Faculty resources

Find links to forms and resources to help with such topics as computer lab scheduling, faculty page updates and marketing assistance. For guidelines regarding course buyout, retirement and sabbaticals and remote work, see the HR processes box.


For help with a brochure or printed material, please email engrhelp@unr.edu.  


For updates and other help with Formstack forms, please email engrhelp@unr.edu.

Grant help

The Engineering Research Office (ERO) of the College of Engineering provides proposal development and project management support for research faculty.

Head shots

Head shots are taken by the University photographer; the position is part of the University Libraries team. Below is the link to schedule a photo session. To use this link, you will need your Net ID.

IT help

Email Engr_Ehelp@unr.edu for IT assistance.

Scheduling rooms

Rooms in HREL and WPEB are reservable. To see the list of available rooms, capacity and how to reserve, see Reservable Conference Rooms.

Schedule computer lab space with the CoEN Computer Lab Scheduling form.

Staff change?

Have staff left or joined your department? Please let us know so we can update the website.

Story ideas

Submit story ideas through our News and events page. Here, you also will be able to see events Engineering faculty and staff have posted as well as sign up for our quarterly newsletter. 

Web help

For help with web updates to the College of Engineering website, please email engrhelp@unr.edu.