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At the College of Science, our accomplished faculty, inventive students, leading researchers and scientific pioneers take on complex challenges and unearth groundbreaking solutions for problems we all care about.

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The Mackay School

Explore degree programs and other opportunities within the Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, an academic division within the College of Science.

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Mackay statue in front of the Mackay Mines building on the University campus.

Building a future of discovery, together

We are a college of accomplished faculty and inventive students, leading researchers and scientific pioneers. Every day, these great minds take on complex challenges and unearth groundbreaking solutions for problems we all care about. Imagine where we could go if we work together to support them. Will you join us?

Happening at the College of Science

A chickadee with a pink band on its leg stands on a feeder box with a seed in its mouth.

Chickadees with better spatial memory live longer

A research study published in Science shows better spatial memory is linked to longer lifespan in food-caching chickadees

A gloved hand holds a piece of metal with small pieces of copper affixed to it.

Tracking plasma progression in a picosecond

Physicists develop a new method to study high-density plasmas using X-ray Free Electron Lasers

Screenshot of Google Earth which mostly shows the Southern Ocean and small parts of the land around it.

Researchers use observations to remove bias in climate models in Southern Hemisphere

An unexpected cooling trend, followed by warming, threw models off