Transfer students
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College of Engineering transfer student FAQs
The Engineering Pathways for Access, Community and Transfer Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (EPACT RED) program helps engineering students at Truckee Meadows Community College, Western Nevada Community College and Great Basin College experience a streamlined transfer process from their home institution to the University of Nevada, Reno. See TMCC’s EPACT RED web page for more information.
If you are thinking about transferring to the University of Nevada, Reno, you should make an advising appointment as soon as possible. We want to ensure that you take the correct courses to count toward your bachelor's degree and meet your graduation goals.
You can make an appointment by calling our front desk, (775) 682-7721, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. When scheduling, please let us know what you plan to study at the University and when you plan to begin.
Transfer appointments are 60 minutes long. During the appointment, your advisor will discuss degree requirements, college policies and / or any course evaluation.
Incoming transfer students must have a 2.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA) in all transferable coursework, with at least 24 transferable semester college credits.
There is no limit to the number of credits that may transfer, however, 30 upper-division credits must be earned in residence at the University.
The following must be completed at the University:
- 30 upper-division units for the Residency Requirement
- 15 units of major requirements to satisfy the Major Residency Requirement
- 40 upper-division units to satisfy the Upper-Division Requirement
- Between 61 and 64.5 units to satisfy the Half Program Units required by the University
If you are a high school student and are enrolled in dual enrollment, International Baccalaureate or have earned AP credit, you are considered a freshman.
SAT and ACT scores are optional for all students. Interviews are not required. Depending on your transfer credits, you may need to take ENG Directed Self-Placement Survey or ALEKS PPL to be placed in English and math courses, respectively.
We don't require high school transcripts from transfer students. If you are an incoming freshman, you will need to provide the University with an official transcript with your eighth semester grades and graduation date posted.
Yes, you will need to send all of the transcripts from the colleges you attended. During your appointment, your advisor will discuss what classes will count toward your major.
You can visit the General Core Agreement website to see if your courses will transfer to the University. If your school is not listed on the General Core Agreement website, you can use Transferology to assist you in determining if your courses are equivalent or will need to be evaluated. The University only accepts credits from regionally accredited institutions.
If you transfer with an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science from an NSHE institution, or California IGETC / CSU BREADTH / AA-T / AS-T, Texas Common Core, Oregon AAOT / ASOT, Washington DTA Association Deg or WICHE Passport, make sure to talk to your advisor about potential core waivers.
Questions regarding your transcript evaluation should be directed to your academic advisor.
Get application information on our prospective students page.
Congratulations! Visit the Transfer Admitted Student webpage for more information, a checklist for getting started and to schedule an appointment with a College of Engineering academic advisor.
Yes, the transfer orientation session provides transfer students with the opportunity to get involved, get connected and learn about the resources available to students on campus.
We also offer a TransferFIT program that kicks off the fall semester. TransferFIT provides students with the opportunity to:
- Get to know other transfer students
- Work with a student mentor
- Network with faculty in your academic department
- Become familiar with the University campus
- Practice using student resources
- Participate in kick-off events such as Opening Ceremony
- Attend sessions on topics relevant to transfer students, such as Avoiding Transfer Shock and panels with other transfer students.
More information on TransferFIT can be found on the TransferFIT information page.
If a class that you transfer does not have an equivalent or has not been evaluated, it will come in as a lower-elective (LELC) or upper-elective (UELC) course. In certain cases, an advisor will recommend the course be further evaluated. Depending on which requirement the course satisfies, it will go through one of two evaluation processes: the Core Objective course evaluation process is handled by the Core Curriculum Office, while engineering, science and math courses are evaluated by the specific department. This is typically mediated by your academic advisor. In both cases, you will need to obtain a syllabus for the course from your previous college.
Your international credits may transfer as a lower-elective (LELC) or upper-elective (UELC) course. However, your advisor will guide you through the evaluation process. You will either need to send your course syllabus to the Core Curriculum Office and / or your engineering, science and math courses will be sent to the specific department. This is typically mediated by your academic advisor.
Your GPA from your previous school will count toward your cumulative CPA. However, it will not count toward your University GPA or engineering GPA.
Cumulative GPA: Your cumulative GPA includes all of the courses you have taken at all of the institutions you have attended.
University GPA: Your University GPA includes all the courses you have taken at the University, whether they count toward your degree or not.
Engineering GPA: The engineering GPA includes ENGR 301, basic math and science courses, engineering science and design courses and technical electives.