Distance education student complaints
The University of Nevada, Reno strives to provide the highest quality educational opportunities available. If a student living in a State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) state is not satisfied with their online educational experience, a complaint/concern may be submitted for review. At the University of Nevada, Reno the review process may take up to 10 business days.
Examples include:
- An allegation that the postsecondary institution violated deceptive trade practices, consumer protections, or other provisions under Title 4, Chapter 14, Section 24-26 of the Board of Regents Handbook.
- An allegation that a postsecondary institution does not meet the standards established by the institution’s accrediting agency or state authorization requirements under the regional SARA compact or NC-SARA.
Grade and student advising appeals are not allowed under SARA. These appeals should be directed to the University Concierge Service.
Submit your concern or complaint online
If you feel your concern/complaint was not resolved to your satisfaction you may complete the Complaint Resolution Form which will be directed to the SARA portal agency in Nevada.
Nevada State SARA Portal
Terina Caserto
Senior Analyst, Academic & Student Affairs
Phone: (775) 784-3447
Nevada System of Higher Education
2601 Enterprise Rd
Reno, NV 89512
The decision of the Nevada State SARA Portal, Nevada System of Higher Education, is final.