Photo of a westfall scholar and their advisor

Blake Shane

Department of Geological Sciences & Engineering Faculty mentor: Bob Watters


Post-graduation plans

After graduating, I plan to continue working in field operations with the Nevada Seismological Laboratory, helping maintain the seismic network for Nevada and the ALERTWildfire camera network for several states.

The most important piece of advice for an incoming college freshman

For incoming freshmen, the best advice I can give is to find the people and activities which motivate you to do better. In the midst of the stresses of performing well in school, it is easy to forget to take care of your mental health. Having people there to remind you to take some time for yourself, to have fun, or to pursue hobbies is so important. I definitely have not been very good at this myself, but I have been lucky to have these kinds of people in my life. Whether directly or indirectly, they are the reason I was able to continue performing at a high level academically.

In 15 years...

Honestly, 15 years is a long way down the road – and I’m just building that road as I go along. So, I don’t know where I’ll be, what I’ll be doing, or even what I want my life to look like in fifteen years. My main hope is that I have found fulfillment in my work and created more relationships with more wonderful people. The rest can fill itself in as it happens!