Genevieve Debernardis' profile photo

Genevieve DeBernardis

Teaching Associate Professor & Academic Advisor


Genevieve DeBernardis received her first exposure to behavior analysis as a research assistant for Dr. Scott S. Hall at the Center for Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences Research at the Stanford University School of Medicine. After receiving both her Bachelor of Science in Cell Biology and Neuroscience, and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art from Montana State University, Bozeman, she joined the Doctoral Program in Behavior Analysis at the University of Nevada, Reno, under the supervision of Dr. Linda J. Parrott Hayes where she completed both her Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology.

Her scholarly interests stem from parallel lines of research: one from understanding how prediction of another's behavior occurs, and the other from investigating key societal issues. Dr. DeBernardis has taught numerous courses, presented at various conferences, and has received a number of awards for her work, including the College of Liberal Arts Dean’s Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Advisor, the Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Fellowship, and the Sidney W. and Janet R. Bijou Fellowship from the Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis.

Dr. DeBernardis joined the department in 2015 as a Lecturer and Academic Advisor. She is the current faculty mentor for the Undergraduate Behavior Analysis Club at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Courses Offered

  • PSY 205 - Elementary Analysis of Behavior
  • PSY 233 - Child Psychology
  • PSY 439 - Field Experience in the Teaching of Psychology
  • PSY 471 - Ethics in Behavior Analysis
  • SCI 110 - First Year Experience I: Science and Mathematics

Recent Publications

  • Novak, G., Pelaez, M., & DeBernardis, G. (2022). Child development: A behavioral systems approach. Sloan Publishing.
  • DeBernardis, G. M., Hayes, L. J., & Fryling, M. J. (2014). Perspective taking as a continuum. The Psychological Record64(1), 123-131.

Professional certifications

Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Doctoral #1-13-14922