Business, Economics, Managerial Sciences and Accounting funding opportunities
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Browse our curated list of funding agencies, centers and foundations for opportunities to help grow your research.
Institution | Deadline | Description |
Administration for Children and Families | Varies | ACF is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and funds research that promotes the economic well-being of children, families, and communities in the United States. |
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | Varies | The agency follows the same grant-making procedures as the NIH (see below). Decision-making in patient care and health information technology are current focuses of the AHRQ. |
Agency for International Development | Varies | USAID seeks what it calls “partnerships” to solve a host of challenges, including addressing extreme poverty and building strong, democratic societies. |
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation | Varies | The Foundation is the “single largest private funder of economic research.” Grant-making is focused on the U.S. economy. The foundation also funds research into how businesses function and how they make decisions. According to its website, it seeks "empirical studies of real organizations and people, especially studies that employ field work and direct observation." |
American Economic Association | Varies | Search the AEA web for funding opportunities. This page has ready links to private foundation funders beyond those listed here. |
American Institute for Economic Research | Contact for more information | The Institute’s mission is to enlist leading economists to educate Americans about the importance of economic rights and sound money. Contact the institution to find out how AIER might support your research. |
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation | Varies | The Mellon Foundation is interested in humanistic scholarship, doctoral education, and diversity as some of its core grantmaking areas. |
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation | Varies | The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is focused on education in the United States and development and health outside of the United States. |
Center for Disease Control | Varies | The CDC’s mission is to promote health by preventing disease. It makes grants to researchers who can help it in its mission to disseminate health information or contribute to preparedness and prevention. |
David and Lucile Packard Foundation | Varies | The Packard Foundation makes grants in population studies and research related to children, families, and communities. |
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | Varies | DARPA funds research that benefits the U.S. military, and part of DARPA’s mandate is to fund research that can benefit military leaders’ tactical and strategic decision-making. |
Department of Commerce | Varies | The Department of Commerce page directs users to opportunities to fund research that stimulates economic growth and leads to job creation. |
Department of Energy – Office of Science | Varies | The U.S. D.O.E. funds research related to energy, including clean energy technologies, electric vehicles, and smart grid. |
Department of Transportation | Varies | The Department of Transportation funds research that can bring new technologies to the U.S. transportation system. |
Economic Development Administration | Varies | Administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the EDA funds research that creates jobs and makes the U.S. economy more competitive globally. |
Environmental Protection Agency | Varies | Funds work to protect the environment and preserve human health. |
Ford Foundation | Varies | The Ford Foundation funds seven program areas, all focused on reducing inequality in the world. |
Housing and Urban Development – Office of University Partnerships | Varies | HUD’s Office of University Partnerships supports research that aligns with its research priorities, such as strong housing markets, affordable rental housing, housing and quality of life, and strong and inclusive communities. |
Institute for New Economic Thinking | Varies | The Institute supports multi-disciplinary research that examines the underpinnings of current economic thought. View currently supported papers and grants, dialogue with the authors, and seek funding at this link. |
James S. McDonnell Foundation | Varies | The foundation funds a wide range of behavioral studies. |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Varies | Funds research in a wide range of areas such as American democracy and public policy, environment, justice, housing, migration, human rights, and community and economic development. |
Kauffman Foundation | Varies; May for the Knowledge Challenge | The Kauffman Foundation is interested in research into entrepreneurship in the United States. A grants portal is available on their website. The Knowledge Challenge makes large grants to both teams and individuals for longer-term research on entrepreneurship-related projects. |
Marketing Science Institute | January for MSI Scholars | MSI’s mission is to help align marketing science and the practice of marketing. MSI runs the MSI Scholars (10-14 years post PhD) and MSi Young Scholars (3-6 years post PhD) programs for marketing academics, as well as special initiatives and competitions based on its funding priorities, realigned every 2 years. |
National Institute of Food and Agriculture | Varies | The USDA funds research into food and agriculture-related topics such as biotechnology, biofuels, and childhood obesity. |
National Institutes of Health | Varies | Researchers studying economics or decision-making and health care should check for funding opportunities with the NIH. The NIH does not have a dedicated program for the decision-sciences, but the subject will be relevant to some requests for proposals. For example, NIH has funded proposals about decision-making and healthy lifestyles. |
National Institutes of Justice | Varies | The NIJ funds social science and criminal justice research. |
National Science Foundation – Decision, Risk, and Management Sciences Division | January 18 & August 18 | The NSF’s Decision, Risk, and Management Sciences Division seeks proposals for funding for research and workshop that furthers understanding of how individuals, organizations, groups, and societies make decisions. |
National Science Foundation - Economics Division | January 18 & August 18 | The NSF Economics division solicits proposals for single and multi-PI research projects, data collection and distribution, conferences and symposia, and computer equipment and other instrumentation. |
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | Varies | The foundation funds research aimed at improving health and health care in America. |
Russell Sage Foundation | Varies | The foundation’s grant-making is focused in four main areas: Behavioral Economics, Social Inequality, Future of Work, and Race/Ethnicity/Immigration. It has also funded work on how race and gender diversity impact group decision-making, time decisions and cognition, and economic decision-making. |
Smith Richardson Foundation | Varies | The Smith Richardson Foundation funds research into important public policy challenges in the United States. It has two grant programs – one for domestic public policy and one for U.S. foreign policy. |
Social Security Administration | Varies | Awards grants for innovative research that enhances current understanding or could improve the management or efficiency of SSA programs. |
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Varies | Major grantmaking areas include education, environment, and global development and population. |
U.S. Small Business Association | Varies | The Small Business Association sometimes funds research on topics related to small businesses. Past solicitations have asked for projects on topics such as “Barriers to New Veteran Entrepreneurs,” “Small Business Topics in International Trade,” and “Small Businesses in Rural Areas.” It also funds economic research projects. Past solicitation topics have asked researchers to look at the economic impacts of cyberattacks and occupational licensing on small businesses. |
Institution | Deadline | Description |
American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) Foundation | Varies | The foundation’s mission is to advance the science of accountancy through grants, scholarships and fellowships. |
Assurance Research Advisory Group | Summer/Fall 2019 | Established in 2016 by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) and the American Accounting Association (AAA), the Assurance Research Advisory Group is made up of representatives from both academia and the accounting profession who review and approve academic research proposals about private company assurance topics of interest to practitioners. Successful applicants can receive up to $15,000 per proposal plus access to data and partnership from assurance firms. |
The Center for Audit Quality | March 15 | Based in Washington, D.C., the CAQ’s Research Advisory Board makes annual grants for academic research related to auditing. CAQ also runs an Access to Audit Firm Personnel program to assist academics with their research. |
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants | Varies | UK-based CIMA plans to post a topic-specific call for proposals later this year. In general, it offers three types of grants --- Topic-Specific, Ad-hoc, and Seed corn. Read more at this link. |
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales | Varies | For accounting research with relevance to the UK market and perhaps with a UK partner, ICEAW is an important funder to explore. |
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland | Varies | ICAS requests proposals on specific topics and accepts “pro-active applications” at any time. It accepts applications from scholars anywhere in the world for research that supports the development of accounting policy. |
Institute of Management Accountants | Varies | IMA’s research foundation funds academic research that “furthers the knowledge and scope of accounting and financial management.” Various awards are offered annually. |
International Association for Accounting Education and Research | Varies | Funds research that informs the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) and other standard-setting bodies’ decision-making processes. |
National Association of State Boards of Accountancy | April 1 | Since 2011, NASBA has offered substantial awards to faculty at U.S. higher institutions whose research can help to protect the public or better educate members of the public accounting profession. |