Planning and Construction Services directory
Planning and Programming Services
Jeff Current Campus Architect
Gina Dory Project Planning and Programming Manager
Phoebe Judge Sustainability Manager
Vacant Senior Project Manager, Interior Design
Design Services
Adrianna Benjamin Senior Project Manager
Felicia Nichols Project Manager
Ariel Lauzardo Project Manager
Chris Cox Senior Project Manager, Engineering Services
James Bough Senior Electrical Engineer
Lynn Hampton Senior Mechanical Engineer
Jim Rothstein Project Manager
Joshua Hogan Project Manager
Construction Services
Bret English Senior Project Manager
Rodrigo Ferreira Senior Project Manager
Anthony Ducummon Project Manager
Cory Jares Project Manager
Cody Mates Project Manager
Vacant Project Manager
Tyler Toulouse Project Manager
Contact us
Our office utilizes a ticket system to assist you. Simply submit a work request and we'll be in touch shortly! If you contact a Facilities employee directly for assistance, a ticket will still be required to ensure your request is authorized and assigned correctly – and that our valuable employees' workloads are fairly distributed.