Uploading results to WebCampus

Upload PointSolutions results to WebCampus

Learn how to upload your in-class session data and grades to WebCampus.

Using Upload Grades

Student participation grades can be uploaded easily to WebCampus:

  1. Open the PointSolutions desktop app and click Manage.
  2. Select the course.
  3. Click on the Upload Grades button.

PointSolutions dashboard with arrows pointing to Manage, Course and Upload Grades

[Figure 1] Screenshot of the PointSolutions dashboard with arrows pointing to Manage, Course and Upload Grades.

You may receive a warning message with a list of students who do not have a subscription. Those grades will not be uploaded. Click OK to move onto the next step.

Grade Upload Warning with a list of students who are not yet registered

[Figure 2] Screenshot of Grade Upload Warning with a list of students who are not yet registered.

A new window opens where you will select which Grade Column(s) you would like to upload. You also have the option to automatically upload participant grades for students who have yet to register. Make your selections, then click Upload.

Upload Grade Columns window with one selected column and the “Automatically upload participants for all courses when they become registered” option selected

[Figure 3] Screenshot of Upload Grade Columns window with one selected column and the “Automatically upload participants for all courses when they become registered” option selected.

The next window that opens is the Task Status. You will first see In Progress, and then Succeeded once the upload is complete. Click Close.

Task Status windows: one with status “In Progress” and the other with status “Succeeded”

[Figure 4] Screenshot of two Task Status windows: one with status “In Progress” and the other with status “Succeeded.”

You will now see one column for each session uploaded in the WebCampus gradebook.

Using Results Manager

Grades can also be uploaded from Results Manager. Results Manager functions as a gradebook in PointSolutions. You can view the overall participation scores of your students and manage their grades before uploading to WebCampus.

  1. Open the PointSolutions desktop app and click Manage.
  2. Select the course.
  3. Click on the Results Manager button.
PointSolutions dashboard with arrows pointing to Manage, Course and Results Manager
[Figure 5] Screenshot of PointSolutions dashboard with arrows pointing to Manage, Course and Results Manager.

Review the grades, and when you are ready, click Integration and choose Upload.

Results Manager with Integrations menu activated and Upload highlighted
[Figure 6] Screenshot of Results Manager with Integrations menu activated and Upload highlighted.

Follow the steps above to select a session.