Sergey Varganov has taught at the University of Nevada, Reno since 2011.
Research interests
- Molecular dynamics
- Chemical kinetics
- Molecular magnetism
- Spin dynamics
- V.D. Dergachev, M. Rooein, I.D. Dergachev, A.O. Lykhin, R.C. Mauban, and S.A. Varganov (2022). NAST: Nonadiabatic Statistical Theory Package for Predicting Kinetics of Spin‐Dependent Processes. Topics in Current Chemistry 380, 15.
- Mukherjee, D.A. Fedorov, and S.A. Varganov (2021). Modeling Spin-Crossover Dynamics. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 72, 515-540.
- Zavaleta, A.O. Lykhin, J.H.S.K. Monteiro, S. Uchida, T.W. Bell, A. de Bettencourt-Dias, S.A. Varganov, and J. Gallucci (2020). Full Visible Spectrum and White Light Emission with a Single, Input-Tunable Organic Fluorophore. Journal of the American Chemical Society 142, 20306-20312.
- A.O. Lykhin, S. Ahmadvand, and S. A. Varganov (2019). Electronic Transitions Responsible for C60+ Diffuse Interstellar Bands. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10, 115-120.
- Ullah, J. Cerdá, J.J. Baldoví, S.A. Varganov, J. Aragó, and A. Gaita-Ariño (2019). In Silico Molecular Engineering of Dysprosocenium-Based Complexes to Decouple Spin Energy Levels from Molecular Vibrations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10, 7678-7683.
- Upadhyay, U. Dargyte, V. D. Dergachev, R. P. Prater, S. A. Varganov, T. V. Tscherbul, D. Patterson, and J. D. Weinstein (2019). Spin coherence and optical properties of alkali-metal atoms in solid parahydrogen. Physical Review A 100, 063419.
- Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, Iowa State University, 2005
- Candidate of Sciences in Condensed Matter Physics, Kirensky Institute of Physics, 2003
- M.S. in Physics, Siberian State Aerospace University, 1999
Professional History
- Visiting Scholar, University of Valencia, Spain, 2019
- Visiting Scholar, Stanford University, 2018
- Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Reno, 2011-2017
- Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford University, 2009-2011
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Australian National University, 2006-2008