On-campus interviews
Recruiters may interview students during the Fall and Spring semesters on the UNR campus for salaried full-time and structured internship opportunities. Email Dawn Snell, to set up interviews or get more information.
Info sessions and classroom presentations
Company information sessions and open houses provide students with an opportunity to learn more about your organization and meet some of your employees. Also, professionals can sometimes give topically relevant guest presentations when industry work aligns with in-class material. Email Dawn Snell, to set up a session or find out more information.

Career Fairs and Events
Regardless of your organization's size, fairs provide you with an opportunity to recruit candidates for full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities and establish excellent relationships with students.

Networking Events
Mackay Alumni Networking Event
The Mackay School invites alumni and employers to connect with faculty and students in a format that offers both structured and open networking. This reception has afforded students the unique opportunity to strike up a conversation with alumni willing to share their career experiences and make new contacts in their field. Email Dawn Snell if you're interested in participating.
Ice Cream Social
A combination "Welcome Back" gathering and resource fair where new and returning students can meet with student services providers, student groups, department chairs, faculty, and employers. For more information or to help sponsor this event, email Dawn Snell.

Posting Jobs
Let us help you fill your open positions with qualified employees. The Mackay School regularly distributes newsletters and social media posts but also encourages you to consider posting on the university's centralized job board, Handshake. Current undergraduate and graduate students, as well as Mackay alumni, receive information about new job postings.
As an employer, you have specific requirements to find the best candidate for a position. Here at the Mackay School, we are immensely confident in our students and their ability to meet the challenges placed before them.