Updated COVID-19 guidelines
March 14, 2024
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has now changed their isolation guidance for COVID-19 to be more in line with influenza and other respiratory illnesses. The new guidance states that people who test positive for COVID no longer need to isolate for five days, but can return to work or school if they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the aid of medication and their overall symptoms are improving....
Read the latest update on COVID-19 guidelines
Update on COVID-19 dashboard reporting
February 23, 2023
Beginning this week, the University will end its practice of updating campus testing data via the University COVID-19 Dashboard. In addition, weekly reports of campus positivity rates and numbers will no longer be provided...
Read the latest update on COVID-19 dashboards
Update on COVID-19 vaccination requirements
July 11, 2022
At the June 30, 2022 meeting, the Board of Regents repealed the COVID-19 vaccination requirements for NSHE employees, effective immediately...
Read the latest update on COVID-19 vaccination requirements
COVID-19 Update On Face Coverings
February 10, 2022
Earlier today, Gov. Steve Sisolak announced that he was rescinding the state’s mask mandate, effective immediately. Based upon legal guidance provided by NSHE, our University is lifting our campus mask mandate effective immediately. Pursuant to Nevada law, NSHE employees, students and members of the public are no longer required to wear face coverings while inside NSHE buildings irrespective of vaccination status...
Read the latest update on face covering requirements
University to terminate contract with Northshore Clinical Laboratories
February 1, 2022
The University terminated its contract with Northshore Clinical Laboratories due to our institution’s dissatisfaction with Northshore’s service in helping to conduct on-campus COVID-19 testing for our students, faculty and staff...
Read the message about the Northshore Clinical Labs agreement
N95 respirators available
January 27, 2022
We are pleased to announce that the University is now in possession of a first shipment of 10,000 N95 respirators of a 20,000-N95 order that was made earlier this month...
Read more about N95 respirator distribution
Welcome to the spring semester
January 18, 2022
For more than 20 months now, the sacrifices that you have all made, compassion you’ve shown one another and your undaunted determination have furthered our academic mission in the face of extreme challenge. I am grateful and proud of the resiliency shown by our Wolf Pack Family...
Read the Spring 2022 welcome message from the President
University updates as we approach the spring semester
January 6, 2022
We are preparing for a spring semester that includes in-person instruction and in-person operations (programs and services). Your adaptability, patience and care for one another will be of utmost importance...
Read the message from the President on Spring 2022 semester
Update on student COVID-19 vaccination requirement
December 22, 2021
The emergency regulation requiring a COVID-19 vaccination series for students of the Nevada System of Higher Education that was unanimously adopted by the State Board of Health in August has expired. Following the direction of the Legislative Commission, any student registration hold based on not having a COVID-19 vaccine will be lifted immediately...
Read the latest update on student vaccination requirements
Free walk-in COVID-19 testing
November 10, 2021
I am pleased to announce that the University has entered into a contract with Northshore Clinical Labs of Chicago, a high-capacity laboratory that supports COVID-19 testing throughout the country. Working with Northshore, the University is establishing a walk-in, free-of-charge testing area in our Student Health Center for students, faculty and staff...
Read the President's message on new on-campus COVID-19 testing options
COVID-19 vaccination exemptions
October 21, 2021
As a reminder, the State of Nevada and the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) have mandated the COVID-19 vaccination for all students and employees at the University. The procedures set forth for both mandates include provisions for students and employees to request an exemption from the vaccination requirement due to a documented medical condition for which the COVID-19 vaccine is contraindicated or a sincerely held religious belief...
Read the full message on COVID-19 vaccination exemptions
Mandatory COVID-19 vaccine requirement for NSHE employees
September 30, 2021
The Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents approved an emergency amendment to the NSHE Code that sets forth policies and procedures enacting a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine requirement for all NSHE employees, effective Dec. 1...
Read the President's update on the employee vaccine mandate
Employee COVID-19 testing and community resources
September 16, 2021
Because of the high demand for COVID-19 tests at our Student Health Center among students, faculty and staff, we are encouraging all employees to seek COVID-19 testing elsewhere in the community. COVID-19 testing for employees at the Student Health Center has been offered as a courtesy since the pandemic began in 2020; however, there are sufficient community resources available for employees to seek testing off campus as the Student Health Center staff focuses on its prescribed mission to provide healthcare for our students...
Read the HR update on COVID-19 testing for employees
President Sandoval test positive for COVID-19
September 15, 2021
I wish to inform you earlier today I learned that I have tested positive for COVID-19. My symptoms have been very mild and I am confident I will make a quick recovery. For the next 10 days, I will be isolating and working from home. It is important to note that I tested negative for the virus on Thursday, so the onset of COVID-19 can happen fast when you least expect it...
Read the President's message about his positive COVID-19 test
Student vaccine requirement update
September 15, 2021
All undergraduate and graduate students who plan on enrolling for the spring 2022 semester are required to provide documentation of a completed vaccination series against COVID-19 before enrolling. This means you must receive both doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or the single dose of Johnson and Johnson vaccine before you can register for classes when enrollment begins on Nov. 1...
Read about the student COVID-19 vaccination requirement
Updates for faculty and staff
September 1, 2021
We hope the start of this semester has been enjoyable and full of possibility for all of you. Even with our excitement for a new academic year, the Delta variant of COVID-19 remains a major concern for our University and our community. We would like to take a few moments to clarify and expand on some key points regarding COVID-19 reporting, employee testing and a few other aspects of how the University is keeping our campus safe...
Read about the latest updates for faculty and staff
Verifying vaccination status in Workday
August 30, 2021
NSHE has collected vaccine information from the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services’ vaccine tracking system (WebIZ) to identify employees who are fully vaccinated. All other employees will be required to test weekly per the new policy unless they provide proof of vaccination (instructions below)...
Read the message regarding COVID-19 vaccination and testing updates in Workday
COVID-19 vaccine requirement
August 25, 2021
The Nevada State Board of Health unanimously approved COVID-19 vaccine requirements for Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) students at an emergency meeting held Friday, Aug. 20. This will require all students in NSHE institutions to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and to provide proof to be able to enroll when Spring 2022 semester enrollment opens on Nov. 1.
Read the latest update on COVID-19 vaccine requirements
Welcome to the fall 2021 semester
August 23, 2021
I wish to welcome all of you to the start of the fall 2021 semester. Our campus community has been diligently preparing for an academic year full of personal achievement and institutional advancement as we work together in realizing Nevada’s future...
Read the President's welcome to the fall 2021 semester message
COVID-19 safety information for Wolf Pack students
August 19, 2021
In an effort to keep you and others around you safe, we want to remind you of a few important things as you return to campus. Please note that because of the fluid nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is likely that we will have to amend our current policies and procedures to address changes as they occur...
Read the message from Student Services regarding COVID-19 updates
Message from Chancellor Rose and NSHE Presidents on start of fall semester
August 18, 2021
With the start of the fall semester quickly nearing, we continue to make all the preparations necessary to ensure a safe return to our campuses for the vast majority of the more than 100,000 students who attend NSHE institutions...
Read the message from the Chancellor and University Presidents
Extended timeline to implement NSHE unvaccinated employee COVID-19 testing
August 16, 2021
The State of Nevada is implementing a mandatory COVID-19 weekly testing requirement for all unvaccinated State employees, which becomes effective on August 15, 2021. Due to state-wide technology integration challenges, this deadline has been extended to Monday, August 30, 2021...
Read the message about the State's updated timeline for required COVID-19 testing
State employee COVID-19 testing policy
August 3, 2021
Per State of Nevada COVID-19 policies, effective Aug. 15, employees who are not fully vaccinated will be required to take weekly COVID-19 tests and provide proof of testing and results...
Read the message about the State's required testing policy
University mask requirement updates
July 28, 2021
Effective Friday, July 30, the University will follow the State of Nevada's mask mandate, requiring all students, employees and members of the public to wear masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status...
Read the message on about the University's mask requirements
Updates on full in-person operations July 1
June 24, 2021
We continue to make all the preparations necessary for an in-person campus educational experience for our students when the fall semester begins in August...
Read the message on University's return to in-person operations
Return to full in-person operations July 1
June 10, 2021
We will work together during the fall semester to once again stabilize our in-person operations, assess needs and address gaps and opportunities. I truly believe that this sense of collaboration, camaraderie and hope for the future will be felt even more acutely as we return to full in-person operations on July 1...
Read the President's message on a return to in-person operations g
Update regarding policies, guidance and protocols
May 20, 2021
As a result of the continued progress that is being made in the fight against COVID-19, there have been changes to policies, guidance and protocols at the national, state and county levels...
Read the message on updated University policies and COVID-19 guidance
Legislative update: Budget restoration
May 18, 2021
The joint Money Committees of the Nevada State Legislature allocated a portion of the State’s American Recovery Funding to the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE). Learn what this means for the University...
Read the President's message about budget updates
End of the Spring 2021 semester
May 12, 2021
May is always our time of reflection. We reflect on what was, and we also look ahead to what can be. Thank you for all that you have done this semester...
Read the President's message about the Spring 2021 semester
Update on state and county COVID-19 response
April 16, 2021
We are pleased that public health data is trending positively. This bodes well for an in-person campus experience for our students in the fall...
Read the message on the COVID-19 response update from the state and county
NSHE employees now eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations
March 31, 2021
We have been notified that all Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) employees are now eligible for vaccination...
Read the message regarding NSHE employee COVID-19 vaccine eligibility
COVID-19 vaccine information
March 29, 2021
Your University would like to encourage all members of the Wolf Pack family to get vaccinated. As of Monday, April 5, 2021, all residents who are 16 and older in Washoe County are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.
Read the message on the COVID-19 vaccine availability
In-person Commencement ceremonies approved
March 29, 2021
The University has received approval from the State of Nevada and Washoe County to hold an in-person Commencement ceremony in May. In this time of pandemic uncertainty and the many sacrifices you’ve made, I hope that this welcome news provides you with the chance to smile, to anticipate the excitement of Commencement, and to feel optimistic about the possibilities of our future. After a year unlike any other, we are thrilled that our graduates in both our 2020 and 2021 classes will now have an opportunity to experience an in-person Commencement...
Read the President's update on Spring 2021 commencement
COVID vaccination distribution update
March 19, 2021
Faculty, staff and student employees who are working, or will be working on campus in the summer and fall, are now eligible for vaccination appointments. These developments represent a significant step forward in the state’s fight against COVID-19 and the University’s plans to return to face-to-face instruction and work for our students, faculty and staff over the summer and into the fall.
Read the President's update on COVID-19 vaccine eligibility
University continues to hold virtual Commencement
March 10, 2021
The University will not be holding in-person graduation ceremonies of any kind, large or small. Our Spring 2021 Commencement will be held virtually, on Friday, May 14, as was previously announced, featuring special content and acknowledgment of our graduates that will incorporate many of the elements that Commencement has traditionally featured. All 2020 and 2021 graduates will be invited to participate...
Read the President's message about Spring 2021 Commencement
Actively planning and preparing to be back fall semester
March 8, 2021
The latest trends Nevada has seen over the past few weeks has included the hopeful signs of lower COVID-19 positivity rates, decreases in hospitalizations, and increases in vaccinations. Because of these positive trends, I want you to know that we’re actively planning and preparing on being back for the fall semester — with more options for in-person academics and events, while remaining vigilant in all critical prevention efforts and continuing to prioritize the health and well-being of the University community...
Read the President's message about the planned return in Fall 2021
Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds II available for students
March 8, 2021
We are pleased to announce that the University of Nevada, Reno has received $7.1 million from the federal government to assist students in need during the coronavirus pandemic. This second round of Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund money (HEERF II) was authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 (CRRSAA). In 2020, this funding was known as the CARES Act Funding...
Read the message about emergency funding for students
COVID-19 February and March directive updates
February 19, 2021
Gov. Sisolak last week pointed to this positive trend in announcing several new public health directives that will help Nevada transition to a new period. Here are a few of Gov. Sisolak’s directives and how they relate to current University conditions...
Read the President's message about updated COVID-19 directives
2021 virtual commencement
February 8, 2021
As the University is required to follow federal, state, and county guidelines, it appears unlikely — even as the collective effort and actions of so many in our community have helped move the needle in a positive direction — that large gatherings will not be permitted this spring. This is why we have begun planning a virtual Commencement Ceremony for all May 2021 graduates on Friday, May 14, 2021...
Read the President's message about Spring 2021 commencement
On-campus vaccine point-of-distribution on Friday, Feb. 5, 2021
February 1, 2021
The University has secured a limited number of vaccines for distribution on campus through our own Point of Distribution (POD) on Friday, Feb. 5. Employees who are eligible for this latest round of vaccinations will be receiving a survey email today from Human Resources ascertaining their availability to receive the vaccine...
Read Acting Provost's message on vaccine distribution
Welcome to the spring semester, Wolf Pack
January 25, 2021
Today, we begin our new semester with hope and cautious optimism. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the people of our University have responded to the challenges of the moment with resilience and strength. Here are a few quick reminders for the start of spring semester...
Read President's spring 2021 semester welcome message
University vaccine distribution begins
January 21, 2021
Late on the afternoon of Tuesday, January 19, 2021, the University was notified by the Washoe County Health District that a limited number of doses of the COVID-19 vaccines were available for NSHE employees in Washoe County who were deemed eligible under what was formerly termed “Tier 2/Nevada System of Higher Education Frontline Faculty/Staff...
Read the President's update on COVID-19 vaccine distribution
University-wide meeting for faculty and staff on Jan. 22, 2021
January 12, 2021
In an effort to provide the latest updates for the spring semester, the University will be holding a University-wide meeting for faculty and staff via Zoom this Friday, Jan. 22 from 3:30 p.m.-5 p.m....
Read the President's update on COVID-19 vaccination implementation
Vaccination implementation update
January 14, 2021
In Nevada, vaccines are starting to be distributed, including in Washoe County, although the process, as in many states around the country, has been slow. The situation is expected to pick up momentum soon. Vaccine distribution is expected to increase and for the first time since the pandemic began in March, we can start to look toward a future resembling where we once were...
Read the President's update on COVID-19 vaccination implementation/a>
An assault on our Democracy
January 7, 2021
I write to you today still shocked and saddened by the events of Jan. 6, 2021 where a willful and unlawful attempt was made to subvert our democracy in our nation’s Capitol. Although our democracy stood firm and the results of our presidential election were certified by our elected representatives, there is still much to consider and do as we move forward...
Read the President's message about the recent events on Jan. 6
Spring semester and vaccine rollout update
January 5, 2021
As we prepare for the new semester, we have also learned more about the rollout of vaccines to the people of Nevada and what that rollout will mean for the students, faculty and staff of our institution. The State of Nevada continues to receive limited doses of vaccines from the federal government. Vaccines are being distributed through Washoe County through the use of a tiered priority system...
Read the President's message about the spring semester and vaccine rollout
Vaccination update
December 30, 2020
In recent days, there have been a number of questions regarding COVID-19 vaccination availability. Although there are still a few unknowns, here is an update with the information currently available regarding vaccination and how University faculty, staff and students will receive them...
Read the President's update about vaccinations
With eternal gratitude
December 22, 2020
I hope this message finds you and yours safe and healthy after a fall semester unlike any other in our 146-year history. The University community returned to campus during the summer not sure what the coming semester would bring. Although there were clear challenges, what was demonstrated time and time again was a reaffirmation that the best path forward is shared and made bolder by the collective effort of the people of our University...
Read the President's message about COVID-19 and the holiday season
Tell us your thoughts about COVID-19 vaccines
December 15, 2020
You’re invited to take part in an important study. The Nevada COVID-19 vaccine attitude/uptake research survey will collect information regarding your knowledge and attitudes about COVID-19 vaccines, which will help inform targeted communication and messaging strategies once a vaccine becomes available...
Read the message about UNR Med's COVID-19 vaccine survey
Spring semester Reading Days to provide needed breaks
December 10, 2020
With the decision that our spring 2021 semester will begin one week later on Jan. 25, 2021, and will run continuously without a spring break observance, we recognize that this adjustment to our academic calendar for COVID-19 precautions nevertheless does not make it any easier for our students, faculty and staff to navigate another challenging semester. This is why the University will be implementing four “Reading Days” and an additional “no instruction” day during the spring 2021 semester. These five days will replace spring break...
Read the President's message about Reading Days
University role in statewide vaccination plan
December 3, 2020
Our fall 2020 semester has been a reminder of how the collective effort of our people always makes a difference. Without knowing when, or if, a COVID-19 vaccine would be found this fall, the students, faculty and staff of our institution came together to move the University forward...
Read the President's message about vaccinations
Your Spring 2021 schedule
December 1, 2020
University of Nevada, Reno students who are interested in completing their courses that are Alternative HyFlex instruction mode, 100% remotely will be able to do so again in Spring 2021 ...
Read a message about spring 2021 requests for remote instruction
Academic support resources and recovery policies
November 30, 2020
As the University of Nevada, Reno moves completely remote for classes this week, we want you to know that our faculty and staff are actively taking steps to support you and help keep you on track to your degree...
Read a message about academic support and recovery resources
Sending heartfelt gratitude
November 25, 2020
I hope this note finds you and yours safe and healthy. During this season, which is traditionally a time to give thanks, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your work, compassion and sacrifice throughout the fall semester...
Read a message from President Sandoval expressing gratitude to campus
University advising and preparation for Spring 2021
November 23, 2020
For those of you I have not had the honor of meeting, my name is Emilly Borthwick-Wong and I am the Executive Director of University Advising. I support all of your college advising centers to best support you and your advising experiences here at Nevada. As we head into the Fall Break, I wanted to reach out to you and see if you had met with your advisor and enrolled for Spring 2021...
Read a message from the University advising center about Spring 2021 registration
S/U option for students for the 2020-2021 academic year
November 19, 2020
Given this complicated time and the deeply personal challenges associated with it, many of our students have had questions this semester regarding grades, particularly concerning if the option used last spring regarding Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (“S/U”) grading could be used again this semester...
Read President Sandoval's message regarding the S/U option
University reduced buildings operation plan
November 17, 2020
The University leadership team and I have looked for ways to realize savings, and the move to remote instruction starting on November 30 and the extended winter break through January 24, 2021, presents an opportunity to achieve significant savings by reducing building services to save utility costs...
Read President Sandoval's message regarding the University's reduced buildings operation plan
Research and Laboratory Operations: Redouble our focus on safety
November 17, 2020
Our primary guidance for research, scholarly and creative activities remains in place: activities that can be or are being conducted remotely should remain in that mode, and we must strictly adhere to safety and social-distancing protocols. For all research and laboratory operations taking place on campus or other University location, a site/project-specific plan to guide the safe conduct of this work, in its current scope and modality, is required to be in place...
Read the full message on redoubling our focus on safety efforts for research operations
University update on Governor's stay-at-home 2.0
November 11, 2020
On Tuesday, Gov. Sisolak announced “Stay at Home 2.0,” asking Nevadans to stay at home as much as possible and to not participate in gatherings with people who do not live in the same household over the next two weeks. Gov. Sisolak made Tuesday’s announcement in an effort to lessen the spread of COVID-19, which for the past several weeks has shown an alarming rise throughout the state...
Read President Sandoval's message regarding stay-at-home 2.0
University-wide meeting for faculty and staff
November 10, 2020
Please join me for a University-wide meeting for faculty and staff via Zoom on Wednesday, Nov. 18 from 3:30-5 p.m. to discuss our current budget situation and our ongoing efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on campus...
Read President Sandoval's message regarding the upcoming University-wide meeting
Community matters because democracy matters
November 9, 2020
Thank you for your democratic engagement, decency, patriotism and respect for others during the 2020 election. The people of our Nation have elected Joe Biden as the President-elect, and Kamala Harris, as the first woman, a woman of color, as Vice President-elect. We congratulate them both...
Read President Sandoval's message regarding democracy and the 2020 election
COVID-19 budget challenges
November 6, 2020
I am writing today to share how we are preparing for future decisions related to COVID-19 budget challenges. This week, the Governor’s Finance Office announced that it has sent a memo to executive branch directors and agency heads directing all state agencies to prepare proposed budget reserves of 12 percent for each year of the upcoming 2021-23 biennium...
Read President Sandoval's update on COVID-19 budget challenges
Committed to our University and committed to our democracy
November 2, 2020
This week the 2020 presidential campaign ends. After mail-in and early voting in Nevada, on Tuesday, our remaining registered voters cast in-person ballots for the President of the United States, vacant seats in Congress, and in Nevada, decide on a number of constitutional amendments and judgeships. Given our new reality of COVID-19, it may take several days before we know the results of the 2020 presidential campaign...
Read the rest of the message from President Sandoval
Protect our Pack during Nevada Day weekend
October 29, 2020
We have made impressive inroads over the past few weeks, with our number of weekly reported COVID-19 cases trending lower. With the Nevada Day Weekend fast approaching, we must remember there is a real potential for a rise in COVID-19 cases once the weekend is over. Our data so far this semester has shown that whenever there is a holiday weekend (Labor Day Weekend) or special observance (the first few days of the new semester and its related excitement for a new academic year), the number of COVID-19 cases rises...
Read the full message from President Sandoval about Protecting the Pack
University updates for the coming weeks (Faculty and staff)
October 22, 2020
The past two weeks have seen the University make major decisions that impact you, our students, in significant ways. In the short time I’ve been on campus, you’ve shown an incredible generosity of spirit. With so many major decisions of late, I want to reassure you that the University is also working to find safe, creative and meaningful ways to keep the life of the campus connected with all of you...
University updates for the coming weeks (Students)
October 22, 2020
The past two weeks have seen the University make major decisions that impact you, our students, in significant ways. In the short time I’ve been on campus, you’ve shown an incredible generosity of spirit. With so many major decisions of late, I want to reassure you that the University is also working to find safe, creative and meaningful ways to keep the life of the campus connected with all of you...
Read the full message from President Sandoval to students about the latest University updates
Updates on fall operations
October 14, 2020
As you know, the University has decided move to fully online instruction after the Thanksgiving break. Below are a few points of information and clarification that may be useful to you ...
Read the full message from Provost Carman providing updates on fall operations
Fall and spring break mitigation
October 9, 2020
COVID-19 remains a significant challenge, not only for our institution, but for our community, the state of Nevada and our country. I write today to share our plan forward, which is essential in order to safeguard the health of everyone associated with our University. We are fortunate to have a group of extremely dedicated people who have been working around the clock to respond to the challenges posed by COVID-19. Our Issues Management Team continues to consider contingencies on your behalf. Although we must remain optimistic that we will eventually win this fight, the hard truth we face is that COVID-19 still remains a part of all of our lives.
Read the full message from President Sandoval about fall and spring break mitigation efforts
University mitigation efforts to "Protect the Pack"
October 6, 2020
Despite the University’s efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, we have seen increases in the number of positive cases on campus, especially among students, but not many faculty and staff. Although we have done an extraordinary job of fighting the spread of the virus on campus by wearing face coverings, social distancing and using good hygiene, off-campus activities have contributed to the spike in positive cases on campus. Being part of the Wolf Pack means that we must all make sacrifices for the greater good of our community and University, not just when we are here, but everywhere we go.
Read the full message from President Sandoval about University mitigation efforts
Responding to COVID positive students
September 24, 2020
The following e-mail serves as a reminder that our website provides guidance for suspected or positive COVID-19 cases for Students and Employees and Supervisors and Faculty. In addition, testing for students, faculty, and staff is free and available by appointment Monday through Friday at the Student Health Center.
Read the full message from Vice Provost Heaton about responding to COVID positive students
Remaining vigilant to reduce the spread of COVID
September 21, 2020
As you look around our campus, you will notice that this has been a remarkably different time for all of us. There simply are not as many people physically on our campus as in years past. This has been by design as we have faced the challenges of COVID-19. We are seeing a maximum of between 2.6 and 4 percent of our approximately 20,700 students on campus at any given time...
Read the full message from the President about reducing COVID-19 spread
Campus WiFi locations, computer lab access and more internet resources
September 8, 2020
While the University operates during COVID-19, a number of resources are available to those who need them.
We have been working to expand knowledge of outside wireless access coverage on campus, collate student computer lab listings in one location, and provide more indoor locations for students to access WiFi with their own devices for study and remote instruction.
Read the update from Vice Provost Heaton about campus internet resources
Remain vigilant and stay diligent during Labor Day
September 3, 2020
We have reached nearly two weeks of instruction for the fall semester. During this time we have seen a number of promising developments on our campus as our students, faculty and staff have worked together to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The vast, vast majority of you are following our policies and procedures and these efforts speak to a positive and proactive culture on our campus, one that promotes the idea of a healthy campus — one where individual decisions and their implications are benefiting the University as a whole...
Read the update from the President about student conduct and staying vigilant
Flexibility in the classroom
September 2, 2020
As we move into the second week of the fall semester, I want to reinforce the importance of flexibility, patience, understanding, and compassion in the classroom this semester...
Read the message about flexibility in the classroom
Campus resources
August 31, 2020
We know the stresses of pursuing your degree continue whether you are on campus or remote. Please use these resources covered by your tuition and fees to help ensure your success....
Read the message about campus resources
Reminder to remain vigilant on campus
August 27, 2020
Within the past day, an individual on our campus was confirmed to have the first official positive case of COVID-19 of the fall semester. The individual was last on campus on Aug. 24, has not returned to campus since, and is recovering at home and is following protocols set by state health officials and the CDC. Our lead medical professional, Dr. Cheryl Hug-English, the director of the Student Health Center, has been working with the Washoe County Health District to further contact tracing efforts. On behalf of the University, I want extend the University’s thoughts, and wish this individual a quick and full recovery...
Read the message about remaining vigilant
Updated COVID-19 campus alert
August 26, 2020
Within the past 24 hours, the University of Nevada, Reno has been informed that a member of the campus community has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)—the first positive case since the official beginning of the Fall semester on August 24, 2020. To comply with Clery Act requirements, we are sending this additional notification to ensure that any new students/staff who may not have received the prior alert before the semester began are aware and informed...
Read the message regarding the COVID-19 campus alert
Welcoming students to a new semester
August 26, 2020
Student activity on our campus is always a welcome sign that a new semester is upon us. With the start of the fall semester, we want to wish our students a successful and enriching academic year....
Read the message from the President about the new semester
Keeping our campus healthy
August 25, 2020
As we begin the fall semester, it is important to remember that the University has numerous services and resources that are available to help make the coming year a successful one. Dr. Cheryl Hug-English has been the director of our Student Health Center for many years. Her association with our institution dates back throughout her entire lifetime. Dr. Hug-English and her colleagues in the Student Health Center are here for our students, as well as our faculty and staff, and are offering COVID-19 testing for individuals who either are showing symptoms, or who have been in contact with individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19...
Read the message about keeping our campus healthy
Important reminders as the semester begins
August 17, 2020
As we have all learned over the last few months, we are not in charge of the pandemic. We want you and all members of our campus community to remain in good health. We fully expect you to understand the need for precautions as a way to care for yourself and others on campus. We know that facial coverings, social distancing, and hand washing are effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19. To promote health and safety for you and all members of the Pack, we must all take personal responsibility for the things we can control: educating ourselves about the Coronavirus, wearing face coverings, social distancing, personal hygiene (hand washing), and following University policy and procedures...
Read the message regarding start of the new semester
Important reminders as the semester begins
August 17, 2020
As we have all learned over the last few months, we are not in charge of the pandemic. We want you and all members of our campus community to remain in good health. We fully expect you to understand the need for precautions as a way to care for yourself and others on campus. We know that facial coverings, social distancing, and hand washing are effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19. To promote health and safety for you and all members of the Pack, we must all take personal responsibility for the things we can control: educating ourselves about the Coronavirus, wearing face coverings, social distancing, personal hygiene (hand washing), and following University policy and procedures...
Read the message regarding start of the new semester
Register for Employee Information Session on August 19
August 12, 2020
An Employee Information Session regarding the University’s fall operations will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 19, from 3-4:30 p.m. via Zoom. The discussion will include information about the University’s plans for the start of the fall semester and the continued and gradual return of employees to campus and other University locations...
Read the message regarding the upcoming employee information session
Working toward the start of a new academic year
August 6, 2020
In preparing for the fall semester, the University has been guided by two goals that can be stated as one: Keeping the health, safety and well-being of our students, faculty and staff at the forefront of what we do, while we fulfill our institutional missions. Classes for the fall semester begin in a little less than three weeks. As we work toward the start of a new academic year, here are some updates...
Read the message regarding the upcoming academic year
Update on state budget reductions
July 24, 2020
On Thursday, the Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents finalized proposed budget reductions implemented by the 31st Special Session of the Nevada State Legislature. The University’s reduction of its state General Fund is $34.8 million, which represents a 17.5 percent reduction of our FY 2021 appropriation. Working directly with our deans and administrative vice presidents, the University has been strategic in planning cuts that maintain our core missions while also being mindful that we must provide a high-quality and safe on-campus experience for the coming academic year.
Read the message from the President regarding state budget reductions
Reopening Plan: Fall 2020 and other important updates
July 16, 2020
Recent days in Nevada have demonstrated that we live in an extremely dynamic time, marked by the possibility of sudden and unexpected change. Although many variables remain that we cannot control regarding the spread of COVID-19, the University has moved forward, in deliberate and carefully considered phases, in our return to campus. Throughout this process, you’ve demonstrated extraordinary resilience in the face of complex challenges – you all continue to do extraordinary things in extraordinary circumstances. Our strategic approach remains focused on the safety and health of all of our people as we advance our institutional missions of teaching, research and outreach.
Read the message from the President about the reopening plan and other updates
Keeping our research operations moving forward
July 16, 2020
The novel coronavirus pandemic has impacted, to some degree, virtually every aspect of life and society, as you well know. From the vantage of my role, it has been disconcerting to consider it impeding research programs and career progression; however, it has been rewarding to see our research community respond to these times with resilience and persistence...
Read the full message on research contingency planning
Two students on campus test positive
July 2, 2020
Northern Nevada has seen a rise in the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in recent days. Our University is not immune to the rise of community spread that our region has witnessed. This week two University students on campus tested positive for COVID-19. Both students are now self-isolating and are under the care of medical providers.
Read the update from President on students' positive tests
Governor's Phase 2 extension directive and University reminders
June 30, 2020
To Our University Community, On Monday, June 29, Gov. Steve Sisolak announced that Nevada will remain in Phase 2 of the Nevada United: Roadmap to Recovery plan, due to the trends in COVID-19 infection rates, the time needed for expanded contact tracing to identify trends, and to analyze the impacts of the new face covering directive. The Governor has signed an emergency directive extending the length of Phase 2 through the end of July...
Read the latest update about Phase 2 and campus information
Campus update for students
June 29, 2020
Given the unpredictability of the pandemic, we want you to know that your University has developed a spectrum of plans to provide opportunities for student learning and to meet your co-curricular needs regardless of the conditions. Our goal is to maximize your opportunities for safe and responsible in-person education while also providing online options for those who need or prefer it. In all instances you will be able to continue your education at the University of a Nevada, Reno and graduate on schedule. Our plans are currently under review by the Chancellor along with those of the other institutions in the Nevada System of Higher Education...
Read the latest update from the Provost and Vice President of Student Services
Governor's mandatory face mask directive
June 25, 2020
On Wednesday, June 24, 2020, Gov. Steve Sisolak announced a directive requiring that all Nevadans and visitors to the state wear mandatory face coverings when they are out in public, with a few limited exceptions. Gov. Sisolak’s directive, Directive 024, is effective tomorrow, Friday, June 26, 2020 and comes as the state has faced a four-week climb in cases of COVID-19. In accordance with Gov. Sisolak’s directive and in alignment with previous health and safety instructions from Nevada System of Higher Education Chancellor Thom Reilly, the new directive mandates that face coverings must be worn in any public space, including public transportation, public facing work environments or when patronizing businesses, or interacting with others in generally publicly accessible space...
Read the full message about the governor's face mask directive
Research and lab updates: Contingency planning, maps, training, and research with human participants
June 16, 2020
More than 260 essential, critical or time-sensitive research and laboratory programs have been approved to resume full operations in University settings as we move through Phase II of Nevada’s reopening plan. This ramping up demonstrates the level of dedication that has always characterized our research community and enterprise, and the plans submitted demonstrate the shared commitment to maintain safe working and research environments for our faculty, staff and students...
Read the full message for research and lab updates
Plan for Recovery: Phase 2 Follow Up
June 15, 2020
As we continue in Phase 2, I want to remind everyone there is a great deal of information available to help inform you and to clarify a few important points...
Read the full message about the Phase 2 follow-up
Human Resources: Campus Updates Regarding COVID-19
June 2, 2020
On May 28, 2020, President Marc Johnson announced the University of Nevada, Reno is moving into Phase 2 of recovery starting June 1, 2020. In this phase, the University has begun a gradual return to campus that prioritizes the health and safety of all members of our community. The plan to return was developed by faculty and staff across our University community with significant input from medical, health and safety professionals...
Read the full message about the latest HR updates regarding COVID-19
Planning for the Return of the Pack: Phase 2
May 28, 2020
On May 26, 2020, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak announced that Nevada is ready to move into Phase 2 of the state’s Nevada United: Roadmap to Recovery reopening plan on Friday, May 29. As the Governor’s announcement states: In Phase 2, state offices may begin to resume some services to the public where necessary, although online services are still available and encouraged...
Read the President's full message regarding Planning for the Return of the Pack: Phase 2
Human Resources: Campus Updates Regarding COVID-19
May 22, 2020
The University is committed to providing an environment where you can be safe, healthy and informed. It is important you know about the latest developments and updates regarding the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we enter a new phase of the pandemic and a gradual return to the campus’ in-person operations, there are a number of new policies and procedures, required training and workplace health protocols to help our faculty, staff and students maintain their health, safety and well-being...
Read the full message about the HR updates regarding COVID-19
Town Hall follow up, recording available; more information to come
May 19, 2020
During yesterday’s online town hall meeting, I along with a number of administrators stressed that the University will follow a number of safety precautions and protocols as students, faculty and staff begin to gradually return to campus over the coming weeks and months. For the moment, based on the most current directives from Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak and Nevada System of Higher Education Chancellor Thom Reilly, the University remains in an alternative operations mode — most employees will continue to work remotely, buildings are closed, classes and instruction remain online until July 10, on campus work authorization is required, per NSHE instructions.
Read the full message about the town hall recording
Resumption of research activities
May 15, 2020
This email provides information to support planning for the full resumption of essential, critical and time-sensitive research activities and laboratory operations as part of Phase 1 of the University’s adaptive phasing plan. As we move through Phase 1 and beyond, the overarching goal is to ensure the health and safety of faculty, staff and students...
Read the full message about resumption of research activities
Employee Town Hall: Planning for the Return of the Pack
May 13, 2020
We invite all University employees to participate in a University-wide conversation regarding the recovery plan, during an online Town Hall – Planning for the Return of the Pack, on Monday, May 18, from 3 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. The town hall will include policies and procedures related to the plan, as well as how the plan will be implemented based on anticipated future directives from Gov. Steve Sisolak and Chancellor Thom Reilly...
Read the full message about the town hall on May 18, 2020
Stay at home through May 30 and adhere to alternative operations
May 8, 2020
On Thursday, Gov. Steve Sisolak announced that “Phase 1” of Nevada’s Roadmap to Recovery will begin on Saturday, May 9. The Governor’s guidelines included the announcement that state offices currently closed to the public will remain closed to the public during Phase 1, which is anticipated to run through May 30. In accordance with the Governor’s latest executive order for recovery, as well as a directive from Nevada System of Higher Education Chancellor Thom Reilly, this news means that the University will continue to “Stay at Home” and adhere to the alternative operations model we have maintained, through May 30 or until further notice...
Read the full message about stay at home until May 30
Plan for return to normal operations
May 4, 2020
We live in a challenging time, bound by an abundance of caution and informed by the guidance of public health strategies in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The students, faculty and staff of our University have shown themselves to be extraordinarily resilient during this season of challenge and uncertainty...
Read the full message about the plan for return to normal operations
Stay at Home for Nevada through May 15
May 1, 2020
As we move into May, and toward completion of our spring semester, there is no doubt that the students, faculty and staff of our University have faced unprecedented challenge and change with an extraordinary capacity to adapt, to make sacrifices for the good of all, and to work proactively and successfully in achieving and furthering the missions of our institution. We continue to strive to support one another as a campus community, particularly in the face of the heightened anxiety and uncertainty that this time brings. Thank you for all that you are doing, and for continuing to look out for one another...
Read the full message about Staying home through may 15
Continue to stay home for Nevada
Apr. 29, 2020
Gov. Steve Sisolak revealed on a nationally televised ABC News interview that we can expect to hear in his Thursday press conference on the state’s roadmap to recovery, that he will extend the Stay Home For Nevada directive. We will continue to adhere to the “Stay at Home” directive until we hear of any further changes. We are staying connected with Nevada System of Higher Education institutions to share information and best practices, and to keep our communications and policies in sync....
Read the full message about the Continuing to stay home for nevada
CARES Act letter from Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Apr. 28, 2020
We hope you are well and staying safe in these unprecedented times for our nation, the world, and our University. We appreciate the federal government’s recognition of the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in your lives and is providing funding to our students. As part of the federal government’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the University has been allocated limited funds designated to assist degree seeking students in need as a result of the pandemic and its disruption of campus operations...
Read the full message about the CARES Act
Supreme Court Decision on DACA & University Resources
Apr. 23, 2020
A ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is expected to be released very soon. Even as we face a time of unprecedented uncertainty and disruption because of the outbreak of COVID-19, the University continues to fully support students and their families who have DACA status....
Read the full message About the DACA, the supreme court and university resources
COVID-19 S/U policy update
Apr. 13, 2020
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, students may petition the Office of Admissions and Records to change their final letter grade to a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grade once the letter grade is posted. Because this change may cause unintended consequences, students must consult their academic advisor, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships (if applicable), and athletic advisor (if applicable) at a minimum...
Read the full message About the COVID-19 S/U update
Update on University leadership and budget reductions
Apr. 10, 2020
During the past week, University administration has worked in concert with the Nevada System of Higher Education in formulating a proposal for budget reduction scenarios requested by Gov. Steve Sisolak. The Governor’s request has come in the wake of unprecedented fiscal challenges all of Nevada has faced due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). This message is an update on University budget reduction scenarios and a leadership change approved today during the Board of Regents’ special meeting. The University’s budget proposal will now go directly to Gov. Sisolak, who will make budget reduction decisions in the near future....
Read the full message Regarding university leadership and budget reductions
Update on the Presidential Search
Apr. 6, 2020
In conversations between Nevada System of Higher Education Chancellor Thom Reilly and President Marc Johnson, as well as Board of Regents Chair Jason Geddes and Vice Chair Mark Doubrava, the parties have agreed to a recommendation to be presented to the Board of Regents that President Johnson will continue to serve as president of the University of Nevada, Reno through Dec. 31, 2020, or until his successor has been named. The Board of Regents will address this recommendation during its April 10 special board meeting...
Read the full message about the update on the President Search
Letter to state employees
Apr. 5, 2020
Just weeks ago, I met with my Cabinet to introduce a new initiative to implement my vision of a child-and family-centered Nevada government. I watched as leaders from agencies across Nevada government began to work together, drawing upon the expertise of our state employees to reach a common goal. It was the kind of collaboration that makes me proud to be your governor.
Read the full letter to state employees from the governor
Approval required for critical research and lab operations
Apr. 3, 2020
The campus-wide message from President Johnson this afternoon discussed further directives from Governor Sisolak and NSHE Chancellor Reilly regarding the extension of alternative, remote-work operations until April 30, 2020, and the imperative to follow the “Stay at Home” order for Nevada. Only in special circumstances is work being allowed on campus. Other than operations deemed to be critical in nature, all on-campus research and laboratory operations should be suspended to the greatest extent possible or shifted to alternative, remote operations. Our message of April 1, 2020, provided further guidance on what may be considered critical research and lab operations...
Read the full message about approval for critical research and lab operations
Importance of staying home
Apr. 3, 2020
This week Gov. Steve Sisolak and Chancellor Thom Reilly reinforced the importance of staying home as Nevada continues its fight against the outbreak of coronavirus. Our most important priority continues to be the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff and community. The University remains open for operations as long as those operations are done remotely. Only in special circumstances is work being allowed on campus. With Gov. Sisolak and Chancellor Reilly’s new directives in mind, it is important to note and be clear on the following...
Read the full message about the importance of staying at home
Update on University of Nevada, Reno President search
Apr. 2, 2020
*A new update was provided on April 6. Please refer to the latest update on the President search.
As many of you are aware, the search for the next president of the University of Nevada, Reno has been postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak. The timeline has since changed, given the historically challenging circumstances Nevada and the country are facing. The executive search firm WittKieffer will continue to accept applications and actively recruit candidates to apply for the position of president through August 3, 2020...
Read the full message regarding the President search update
Working and teaching from home: Zoom security
Apr. 2, 2020
Several members of the campus community have expressed concerns with possible security issues with Zoom. There have been two reported instances of disruption in the University’s Zoom meetings. If you have problems with a Zoom class or meeting, please immediately contact the University’s help desk at (775) 682-5000...
Read the full message about Zoom security
"Stay at Home for Nevada" directive extended to April 30
Apr. 2, 2020
Last night, Gov. Steve Sisolak announced a “Stay at Home” order, sometimes known as a shelter-in-place order and extended all other directives for two weeks under his original Declaration of Emergency, including school, non-essential business and gaming closures, until April 30. Gov. Sisolak has asked Nevadans to #StayHomeForNevada since March 17, and he is now reinforcing the gravity of that imperative as the state continues its fight against further outbreak of the coronavirus...
Read the President's full message about the extended Stay Home for Nevada directive
Research continuity: Imperative personnel aspects, additional guidance
Apr. 1, 2020
We are in Week 2 of our remote-operation mode at this University. I am truly appreciative of the commitment demonstrated by the University’s research community and the response to our guidance provided on March 7 and March 18. Additional information is available on our Research Continuity web page...
Read the full message about imperative personnel aspects, additional guidance
Message to campus supervisors
Mar. 27, 2020
Below are five different topics related to operations and human resources which you need to know to better serve your employees. HR is here to help you navigate through the challenges of this situation. Please feel free to reach out to us with your questions. Be sure to look for ways to continue the comradery and teamwork you have developed with your employees...
Read the full message to campus supervisors
Update on commencement
Mar. 27, 2020
Through several constructive conversations this week with graduate and undergraduate students, we have determined that Spring 2020 graduates will have the choice to celebrate their achievements coinciding with, but be separate from, either the December 2020 graduation ceremonies or spring 2021 ceremonies. The level of interest by graduates in which ceremony they choose will help us determine the details of planning a memorable in-person experience for our graduates and their families. There will be no virtual commencement in May as was previously announced. I wish to thank our student leaders, and our team in Student Services for the very positive conversations we’ve shared this week...
Read the full message about the update on commencement
Message to faculty and staff
Mar. 25, 2020
Dear Colleague:
The University’s delivery of online instruction and many of its essential services remotely began in earnest on Monday. This has required a great deal of effort and in some instances has led to further questions as we navigate together an unprecedented time in our history. To help you stay informed of the latest developments this week, here are some important updates...
Read the Provost's full message to faculty and staff
Message to students
Mar. 24, 2020
We are writing to inform you of three important developments that will provide you with some certainty and allow you to plan accordingly...
Read the full message from Student Services to University students
Experiencing change and uncertainty: We build resiliency
Mar. 23, 2020
Our world and our campus have experienced a great deal of change and uncertainty since the middle of March. Our academic calendar at that time indicated that it was the observance of spring break. The reality, however, has meant anything but a break for you, our students, faculty and staff. Our institution has had to quickly pivot in the face of the challenges presented by coronavirus (COVID-19). Among many actions, we have asked faculty to deliver content for for-credit courses online, and we have transitioned the vast majority of delivery of our services online or remotely in order to limit the number of people we have on our campus...
Read the latest message from the President about the return to campus
Campus community message
Mar. 20, 2020
Since the beginning of the outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), our entire University community has been working diligently to mitigate the impact of this virus. As of this writing, we have no confirmed cases of COVID-19 on our campus, although the number of cases in Washoe County and Nevada continue to rise. Today we learned that COVID-19 has impacted a member of our University, however. A University student who had been studying abroad has tested positive for COVID-19.
The student traveled directly home and has not returned to campus. The student has been following the 14-day mandated self-quarantining protocol. Through phone calls and emails the student has been in regular remote contact with medical professionals from our Student Health Center. The student is remaining at home and is in isolation, under the medical care of health providers, and is recovering...
Read the full message to the campus community from the president
Research & Innovation continuity of operations
Mar. 20, 2020
The University’s wide-scale research enterprise directly involves many faculty, staff and students, including those working in research settings and those otherwise providing research and administrative support...
Read the latest message from Research & Innovation about continuity of operations
University changes policy to accommodate residence hall students
Mar. 20, 2020
Effective immediately, the University of Nevada, Reno is modifying its decision about on-campus housing for the remainder of the spring, 2020 term, to protect the health and safety of our student residents and also to reassure their families that we understand the circumstances many of them now face. The following accommodations will now be made...
Read about the policy change to accommodate residence hall students
Statement regarding housing check-out
Mar. 19, 2020 (Please see modified policy issued Mar. 20, 2020)
While there are no known cases of COVID-19 on our campus at this time, in order to comply with the March 17 directives from Governor Sislolak and the Nevada System of Higher Education’s Chancellor Reilly we have made the decision that residents need to move out of their residential spaces by Wednesday, March 25, 2020, at 5 p.m...
Read the statement on housing check-out
Student Services housing checkout
Mar. 18, 2020 (Pleas see modified policy issued Mar. 20, 2020)
As we continue to live in unprecedented times, we hope you are taking care of yourself. While there are no known cases of COVID-19 on our campus at this time, per the March 17 directive from Governor Sislolak and Nevada System of Higher Education, Chancellor Riley, we have made the decision that residents need to move out of their residential spaces by Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 5 p.m. This includes Canada, Great Basin, Juniper, the Nevada LLC, Manzanita, Peavine, Sierra and Wolf Pack Tower. Residents in Ponderosa Village Apartments are allowed to remain in their units...
Read the message about the process for housing checkout
University researchers: Research & Innovation continuity of operations
Mar. 18, 2020
The University research enterprise will move to a ‘maintenance-only’ mode of operations. Contingency plans are being implemented to ensure the continuity of operations for Research & Innovation (R&I) services. Effective today, R&I faculty and staff are working remotely, EXCEPT FOR THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR CRITICAL OPERATIONS. For critical operations, on-campus availability of personnel and supplies continues. It is our intention to maintain seamless, quality services, and your understanding is appreciated as we adapt to operating in this unusually fluid and challenging time...
Read the message from Research & Innovation about continuity of operations
University implementing new procedures
Mar. 18, 2020
In response to direction from Gov. Sisolak and Chancellor Reilly over the past 24 hours, the University is implementing immediate procedures so that all non-essential employees and operations at the University will cease no later than 5 p.m., March 18, for at least 30 days. There will be no access by the general public. Access to campus will be available to faculty, staff and students attending to critical functions of the University who have their own building keys or cards...
Read the President's message about the change to campus operations
Coronavirus updates for CABNR
Mar. 17, 2020
We take the coronavirus (COVID-19) spread very seriously and want to update you on what we are doing to ensure the health and safety of our employees and our communities. Following the directive from the Nevada System of Higher Education Chancellor, “until further notice all non-essential NSHE employees system-wide who are able to perform the core responsibilities of their jobs remotely will temporarily transition to working remotely no later than Wednesday, March 18, 2020. Employees who cannot work remotely but are considered nonessential should be placed on paid administrative leave.”
Read the message about CABNR, Extension and Experiment Station updates
Campus community update
Mar. 16, 2020
The events of the past few days in our country and throughout the world regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) have been extremely dynamic and are making a profound impact on how communities are dealing with this public health threat. Our campus has taken several measures, including enacting alternative operations in key areas, to greatly reduce the collection of people on our campus in order to diminish the spread and the severity of coronavirus...
Read the President's message to the University community
Student Services during alternate campus operations
Mar. 13, 2020
The University of Nevada, Reno Division of Student Services and the Associated Students of the University of Nevada (ASUN) wants to assure students of the following services available to them during this period of alternate campus operations...
Read the message about Student Services during alternate campus operations
University Libraries to provide virtual support
Mar. 13, 2020
As you make plans for your teaching and research over the next few weeks, please know that the University Libraries are still here to provide you with support...
Learn about University Libraries support during alternate campus operations
Letter from Residential Life, Housing and Dining Services to student residents
Mar. 12, 2020
We are reaching out to you following the email you received from the University about moving to a virtual learning environment starting March 23, 2020. This message directly applies to you as a student living on campus. With the announcement of the University’s alternate schedule and the expectation of taking classes online, we view this time frame (beginning March 23 and lasting until further notice) as similar to Winter Break where you live off-campus...
Read the message from Residential Life, Housing and Dining Services
Update: COVID-19 alternate operations
Mar. 12, 2020
Acting in an effort to promote the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff and the community we serve, the University of Nevada, Reno made the decision today to enact alternate operations in a number of key areas. Although we are not closing campus, we are making a concerted effort to greatly reduce the collection of people on our campus in order to diminish the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). As of today, there are no confirmed cases of coronavirus on our campus...
Read the message about alternate operations
Statement on COVID-19 and its impact on Nevada Wolf Pack Events
Mar. 11, 2020
The University of Nevada athletics department has released the following statement jointly with the UNLV athletics department: “In alignment with the NCAA’s decision on its upcoming championship events, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and the University of Nevada, Reno, will conduct its upcoming spring season athletic competitions with only game essential staff in attendance. The health and safety of student-athletes, coaches, staff and fans is the top priority. The institutions will continue to evaluate and assess the impact of COVID-19 in consultation with local health officials, the Mountain West Conference and campus colleagues and continue to follow federal, state and NSHE guidelines and best practices.”
Read the full message from Nevada Athletics
COVID-19 instructional continuity planning
Mar. 11, 2020
While no decision has been made with regard to shifting to online course delivery due to concerns related to the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), we are now asking all faculty to prepare to go online with their instruction. We are requesting that faculty have an online delivery instructional plan for all classes (e.g., lectures, labs, performance, recitation, arts, etc.) finalized no later than March 30...
Read about instructional continuity planning
Student health and Spring break
Mar. 9, 2020
As you prepare to enjoy spring break we wanted to share information important to your health and safety. Your plans may include travel abroad. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Washoe County Health Department, if you choose to travel to any of the CDC 2-3 level countries (currently China, Iran, South Korea, Italy and Japan) you are required to self-quarantine for 14 days immediately upon your return...
Read the message about student health and Spring Break
University researchers: Preparing for potential impact to your lab or research program
Mar. 7, 2020 (See updated message issued on Mar. 19, 2020)
The University continues to closely monitor the outbreak of coronavirus disease, known as COVID-19. With the ongoing concern about the spread of this disease, laboratories and research facilities should begin to plan for the possibility of a significant disruption to normal operations. Each laboratory or research facility is best positioned to create a continuity plan that will meet their unique needs...
Read the message about research continuity planning
University novel coronavirus (COVID-19) update
Mar. 5, 2020
The University continues to understand and share the concerns of our students, faculty, staff and our community regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and we remain committed to your health and well-being. We recognize that the situation is dynamic and evolves each day, with new information and understanding that informs the health and safety protocols issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Washoe County Health District. In response to the rapidly changing nature of our understanding of the outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to update you on developments on our campus since last week...
Read the message about novel coronavirus
Student families update regarding the novel coronavirus
Feb. 28, 2020
With the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continuing to make headlines, it is natural to be concerned about the University community. Dr. Cheryl Hug-English, the University’s Medical Director of Student Health, and I are jointly providing this update. We understand and share your concerns. Our aim is to inform you about the latest on the novel coronavirus and to reassure you as to the measures being taken to protect our University community...
Read the update to student families about coronavirus
University update regarding coronavirus
Feb. 27, 2020
With the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continuing to make headlines, it is natural to be concerned about the University community. Dr. Cheryl Hug-English, the University’s Medical Director of Student Health and I are jointly providing this update. We understand and share your concerns. Our aim is to inform you about the latest on the novel coronavirus and to reassure you as to the measures being taken to protect our University community...
Read the University update regarding coronavirus
Information for faculty and staff about the novel coronavirus
Feb. 3, 2020
As news coverage of the Novel coronavirus (2019-nCov) continues, we wanted to update you on the latest information and the steps we are taking to keep our campus safe. The Student Health Center is working closely with the Washoe County Health District and we continue to monitor the situation closely and to follow the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). We want to reassure you that there are currently no known cases of the Novel coronavirus on our campus or in the state of Nevada and the CDC continues to believe that the risk of acquiring this virus in the United States is low...
Read the message to faculty and staff about coronavirus
Information to campus about the novel coronavirus
Jan. 27, 2020
As many of you may have heard from the news, a new respiratory virus has emerged called the Novel Coronavirus or 2019-nCoV. This virus was first identified in the city of Wuhan, China. At present, the majority of the cases have occurred in Wuhan; however, the virus has spread to other countries, including the United States. Since this is a virus that has not previously been seen in humans, the situation with regard to 2019-nCoV is still unclear. While severe illness, including a number of deaths, have been reported in China, other patients have had a much milder illness...