Timeline for degree completion
Recommended timeline
- Take 9 graduate credits per semester
- Between second and sixth semesters: Complete written qualifying exams in the theory of Mathematical Statistics and one of the following: Probability or Applied Statistics.
- Second year (third and fourth semesters): Meet with faculty to select potential adviser and make a preliminary selection of the dissertation topic.
- Beginning of the fourth semester: Secure Graduate Advisory Committee.
- Fifth semester: Complete Ph.D. Program of Study form, confirm with adviser, and secure committee signatures
- Fifth semester: Start working on the dissertation with adviser.
- By the end of sixth semester: Complete oral exam in the area of specialty.
- Seventh semester: Have dissertation draft (first chapter is ready, there is a clear plan for the other chapters).
- Eighth semester: Complete dissertation draft, discuss with committee, finalize dissertation according to committee recommendations, present the dissertation.
Forms that are required to be submitted to the graduate school
- Declaration of Advisor/ Major Advisor/Committee Chair
- For doctoral and MFA students, completed form must be submitted to Graduate School by the end of the student’s 3rd semester.
- Program of Study
- For master’s students, completed form must be submitted to Graduate School by
the end of the student’s third semester - For doctoral students, completed form must be submitted to Graduate School by
the end of the student’s fourth semester
- For master’s students, completed form must be submitted to Graduate School by
- Doctoral degree admission to candidacy (Doctoral Programs only)
- For doctoral students who completed all requirements except for the dissertation
- Graduation Application
- Must be submitted to the graduate school several weeks in advance. Check their website for exact dates.
- Notice of completion – the completed form should be submitted after all requirements have been met.
Master’s degrees
All course work must be completed within six years preceding the awarding of the degree.
Please note: this represents the program handbook for the 2020-2021 academic year only. For an archived version of a previous year's handbook, or to obtain a hard copy of this current year's program handbook, please contact the program director.