A composition of a portrait of Jevin West (top left), a photo of Maddie Lohman holding a bird (bottom left), a portrait of Paul Hurtado (bottom right), and the Discover Science Podcast Series identifier which looks like a cross between a microphone and a microscope (top right).
Discover Science Podcast: Jevin West on misinformation in and about science

Graduate student Maddie Lohman and math professor Paul Hurtado are joined by Jevin West

Portrait of Jevin West.
What can be done to stop misinformation in and about science?

Discover Science lecturer on Feb. 22 will discuss the institution of science

A composite image. In the top left corner, a portrait of Colby Pellegrino. In the bottom left corner, an image of a boat on the Colorado River. In the bottom right corner, a portrait of Elizabeth Koebele. In the top right corner, the Discover Science podcast identifier.
Discover Science Podcast: Colby Pellegrino on the water challenges of the Colorado River

Political science professor Elizabeth Koebele is joined by Colby Pellegrino

A composite image of portraits of Joe Schwarcz in the upper left corner, Jesus Diaz Sanchez in the bottom left corner, Brian Frost in the bottom right corner, and the Discover Science Podcast Series logo in the upper right corner.
Discover Science Podcast: Joe Schwarcz on the magic of chemistry

Chemistry student Jesus Diaz Sanchez and chemistry professor Brian Frost are joined by Joe Schwarcz