Facility usage guidelines
The Joe Crowley Student Union (JCSU) is primarily a student facility. Designated event and meeting spaces are available for use by reservation to University groups (recognized student organizations and University departments) and outside groups. The following guidelines are intended to outline standard expectations and procedures for use of the Joe Crowley Student Union. These procedures are intended to facilitate the fair allocation and efficient use of the Student Union facilities. Additional procedures for specific events may also apply. Please contact the Event Management Office of the Joe Crowley Student Union at (775) 784-6505 to discuss individual event/meeting needs.
Serving students is the Joe Crowley Student Union’s first priority. Although reservations are made on a first come, first served basis, student event planners are granted first consideration. The Joe Crowley Student Union reserves the right to make all final decisions regarding space assignment.
Policies for making a reservation at the Joe Crowley Student Union
All ASUN student sponsored or produced events (with the exception of GSA events) must submit an SEAB Form. Approval of an SEAB does not directly result in the completion of a reservation or an official request of space at the Student Union. GSA-approved student organizations are welcome to attend for advisement. SEAB forms are available online. Questions about the SEAB process can be directed to the ASUN Assistant Director of Student Activities (SEAB Chair) at 784-6589.
The Joe Crowley Student Union strives to provide facilities at little to no cost to student and campus groups. The Student Union is primarily a self-supporting operation. Groups will have one (1) month from the issuance of an invoice by the Joe Crowley Student Union Event Management Office to remit payment; after that time the Joe Crowley Student Union may revoke reservation privileges until payment is received. Any credits due to overpayment or events that are rescheduled should be used prior to June 30th of the fiscal year. There will be no carryover of credit unless specifically granted by the Associate Director of Programs or designee.
A. Types of Charges Include
- Facility Usage Charges – Refer to the Student Union event services web page.
- OM&R (Operating, Maintenance, and Repair) – See “OM&R” definition in Section I.
- Special Event Staff – See Section VIII.
- Cancellation/No Show – See Section IV.
- Damages/Excessive Clean Up – See Section IV.
- Arduous Setup Fees- Contact the Event Management Office at (775) 784-6505.
B. Payment my be made by
- Check made payable to the “Board of Regents.”
- IPO for campus groups (including student groups).
- All major credit cards, purchasing cards, and/or debit cards.
All groups reserving rooms at the Joe Crowley Student Union for events/meetings open to individuals other than University of Nevada, Reno students require insurance. Recognized student organizations and university departments are covered by ASUN, GSA, or the University of Nevada, Reno. Non-university organizations must provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance: (Minimum Limits), Each Occurrence $1,000,000, Products/Completed Operations, Aggregate $1,000,000, Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000, and General Aggregate $1,000,000. The certificate should show Certificate Holder as: Board of Regents, on behalf of NSHE; Attn: Assistant Director; Joe Crowley Student Union MS056; University of Nevada, Reno; Reno, NV 89557-0056; Phone: 775.784.6505; Fax: 775.784.1859. Certificate Holder shown above must be named as an Additional Insured for all liability arising from the contract. Also, please indicate the name of your institution, date(s), and event covered on the certificate. (A faxed copy to the Event Management office is acceptable.) Questions regarding the insurance requirements should be directed to the BCN, Risk Management Office at 682-6105.
Joe Crowley Student Union Special Event (SE) Staff are assigned to ensure the efficient execution of events in the Joe Crowley Student Union. SE Staff have specific knowledge of the facilities and assist with troubleshooting, audio/visual equipment, and last minute requests. SE Staff also have the responsibility of representing the facility and have authority to make decisions regarding the facilities and events within the building. SE Staff may assist event sponsors with a variety of tasks, assuming there are no facility priorities, including loading in, cleaning up, welcoming attendees, etc. Staff may not directly serve as security if security is assigned by SEAB and/or University Police Services; however, if there is no security assigned, they maintain safety authority and retain the right to call University Police Services and/or 911 if issues arise. Special Event Staff are assigned at the discretion of the Joe Crowley Student Union Assistant Director or by request of reserving groups. The following criteria are used in the decision to assign staff:
The SUAB membership is designed to represent a diverse group of individuals who use the student union within the campus community. The purpose of the SUAB is to share information, discuss/address issues, and forward recommendations to the Director of the Student Union and the Associate Vice President for Student Life Services (AVP, SLS) pertaining to Student Union operations, relating to the mission of the Joe Crowley Student Union, the Association of College Unions International (ACUI), and the University of Nevada, Reno.
The Student Union works closely with University Police Services. Specific event security may be required by SEAB and/or University Police Services. Student Union staff does not serve as event security and arrangements must be made in advance with an authorized security provider. A list of approved providers is available from University Police Services at (775) 784-4013. If security is required and not secured, the Joe Crowley Student Union may cancel the event. All decisions regarding building and personal security lie with Police Services as well as local, state, and national law enforcement. In their absence, Student Union staff has responsibility for security decisions. For questions, please contact University Police Services at (775) 784-4013.
The Joe Crowley Student Union observes all University-wide policies as outlined in the University Administrative Manual. Applicable areas include, but are not limited to:
- Use of University Space (Section 5,302).
- Public Forum (Section 5,303).
- Event Accessibility and Accommodation policy (Section ).Posting, Distribution, and Exhibition of Printed Materials (Section 5,305).
- Food Service (Section 5,312).
Exceptions to these guidelines may be made for the Joe Crowley Student Union, ASUN, and/or GSA. Further exceptions may be made for other groups on a case by case basis. These exceptions are at the discretion of the Joe Crowley Student Union Director or designee.
Appeals of decisions made under these guidelines may be addressed, in writing, to the Joe Crowley Student Union Director or designee. Further appeals may be made to the Associate Vice President of Student Life Services (784-1471).
Requests for a waiver from requirements outlined in these guidelines should be submitted to the Joe Crowley Student Union Assistant Director in writing no less than ten (10) business days prior to the date of the anticipated event.