Get involved

Attend an informational session

The Directors of Elections will be holding non-committal informational sessions to give you an introduction to ASUN. Stop by to learn about election rules, procedures and techniques to get you on the right track to launch a campaign in the spring.

  • Session (virtual): January 19 at 11 a.m.

For more information on events, visit our Pack Life page.

Apply to run for office

The application is open from January 20 at 8 a.m. to January 31 at 5 p.m. All candidates must have a 2.0 GPA and be enrolled in at least 7 undergraduate credits. Senate candidates must have a major in their respective college. All candidates for executive office must have been a student at the University of Nevada, Reno for two semesters. Vice presidential candidates must have at least 45 undergraduate credits completed, and presidential candidates must have at least 60 undergraduate credits completed.

File for Candidacy

Important 2025 election dates and information

  • January 20: Filing period opens at 8 a.m.
  • January 31: Filing period closes at 5 p.m.
  • February 4: Mandatory Candidates Meeting at 5 p.m. (all candidates must attend this meeting; if you are unable to, candidates must send an email in advance and send a proxy to attend the meeting)
  • February 5: Campaigning starts at 8 a.m.
  • March 5: Voting for Primary Elections opens at 8 a.m.
  • March 6: Voting closes for Primary Elections at 5 p.m.
  • March 12: Voting for General Elections opens at 8 a.m.
  • March 13: Voting closes for General Elections at 5 p.m.
  • March 14: Results posted on ASUN posting boards and ASUN social media by 5 p.m.

If deemed necessary, Primary Elections will take place March 5-6.

For more information on events, visit our Pack Life page.

On December 16, 2022, the ASUN Judicial Council granted the request from the Co-Directors of Elections for a temporary rule designating the residence halls as off-limits for campaigning in the 2023 ASUN elections. Disseminating campaign materials in these areas will be considered in violation of campaign rules and is actionable by the ASUN Judicial Council.

Vote for your ASUN representatives!

ASUN Primary Elections (if necessary) will take place March 6-7 and ASUN General Elections will take place March 12-13.

Voting will take place online via Pack Life. A physical polling location will be located in the Center for Student Engagement from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. on election days.

Open Senate seats

  • College of Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Natural Resources (1 Senate Seat)
  • College of Business (4 Senate Seats)
  • College of Education and Human Development (1 Senate Seat)
  • College of Engineering (4 Senate Seats)
  • College of Liberal Arts (4 Senate Seats)
  • School of Medicine & Orvis School of Nursing (1 Senate Seat)
  • College of Science (4 Senate Seats)
  • School of Public Health (3 Senate Seats)
  • Reynolds School of Journalism (1 Senate Seat)
  • School of Social Work (1 Senate Seat)
  • Honors College (1 Senate Seat)

File a campaign complaint 

If you believe that a breach of the Students Associated Statutes' Elections Code has occurred, please file an Election Violation Complaint form. All complaints will be forwarded to the Chief Justice and Attorney General and will be dealt with accordingly.

Don't want to run for office?

Students can also apply for appointed positions in March. Visit the student employment website for specific positions.

Not ready to run or apply for office?

Participate in an ASUN internship program! Internship positions are available in various ASUN departments including the Senate, the Department of Programming and Legislative Affairs. Positions are usually made available on the student employment website at the end of summer.

For questions about elections

Contact the Directors of Elections and Democratic Engagement at