Performance management and evaluation
Employee evaluation procedures
At the time of hire or reclassification, a classified employee shall receive work performance standards (WPS). WPS are intended to match the established job description (HR-19) on file with BCN HR Shared Services and articulate job duties and expectations for performance of those duties. WPS must also contain the required core competencies. WPS and HR-19s should be revised as changes occur. For further assistance of information regarding work performance standards, please refer to NAC 284.468 or your campus Human Resources Office.
- Form HR-14 (Replaced NPD-14 effective 7/1/2020) | HR-14 Instructions
The evaluation date for classified employees is generally the date an employee achieves permanent status following a hire or promotion as set forth by Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). Once the evaluation date is established, the employee is to be evaluated and the report filed with HR Shared Services on that date annually and may be issued evaluations more frequently as well. Annual evaluation ratings of, “meets standards or better” qualifies an employee for a one-step merit increase for those who are not at step 10 of their respective classification grade. A rating of, "does not meets standards" has the potential to negatively impact a classified employee's merit increase. For further assistance or information regarding classified evaluations, please refer to NAC 284.470 or your campus Human Resources Office.
- Form HR-15 (Replaced NPD-15 effective 7/1/2020; Should be completed through Workday)
- Form HR-15R (Replaced NPD-15R effective 7/1/2020; Must be completed on paper)
- HR-15 Instructions
Performance management and employee relations
The HR Shared Services Employee Relations Office provides consultation and oversight on matters affecting classified staff in the areas of workplace conduct, performance issues, disciplinary actions, and grievances. Assistance is available for employees in both supervisory and non-supervisory roles. Mandatory Supervisory Trainings are required by the State of Nevada for all supervisors.
Standards for workplace conduct and performance are established by the State of Nevada within the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) Chapter 284 and by the Nevada System of Higher Education Prohibitions and Penalties. Each institution maintains additional policies.
The State of Nevada follows the tenants of progressive discipline (NAC 248.638 – 284.656). Early problem identification and consultation with the Employee Relations office is strongly encouraged. Templates for corrective actions are available through BCN HR Shared Services.
The State of Nevada provides a grievance process for employees to use when they are unable to reach a satisfactory resolution to a problem between the employee and their employer (NAC 284.658 – 284.697).
The State of Nevada appeal process is used when an employee wants to challenge a disciplinary action taking the form of a demotion, suspension, dismissal, or involuntary transfer. The Employee Relations office may be contacted directly with questions.
Nevada statute provides for a workplace that is free of drugs and alcohol for State employees (NAC 284.880 -284.894). The procedure should be followed for suspected impairment and certain qualifying accidents. If you suspect that an employee is impaired in the workplace, immediately contact your campus Human Resources office or Business Center North Human Resources at (775) 784-6082.
The State of Nevada provides an appeal process for employees who believe they may be experiencing retaliation or reprisal for disclosing information concerning improper governmental action (NAC 281.305).