Diversity in courses, degrees and teaching
Dean's future scholars
Dean's Future Scholars (DFS) is an academic outreach program with the goal of increasing the number of low-income, first-generation students graduating from high school, gaining access to higher education, and entering a career in the field of education.
Diversity core objective courses
The University offers a variety of courses that satisfy the diversity requirement in the original Core Curriculum.
Equity and Diversity in education degrees
These programs are intended for educators and others who work with diverse youth and adults, especially in education or training-oriented positions.
Gender, Race and Identity degrees
Want to explore questions of identity, culture, race, gender, or sexuality? Interested in an active and activist application of your knowledge? Looking for interdisciplinary connections with over 40 affiliate faculty?
Recommendations for a welcoming and inclusive syllabus
Recommendations, resources and guiding questions intended to support the development of a welcoming and inclusive syllabi across fields.