Literary contest

The Spanish faculty of the Department of World Languages and Literatures and the Latino Research Center invite students to participate in a writing contest.

Writing contest details


Any type of literary work (max. 10 pages) will be accepted, including critical and creative essays, short stories, plays and poems. The work must be in Spanish, completely original and not previously published. Papers that have been written for classes may be submitted.


  • Undergraduate - students in Spanish level 300 or above
  • Graduate


Winners will receive a gift to be awarded at the annual awards ceremony in the spring. Winning and selected entries will also be published in Voces.


To be eligible, works must be submitted to Joshua Martinmaas (241 EJCH) no later than the end of October.

How to enter

Use a pseudonym in the work itself and include, in a sealed envelope, the name that corresponds to the pseudonym, your email address and contact phone number. Write your pseudonym on the first page of your submission and indicate whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student and a native or non-native speaker. In a manila envelope, titled "Literary Contest," include the identity envelope and five hard copies of your work in size 12 font Times New Roman, double spaced. In addition, please email the submission in a Word document to Pedro Gómez (editor of Voces).