Chemistry B.S. degree specializations

General chemistry emphasis
The general emphasis major program in chemistry provides strong training for careers in chemistry and flexibility to pursue other areas, such as allied health sciences or K-12 teaching. Chemistry majors complete courses providing a solid background in the physical sciences and mathematics, together with a sequence of courses in general, organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. Lecture classes are complemented by laboratories that give hands-on experience in chemical methods and instrumentation.

Environmental chemistry emphasis
The environmental chemistry emphasis provides rigorous training in experimental and theoretical chemistry and includes undergraduate research and specialized courses that are chosen according to the student’s interests. This emphasis is recommended for students interested in employment as an environmental chemist or in graduate study in environmental science.
This emphasis has been approved by the American Chemical Society (ACS) as satisfying rigorous national standards for ACS certification.

Professional chemistry emphasis
The professional chemistry emphasis provides rigorous training in experimental and theoretical chemistry, and includes undergraduate research and specialized courses chosen according to the student’s interests. The Professional Chemistry Emphasis is designed for students who are interested in a career as a chemist in industry or government, or in graduate school in chemistry or related areas.
This emphasis has been approved by the American Chemical Society (ACS) as satisfying rigorous national standards for ACS certification.

Pre-med emphasis
The Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with the pre-medical emphasis is especially for students who are planning to continue to medical school, dental school, or other medical professional schools. In addition to a solid background in Chemistry, it includes courses in other areas that the University of Nevada School of Medicine and other medical schools typically require, including courses in biology, biochemistry, and other subjects.