Broader Impacts partner organizations
We have curated a list of some potential partners to assist you in planning and delivering your broader impacts. If you would be interested in meeting with one or more of these organizations to discuss a potential partnership, contact us at We will provide you with a direct contact at the organization who is familiar with the needs of our researchers. We are also happy to work with you to find another potential partner not on this list. We look forward to assisting you.
- Area of focus: Education, public engagement
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: To immerse students in interactive field trips and atmospheric science, and to engage the community and visitors of all ages in public shows at the Full-Dome Theater and interactive exhibits.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Exhibits/displays/touchscreen display
- Science visualization programs in the dome
- Science Saturday programs and workshops
- Underwrite field trips or school events in evenings
- Set up for "doing science behind glass"
- Professional development programs (with stipend for attending teachers)
- License a dome show from another planetarium's catalog ($5,000-8,000)
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low to high
- Scale of outreach through partnership: High – can share programming with other planetariums and science centers
- Area of focus: Education, citizen science
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: To hold irreplaceable specimens of plants and animals used in research, teaching and outreach. Open to programs relating to weather or physics effects on these specimens.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Designing and hosting public events around research topics
- Designing curriculum for school group visits, ages preschool to undergraduate
- Open to undergraduate or graduate student support for both programs
- Range of costs to engage with partner:
- Low for public events
- Medium for school programming (curator time to create curriculum and school bus scholarships needed)
- Scale of outreach through partnership:
- 500+ attendees per public event
- School group curriculum could reach 3,500 students per year, plus their teachers
- Area of focus: Education
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: To encourage public exploration of the museum's outstanding collection of minerals, ores, fossil specimens and photographs, in addition to mining related relics.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Exhibits on active research (earth sciences, art and landscape; curator open to discussing other disciplines)
- Program, talk series
- K-12 programs
- Rural school contacts
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low – $1,000-3,000 for an exhibit; bus funding for student programs
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Medium – museums draw strong numbers of visitors; 4,000 students per year visiting
- Area of focus: Education, public engagement
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: A unit of the University's College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources engaged in Nevada communities, providing research-based knowledge and practical education to address critical community needs as part of the University's land grant mission.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Research should have practical applications for the public, but topic areas are wide (health and wellness; agriculture, plants and landscapes; animals and wildlife; youth, children and families; business development, etc.)
- Extensive programming and flexibility for best ways to disseminate research
- Share project overview and consult with Extension director’s team
- Can provide an outreach coordinator
- Can provide project evaluation expertise
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low-high
- Scale of outreach through partnership: High – targeting rural areas
- Area of focus: Education
- Location (on- or off-campus): Off-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: Yes
- Mission of partner organization: To deliver innovative outdoor, science-based education programs for youth to develop critical thinking skills and to inspire natural resource stewardship. Focus is on youth from populations underrepresented in STEM.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Family Science Night: elementary; design a module; highly scalable
- STEM Explorers After School (middle school): design a module; guest speaker
- Girls in STEM Camp (ages 10-14): provide a 1.5 hour programming session
- Classrooms Unleashed: curriculum to tie into established K-6 grade themes
- Range of costs to engage with partner:
- Family Science Night: High ($15,000 for module and evaluation support)
- STEM Explorers After School: Low
- Girls in STEM Camp: Low
- Classrooms Unleashed: High
- Scale of outreach through partnership:
- Family Science Night: High
- STEM Explorers: Medium
- Girls in STEM Camp: Medium
- Classrooms Unleashed: High
- Area of focus: Environment, education
- Location (on- or off-campus): Off-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: To inspire and empower the next generation of leaders and workers who will drive the growth of a sustainable economy.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Project Recharge: provide teacher with new sustainability-focused curriculum for classrooms
- Sustainability Expedition (summer camp): guest speaking, lab tour
- Career Quest: guest speaking, lab tour
- Range of costs to engage with partner:
- Project Recharge: Medium
- Sustainability Expedition: Low
- Career Quest: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership:
- Project Recharge: High
- Sustainability Expedition: Low
- Career Quest: Low
- Area of focus: Education, public engagement
- Location (on- or off-campus): Off-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: Through unique, hands-on programs and exhibits, The Discovery creates learning experiences that range from simple curiosity to deep understanding, empowering a community of critical thinkers.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Camp Discovery: insert module around scheduled themes; design week-long themed camp content
- Small Wonders Wednesdays: programming for preschoolers
- Social Science: adult social setting presentation
- Science Distilled: lecture series; sometimes themed
- Traveling themed exhibit programming
- Range of costs to engage with partner:
- Camp Discovery: Medium
- Small Wonders Wednesdays: Low
- Social Science: Low
- Science Distilled: Low
- Traveling themed exhibit programming: Low-medium
- Scale of outreach through partnership:
- Camp Discovery: Medium-High
- Small Wonders Wednesdays: Medium
- Social Science: Medium
- Science Distilled: Low-medium
- Traveling Themed Exhibit Programming: Low-medium
- Area of focus: Education
- Location (on- or off-campus): Off-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: To support pre-K-12 educators in science-based, environmental education by providing the tools, resources and knowledge they need, so all students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to work, live and contribute in our community.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Green Box: design box with DRI educators
- Professional development team: meets once/month with teachers starting in fall; design content for classrooms or teach cutting edge, in the field to energize teachers
- Community Outreach Group: Las Vegas based 10-week STEM bootcamp starting in February for homeless/at-risk youth
- NV STEAM Conference (with Nevada Museum of Art): guest speaker
- Range of costs to engage with partner:
- Green Box: High
- Professional Development: Low
- Community Outreach: Medium to high
- NV STEAM Conference: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership:
- Green Box: High
- Professional Development: Medium
- Community Outreach: Medium
- NV STEAM Conference: Low
- Area of focus: Education, mentorship
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: Yes
- Mission of partner organization: Designed to prepare undergraduate students (sophomores and juniors) for doctoral studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities. McNair participants are either first-generation college students with financial need, or members of a group that is traditionally underrepresented in graduate education.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Each student needs a faculty mentor with a Ph.D. (year-long commitment with established structure):
- assistance with grad school selection
- assistance with spring proposal
- provide oversight for summer internship
- Summer Research Institute (mornings in summer):
- lab tours
- faculty panel on Ph.D. experience
- McNair Scholars need to participate in delivering Broader Impacts
- Faculty in the humanities especially needed
- Each student needs a faculty mentor with a Ph.D. (year-long commitment with established structure):
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low-medium (can pay students during internship but not required)
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Medium (small scale but impactful)
- Area of focus: Education, mentorship
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: Yes
- Mission of partner organization: The TRiO Scholars Program provides qualified undergraduates with the academic assistance and support necessary to successfully complete a baccalaureate degree.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Provide hands-on experiences and internship opportunities during academic year
- Career Development Series: speaker or panelist
- Faculty in the humanities especially needed
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low (can be paid but students can also get program credit)
- Scale of outreach through partnership:
- Low to medium but impactful, especially if sustaining
- 900 students in the program per year
- Area of focus: Education, mentorship
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: Yes
- Mission of partner organization: Prepares first-generation, income-qualified high school students (age 14 to undergraduate) for success in higher education. Program provides the required fingerprinting to work with minor students under age 18.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Workshops (either a single workshop or a week-long workshop during the Summer Academy)
- Mentor a student
- Host a student in a lab
- Faculty in the humanities especially needed
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Medium – 246 enrolled students
- Area of focus: Education, public engagement
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: To guide potential students and their families through the admissions process and introduce them to the University of Nevada, Reno campus.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- NevadaBound/Fly Up Program: lead student breakout groups in your research area during their day on campus
- National Merit Scholar tours
- Other specialty tours (ex. high school Signature Academy tours)
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Low
- Area of focus: Education, mentorship
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: The Graduate School assists all graduate students with admissions, awards, need-based services and professional development.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- GradFit: Five days spent on campus in May doing academic prep and recruitment program for first generation and underrepresented potential graduate students
- Gradventure: recruitment program where individual departments get funding from grad school to host and recruit top candidates (lab tours, meet participants and present research)
- Nevada GAIN: year-long mentoring and networking program for first generation graduate students
- Three Minute Thesis Competition: annual spring competition for grad students to showcase research; judges needed
- Mentoring Mentors: CIMER training required to be a campus facilitator
- Other workshops: volunteer a topic to teach
- Award application reviewers: NSF GRFP, etc.
- Range of costs to engage with partner:
- GradFit: Low
- Gradventure: Low
- Nevada GAIN: Low
- Three Minute Thesis: Low
- Mentoring Mentors and other workshops: Low
- Award application reviewing: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership:
- Grad Fit: Medium
- Gradventure: Low
- Nevada GAIN: Medium
- Three Minute Thesis: Low
- Mentoring Mentors and other workshops: Medium
- Award application reviewing: Low
- Area of focus: Citizen science
- Location (on- or off-campus): Off-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: To ensure the availability of critical field data that accelerates conservation and climate solutions.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Organizes citizen scientists to assist in data collection
- Research that addresses an environmental issue with a data-limited solution
- There must be a clear need for outdoor or traditional skills to collect the data
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Medium-high
- Area of focus: Public engagement
- Location (on- or off-campus): Off-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: Sharing these photos inspires moments of reflection and discovery into the world, as these lived moments have done for those in the field.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Accompany faculty on field experience.
- Document the work, the people involved, especially local participants.
- Services include a portfolio of photos and a journalistic account.
- Range of costs to engage with partner: $10K for expedition support, photo package, story
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Medium-high
- Area of focus: Public engagement
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: Enrich the lives of individuals 50 years and older through educational programs, outdoor activities and opportunities for community engagement.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Lectures or mini-series of lectures
- Lab and field site tours
- Facilitate interest groups (language learning, discussion groups)
- Facilitate citizen science for hiking, biking, kayaking groups
- Arrange for graduate students to present research and dissertations
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership:
- Medium
- Membership is currently ~1,500; recording can be seen by all members
- Area of focus: Public engagement, health
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: To enhance the quality of life and well-being among elders through education, translational research and community outreach.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Collaborator on research projects (grant funded)
- Nevada Geriatric Education Center: presentations on topics related to aging (two audiences - health care professionals and older adults)
- Direct service projects and a cohort of volunteers
- Project evaluation
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Medium
- Area of focus: Education
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: The Raggio Center for Advancement in STEM Education promotes teaching, research and service in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education. The center serves as a nexus for synergistic partnerships that will advance teaching and learning through educational research and maximized engagement and outreach.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Assist with curriculum design for education plans or workforce development plans
- Design or provide professional development curriculum
- Organize student internships in schools (recommend pairing students in your discipline with teaching students to assist classroom teachers with implementing disciplinary curriculum)
- Connections in rural school districts
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Medium (write into grant as partner)
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Medium-high
- Area of focus: Education
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: A dual degree program that builds a bridge for college STEM students to step into the education field and affect the lives of thousands of young learners.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Provide access to secondary schools (middle and high schools) to pilot new curriculum
- Focus is on training undergraduate students to work with secondary students
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Medium
- Area of focus: Education
- Location (on- or off-campus): Off-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: To provide rigorous, stimulating high school curriculum that engages and motivates students, provides opportunities for students to acquire and practice 21st century skills, and prepares students for success in college, high-skill careers and life.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Programs for high school juniors and seniors at district sites
- Program focuses span medicine, nursing, agriculture, forensic science, advanced manufacturing, human & social services, video production (full program list available; contact Research & Proposal Development Services)
- Provide curriculum review
- Provide experiences for students in programs
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Medium
Visit Washoe County School District: Career and Technical Education
- Area of focus: Education
- Location (on- or off-campus): Off-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: To provide STEM enrichment to middle school students across the district. Programs vary somewhat by school.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Programs for middle school students (ages 11-14) at district schools in robotics, flight and space, and other disciplines
- Any contact with faculty welcome; guest lectures, demos, lecture series
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low
Scale of outreach through partnership: Medium depending on number of classes or whether curriculum is provided to teacher to share
- Area of focus: Education
- Location (on- or off-campus): Off-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: Yes
- Mission of partner organization: To create opportunities for all K-5 students to engage in and experience a high-quality science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education that supports life in the New Nevada and global economy.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Hands on, in-classroom demos and interesting enrichment curriculum, designed in coordination with STEM coordinator and classroom teacher
- 1st quarter: engineering and design
- 2nd quarter: earth sciences
- 3rd quarter: physical sciences
- 4th quarter: life sciences
- Additional opportunities for family engagement as part of the school community
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Medium
Visit Washoe County School District: Lemelson STEM Elementary School
- Area of focus: Education
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: To provide high quality educational camps for youth (aged 7-14) in our community, and to introduce local youth to the University campus and opportunities.
- Programs and needs of partner organization: Five-day, all day content and lead instructors (can be faculty members or graduate students) needed for courses hosted each week in summer (TAs provided for class management assistance)
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low (program provides $1,000 teaching stipend and $250 for materials)
- Scale of outreach through partnership:
- Low-medium
- Course enrollments rarely exceed 30, but course could be offered multiple years and curriculum could be shared
- Area of focus: Education
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: Improves people's lives by providing high-quality education at any time, place or life stage.
- Programs and needs of partner organization: Need instructors for non-credit courses, especially on topics in leadership and management, conflict resolution, etc.
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Low-medium
- Area of focus: Education
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: Yes
- Mission of partner organization: From hands-on activities that make engineering accessible to elementary students to college preparation help for high schoolers, the College of Engineering is committed to developing a strong STEM pipeline for Nevada.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Mobile Education Engineering Lab
- Engineering summer camps
- Engineering Programs to Inspire the Community (EPIC) talks to small or large groups
- Advancing Curiosity in Engineering (ACE) to bring programs to high school classrooms
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low-medium
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Medium
- Area of focus: Public engagement, conservation
- Location (on- or off-campus): Off-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: The Great Basin Institute is an interdisciplinary field studies organization that promotes environmental research, education and service throughout the West.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Visitor Center/Campfire Talk programming
- Field trips, day trips, overnight camp programming
- Potential conduit to public land managers across the West that are directly implementing solutions on public land
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership:
- Medium for outreach (has robust marketing team)
- Targeted and potentially impactful for public land managers
- Area of focus: Public engagement
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: Collects and preserves our state’s cultural heritage to make it accessible to everyone through education, research and exhibitions about the people, places and events that shape Nevada.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Lectures, workshops
- Campus field trips
- Temporary exhibitions
- NHS Quarterly publishes scholarly and popular interest articles dealing with a wide range of topics concerning Nevada, the Great Basin, and the American West. In 2023 NHS converted to a hybrid publication where they publish both electronically throughout the year on Project MUSE and have a hardcopy version printed at the end of the calendar year.
- Range of costs to engage with partner:
- Low for most events
- Medium-high for exhibitions
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Medium
- Area of focus: Public engagement
- Location (on- or off-campus): On-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: The John and Geraldine Lilley Museum of Art collects, conserves, exhibits and shares art research and holds regularly scheduled programming and art events.
- Programs and needs of partner organization: Ready to solicit exhibition ideas from faculty
- Range of costs to engage with partner: Medium
- Scale of outreach through partnership: Medium-high
- Area of focus: Education, public engagement
- Location (on- or off-campus): Off-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: Integrating the exploration of arts and culture into the lives of all, starting with our community.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Family Arts and Culture Festival Series: open to the public with art stations and potential to speak or present
- Weekly Wonders: provide arts programming for teens and adults with intellectual disabilities
- Range of costs to engage with partner:
- Teaching artists: Low
- Family Arts and Culture Festival Series: Low
- Weekly Wonders: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership:
- Teaching artists: Medium
- Family Arts and Culture Festival Series: Medium
- Weekly Wonders: Low-medium
- Area of focus: Public engagement
- Location (on- or off-campus): Off-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: Nevada Humanities produces and supports humanities-based educational and cultural programs that articulate the Nevada experience, feature local culture and heritage, and facilitate the investigation of ideas that matter to the people of Nevada and their communities.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Humanities at Play: interactive, live television-style programs for a broad audience
- Nevada Humanities Exhibition Series: six curated exhibits a year (artists, writers, poets, photographers, creative thinkers) at Nevada Humanities Gallery in Las Vegas
- Nevada Humanities Literary Crawl: a day-long event, typically in early fall, where writers give readings at venues throughout downtown Reno
- Range of costs to engage with partner:
- Humanities at Play: Low
- Nevada Humanities Exhibition Series: Medium-High (including Las Vegas travel)
- Nevada Humanities Literary Crawl: Low
- Scale of outreach through partnership:
- Humanities at Play: Medium
- Nevada Humanities Exhibition Series: High
- Nevada Humanities Literary Crawl: Medium
- Area of focus: Environment, climate justice
- Location (on- or off-campus): Off-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: NCEF is a nonprofit that provides financial and technical assistance to support a thriving, affordable and accessible clean energy economy.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Community outreach support relating to climate justice
- Microloans and setting up funds for environmental projects
- Range of costs to engage with partner:
- Community outreach support relating to climate justice: Low
- Microloans and fund setup: High
- Scale of outreach through partnership:
- Community outreach re environmental justice: Medium
- Microloans and funds: High
- Area of focus: Public engagement
- Location (on- or off-campus): Off-campus
- Is this program designed to serve exclusively populations that are underrepresented in STEM?: No
- Mission of partner organization: To ensure that arts and creativity will continue to grow and play an ever-increasing part in the economic vitality, cultural development, quality of life, and educational experience of the residents of the State of Nevada.
- Programs and needs of partner organization:
- Nevada Touring Initiative: pay to host a traveling exhibit at the University of Nevada, Reno or another venue
- Literary/Performing Arts/Visual Arts Fellow: financial support/award; including a program for Nevada Arts Council as an outgrowth
- Poetry Out Loud: judge a contest for high school students dynamically reciting poetry
- Teaching Artist: apply to be on the council’s roster of teaching artists providing community programming
- Intersections Conference: a May-June statewide conference, with regional and national arts leaders attending, needing programming and exhibiting artists
- Basin to Range Exchange: a spring conference emphasizing urban-rural collaboration and connection in the arts community; participants and panelists needed
- Range of costs to engage with partner:
- Nevada Touring Initiative: High
- Fellows: Low
- Poetry Out Load: Low
- Teaching Artist: Low
- Intersections Conference: Medium
- Basin to Range Exchange: Medium
- Scale of outreach through partnership:
- Nevada Touring Initiative: High
- Fellows: Medium-Low
- Poetry Out Loud: Low
- Teaching Artist: High
- Intersections Conference: High
- Basin to Range Exchange: Low