Maria Barber

Transition Specialist, Family Navigation Network


Mother to a young adult daughter who lives with cerebral palsy.

Maria Barber is a transition specialist with the Family Navigation Network and Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities.  She is working to educate Nevada families about youth to adult transition.  Maria is also working to make changes at the state government level around state services for individuals with disabilities and oral health beyond the age of transition.

Maria is a fierce advocate and parent supporter who is very well steeped in the world of disabilities in Northern Nevada, due to her raising a daughter who lives with cerebral palsy.  For 17 years Maria has been moving for change in our community through education, services, social opportunities, and more.  She is very passionate about creating the best life for individuals with disabilities, as she firmly believes that everyone deserves a life full of joy, opportunities, and acceptance.

Maria is passionate about growth and change in our community and helping parents of individuals with differing abilities through the hurdles they face around each turn.  She has lived it and understands the challenges that families face.  Maria is always willing and excited to be present for any family who needs support, direction, and education, as this is a marathon, not a sprint.