PAWS: Advance
NEATLE principles: Advance
Nevada Engineering Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (NEATLE) consists of four principals, known as PAWS: Prepare, Advance, Welcome and Serve.
To help faculty advance their skill sets in education, the goals include:
- providing tutoring services and enhanced learning opportunities for 100- to 700-level courses;
- improving student acquisition of skills and knowledge by using assessment-based grading practices;
- creating faculty engagement with advanced educational practices and collaborative opportunities; and
- contributing to the mentorship of undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty members.
- Director of NEATLE
- Assistant Dean for Assessment, Compliance and Evaluation
- Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs
- Associate Dean for Student Affairs
- Lecturers
- Coordinators
- Administrative assistants/managers for Tutoring Center
- Enhance Tutoring Center to provide material for all course levels.
- Create honor code culture.
- Enhance motivation of students by creating a system of peer mentors, professional mentors and industry partners.
- Train faculty on how to create assignments for assessment.
- Train faculty of assessment-based grading practices.
- Develop formative assessment in curriculum mapping.
- Diversify mentorship structure to include multidisciplinary- and teaching-focused collaborations.