920 in scholarships for students in order to help them succeed in college. We offer a number of dedicated scholarships for all of our students. Eligibility criteria vary and include both need-based and merit-based scholarships. Please review the available scholarships below.
If students are interested in receiving a scholarship, they must complete and submit the general University scholarship application form. More information, including a link to the FAFSA application, is available through the University's Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. The deadline is Feb. 1.
College of Education & Human Development Scholarship Available
These scholarships are available when you fill out your FAFSA application. Please make sure to fill out FASFA and update each year.
- Recommended by the College of Education & Human Development Scholarship Committee
- Pursuing an undergraduate degree in the Human Development and Family Science program in the College of Education & Human Development
- Minimum 3.0 UNR cumulative GPA
- Preference for students whose scholarship application includes a statement of their career goals and how their degree in HDFS will advance those goals
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Junior or Senior Standing
- Education Majors
- Financial Need
- Minimum 3.0 UNR Cumulative GPA
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester (15 recommended)
- One Year Scholarship
- A Change of Major Forfeits the Scholarship
- Make Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development
- Education Majors
- Graduates of an Accredited Northern Nevada High School
- Academic Excellence and a Potential For Success in a Teaching Career
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester (15 recommended)
- Minimum 2.75 UNR Cumulative GPA
- Making Satisfactory Academic Progress
- One Year Scholarship
- A Change in Major Forfeits the Scholarship
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development
- College of Education & Human Development majors
- Junior or Senior standing
- Minimum 3.0 UNR cumulative GPA
- Potential for success in the field of Education
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester
- Make Satisfactory Academic Progress
- One Year Scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Nevadans or Hawaiians (as evidenced by graduation from high school in Nevada or Hawaii)
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Upper division or graduate students only
- Elementary education with an emphasis in mathematics and science (interpreted for UGRD as IET Plan with student interest in Math & Science as of Fall 2015)
- Undergraduate (Juniors & Seniors) minimum 12 UNR credits per semester; 15 recommended
- Graduate minimum 6 UNR credits per semester
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development
- Juniors majoring in education or counseling
- Prefer those with outstanding academic (>3.50) or athletic achievement
- Prefer financial need
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester; 15 recommended
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Minimum 2.75 cumulative UNR GPA
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development
- Female students majoring in Elementary Education
- Minimum 3.0 UNR cumulative GPA
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester (15 recommended)
- Make Satisfactory Academic Progress
- One year scholarship
- Undergraduate majors in Human Development & Family Studies in the College of Education & Human Development
- Selection by the College of Education & Human Development scholarship committee
- Award shall be in $2,000 increments unless the total funds available are less than $2,000 in which case the entire balance shall go to one recipient
- Thank you note with some insight into recipient background required
- Minimum 2.75 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development
- Fifth-year students in their teaching internship
- Minimum 3.00 UNR cumulative GPA
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester; 15 recommended
- Female students
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Potential recipients must submit a one-page letter of application and two letters of recommendation - One from a professional source and one from a private source
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Undergraduate major in HDFS at UNR
- Minimum 6 UNR credits per semester
- Minimum 2.5 cumulative UNR GPA
- Must maintain Minimum 3.0 UNR GPA while receiving the award
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Recipients must be mothers who meet the following criteria: gave birth to a child before the age of 17; returning to college after more than a decade since the date of high school graduation (or expected graduation if student dropped out of high school); can demonstrate that child care is available for school attendance; works a minimum 20 hours per week, has a GED, high school diploma, or some community college transfer credits
- In the event that no candidate meets all of the above criteria, the scholarship may be given to a single/married woman who best meets the intent of the award
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development
- Female Senior students or female fifth-year interns in the College of Education & Human Development
- Graduates of an accredited Nevada high school
- Minimum 12 credits per semester (15 recommended) Undergraduate; Minimum 9 credits per semester Graduate
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Elementary Education majors
- Junior or Senior standing
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 credits per semester (15 recommended)
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nevada residents
- One year scholarship
- Two awards available
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Major in Special Education - students with Special Education as a dual major are also eligible
- Junior standing or above
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 credits per semester (15 recommended) for Undergraduate; minimum 9 credits per semester for Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Education majors
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA Minimum 12 credits per semester (15 recommended) for Undergraduate; 9 credits per semester Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year award
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Students doing their teaching internship in the College of Education & Human Development, typically fifth-year Seniors or Graduate students
- Minimum 2.75 UNR GPA Undergraduate; 3.00 UNR GPA Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Education majors "who demonstrate a joy of learning and life"
- Minimum 2.75 UNR GPA for Undergraduate; 3.00 UNR GPA for Graduate
- Minimum 12 credits per semester (15 recommended) for Undergraduate; 6 credits per semester for Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Award may be renewed upon nomination by the scholarship committee within the College of Education & Human Development
- Recipients must prepare a thank you note for the donor
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development
- Elementary Education majors
- Minimum 2.75 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 credits per semester (15 recommended)
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development
- Education majors in their teaching internship Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 credits per semester (15 recommended) for Undergraduate; 9 credits per semester for Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- College of Education & Human Development pre-major or in a College of Education & Human Development program
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 credits per semester (15 recommended) for Undergraduate; 9 credits per semester for Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Students in their teaching internship
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 credits per semester (15 recommended) for Undergraduate; 9 credits per semester for Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development Scholarship committee
- Undergraduate students in their student teaching semester
- Preference is for those student-teaching at a Title I (at- risk) school
- US Citizen
- Prefer Nevada residents
- At least one recipient per year must student teach at an elementary or middle school
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester for Undergraduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- College of Education & Human Development majors
- Minimum 2.75 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 credits per semester (15 recommended)
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Education majors in their fifth year - teaching internship
- Minimum 2.80 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 credits per semester (15 recommended)
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Undergraduate or Graduate Education majors in their student teaching/intern semester
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 15 credits per semester for Undergraduate; 9 credits per semester for Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development scholarship committee
- Secondary Education major
- Graduates of Nevada high schools
- Minimum 3.0 UNR GPA
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development
- Secondary education major in teaching intern semester
- One recipient per year
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester
- Minimum 3.0 UNR cumulative GPA
- Must make satisfactory academic progress
- One semester award
- Majors within the College of Education & Human Development
- Prefer graduate students
- Minimum 12 UNR undergraduate credits per semester
- Minimum 9 UNR graduate credits per semester
- Minimum 3.0 UNR cumulative GPA
- Must make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Selection by the College of Education & Human Development Scholarship Committee
- Undergraduate students pursuing a degree in the College of Education & Human Development
- Nevada resident with Junior or Senior class standing
- Prefer students from Tonopah, Round Mountain, or Gabbs
- Minimum 12 UNR undergraduate credits per semester; 15 recommended
- Minimum 3.0 UNR cumulative GPA *
- Must make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development scholarship committee
- College of Education & Human Development majors
- Prefer females who are married or single parents
- Minimum 2.5 UNR GPA Financial Need
- Undergraduate minimum 12 UNR credits per semester; 15 recommended
- Graduate minimum 9 UNR credits per semester
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development scholarship committee
- Degree seeking undergraduate in the College of Education & Human Development
- Minimum 3.0 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester; 15 recommended
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development scholarship committee
- Degree seeking student with a major within the College of Education & Human Development
- First preference for a graduate student in Literacy or Elementary Education
- Second preference to any undergraduate with Junior or Senior standing
- Undergraduate and graduate minimum 6 UNR credits per semester
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA* Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development Scholarship Committee
- Student pursuing a graduate degree in the College of Education & Human Development
- Prefer Nevada HS graduate
- Recipient must meet one of the following criteria, in order of preference: major in school psychology (if it exists); major in school counseling; major in early childhood education
- Minimum 3.0 UNR GPA
- Graduate minimum of 6 UNR credits per semester
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development scholarship committee
- Undergraduate student who intends to become a teacher
- Northern Nevada High School graduate with preference to Hug High School graduates
- Minimum 2.75 UNR GPA
- Minimum 6 UNR credits per semester
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development scholarship committee
- Undergraduate or graduate students
- Preference for Education majors
- Recipients must be participants in the Dean's Future Scholars program
- Minimum 2.75 cumulative UNR GPA for undergraduate students; 3.0 cumulative UNR GPA for graduate students
- Minimum 6 UNR credits per semester
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development scholarship committee
- Undergraduate Education majors
- Preference for students working their way through college
- Graduates of accredited Nevada high schools
- Minimum 2.75 cumulative UNR GPA
- Minimum 15 UNR credits per semester
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development scholarship committee
- Undergraduate or graduate education majors
- Minimum 3.0 cumulative UNR GPA
- Minimum 6 UNR credits per semester
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One-year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- College of Education & Human Development majors
- Minimum 2.50 UNR GPA to receive and retain award
- Minimum 6 credits per semester for undergraduate; 5 credits for graduate students
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Female senior planning to be a public school teacher
- Minimum 2.75 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester; 15 credits preferred
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Award entire account balance to one student unless it exceeds the cost of full time tuition and fees
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development
- Junior, senior, or master's student pursuing a degree in secondary education
- Prefer students majoring in English with the intent to teach at the secondary level; however, if no qualified candidate meeting this preference is available any secondary education major is allowed
- Minimum 3.0 UNR GPA
- Undergraduate minimum 12 UNR credits per semester; 15 credits preferred
- Graduate minimum 12 UNR credits per semester
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship; may be renewed at the department's discretion
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development
- Undergraduate or Graduate students in the College of Education & Human Development
- Prefer students with permanent residence in one of the rural counties of Nevada
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester (15 recommended) for Undergraduate
- Minimum 9 UNR credits per semester for Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Education majors (excluding pre-education)
- Prefer Nevada resident with an interest in international education in student internship semester
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester (15 recommended) for Undergraduate students
- Minimum 9 UNR credits per semester for Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- College of Education & Human Development majors
- Minimum 2.75 UNR GPA for undergraduates; 3.0 UNR GPA for graduates
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester (15 recommended) for Undergraduate; 6 credits for Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Juniors or Seniors in Elementary or Secondary Education, or Graduate students completing their student teaching
- Graduates of a rural Nevada high school
- Prefer graduates of Albert M. Lowry High School
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester (15 recommended) for Undergraduate students
- Minimum 9 UNR credits per semester (6 with assistantship) for Graduate students
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- College of Education & Human Development majors
- Female students Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 15 credits per semester for Undergraduate; 9 credits per semester for Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Prefer graduates of Sparks High School
- If no Sparks HS graduate is identified, then the following (in order of preference): graduate of any Sparks, Nevada high school; graduate of Hug High School; graduate of a Washoe County high school
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Majors in Secondary Science Education
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 15 credits per semester
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development
- Undergraduate students with at least Junior standing
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Recipient names will be published by ASUN
- May not receive multiple ASUN funded scholarships other than the ASUN Senate Textbook fund
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Preference to women pursuing Bachelor's Degrees in Elementary Education or Master's Degrees in Literacy Studies
- Prefer non-traditional students - examples include, but not limited to: heads of household, single parents, career changers, those returning to college after extended absence due to financial/parent/familial obligation
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 6 credits per semester
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Education major
- In student teaching semester
- Graduate of a northern Nevada high school
- Prefer graduate of Reno High School, Elko High School, or Carson High School
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 credits per semester (15 recommended) for Undergraduate; 9 credits per semester (6 if teaching) for Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One semester scholarship
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- College of Education & Human Development majors (Undergraduate or Graduate)
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 UNR credits (15 recommended) for Undergraduate; 9 credits per semester for Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Education majors in their Student Teaching Internship
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 credits per semester (15 recommended) for Undergraduate; 6 credits per semester for Graduate
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Undergraduate Elementary Education majors
- Prefer those intending to teach at the youngest levels of K-8
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA Minimum 12 credits per semester (15 recommended)
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- One year scholarship
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development Scholarship committee
- Degree seeking student
- Minimum 2.75 undergraduate UNR GPA
- Minimum 3.0 graduate UNR GPA
- Minimum 12 UNR credits per semester for Undergraduate students
- Minimum 6 UNR credits per semester for Graduate students
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by the College of Education & Human Development
- Pursuing an undergraduate degree in Education
- Minimum 2.5 UNR cumulative GPA
- Minimum of 12 UNR credits per semester; 15 recommended
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Students pursuing a Masters Degree in Special Education
- Strongly prefer 2 Teachers currently employed as Special Education Teachers in Washoe County and 2 Teaching Assistants or Aides for WCSD who are pursuing a teaching license by obtaining a Master's in Special Education
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 6 UNR credits per semester
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Nominated by College of Education & Human Development
- Students pursuing an undergraduate degree
- Minimum 3.00 UNR GPA
- Minimum 6 UNR credits per semester
- Make satisfactory academic progress
- Joe and Joy Crowley Scholarship
- Edgington Miltenberger Scholarship
- Rotary Club of Reno Foundation Scholarship
- Kenneth Coll & Brenda Freeman Scholarship
- Dean's Future Scholarships Annual
- Gerald & Sharon Smith Scholarship