RSJ diversity committee

Open inquiry, freedom of expression and respect for difference are fundamental to a comprehensive and dynamic education. The RSJ Diversity Committee is comprised of faculty members who are committed to upholding these ideals by fostering an environment that is conducive to exploring, engaging and expressing diverse perspectives and respecting diverse identities.

As such, the RSJ Diversity Committee develops proactive initiatives to strengthen or uphold these ideals across RSJ programs and curricula. The committee works in conjunction with the RSJ Student Diversity Advisory Panel to solicit student input on diversity initiatives within the school.

Mission statement

To have a measurable impact on the recruitment, retention, graduation rates, employability and graduate school acceptances of Reynolds School students and alumni, particularly those from diverse backgrounds.

Current members

  • Caesar Andrews (Chair)
  • Claudia Cruz
  • Jennifer Kent
  • Paul Mitchell
Diversity News, reporting, faculty, journalism
Caesar Andrews
Caesar Andrews
Professor and Leonard Distinguished Chair in Media Ethics and Writing He, him
(775) 784-4702
RSJ 303C
2411 News, reporting, faculty, journalism
Diversity internship, internships, faculty
Claudia Cruz
Claudia Cruz
Director of Internships and Experiential Learning She, her
(775) 784-4434
RSJ 303F
2411 internship, internships, faculty
Jennifer Kent
Jennifer Kent
Director of the Hitchcock Project and Associate Professor of Practice in Science Communication
(775) 682-7500
RSJ 103E
Diversity Journalism, administration, faculty, recruitment, retention, news, broadcast, documentary, dean's office
Paul Mitchell
Paul Mitchell
Coordinator of Recruitment and Retention He, him
(775) 784 4563
RSJ 301C
2411 Journalism, administration, faculty, recruitment, retention, news, broadcast, documentary, dean's office