Proposal routing and review

All sponsored project proposals and/or applications must be reviewed by Sponsored Projects prior to submission to the sponsor.

  • The Sponsored Projects pre-award team assists the principal investigator (PI) by reviewing the proposal for compliance with sponsor guidelines and University requirements.
  • Sponsored Projects has the legal and fiduciary responsibility to ensure compliance with all University, sponsor, state and federal regulations, laws, and policies.

A complete proposal be received by Sponsored Projects a minimum of five (5) full business days prior to the submission deadline. This lead time allows the Sponsored Projects pre-award team to fully review the sponsor’s requirements and the proposal.

The sponsor's deadline is defined as the date and time after which the sponsor will no longer accept proposals. When the University is a subcontractor, the sponsor's due date will be determined by the submitting institution.

In addition, principal investigators must complete Best Practices in Sponsored Projects Management training before Sponsored Projects will approve a proposal for submission.

Proposal entry and routing process

The University utilizes electronic software system, InfoEd, as a repository for sponsored project proposals. All proposals must be entered into InfoEd and routed for internal approvals through InfoEd. One must first attend InfoEd training in order to become an InfoEd user.

Please inform your assigned Sponsored Projects pre-award research administrator of your intention to submit a proposal to an external sponsor as soon as possible. Pre-Award research administrators are available to answer your questions regarding proposal requirements, budget preparation, University forms, and InfoEd. Sponsored Projects will officially approve proposals only after the internal routing process is completed in InfoEd. Proposals can be submitted to the sponsor only after Sponsored Projects has received the proposal.

Pre-submission proposal review activities performed by the Sponsored Projects pre-award team

The pre-award team conducts a comprehensive review of proposals submitted at least five full business days before the sponsor deadline. This review includes:

  • Verifying compliance with sponsor guidelines, University policies and regulatory requirements
  • Ensuring all required forms and approvals are accurate and complete
  • Assisting with submission readiness and addressing issues with the submission portal
  • Confirming alignment with the sponsor's solicitation requirements

A complete proposal package typically includes:

  • Proposal narrative/technical documents (e.g., project description, scope of work)
  • Budget and budget justification
  • Completed sponsor forms (e.g., cover pages, biographical sketches, current and pending support, facilities/resources)
  • Cost share approval, if applicable
  • Subaward documents (e.g., subrecipient budgets, budget justifications, signed subrecipient commitment forms)
  • Approvals from all internal stakeholders (e.g., department chairs, deans, or other authorized individuals)
  • Any additional sponsor-required documents (e.g., data management plans, letters of support, certifications)

Proposals submitted without the required documentation or approvals will be routed back to the initiator, which may impact the ability to meet internal and sponsor deadlines.

Proposals arriving late to Sponsored Projects

Proposals received by Sponsored Projects through InfoEd fewer than five full business days before the sponsor deadline will not be processed or submitted.

 In cases of serious extenuating circumstances, a request for an exception to this policy must be made by the Sponsored Projects office Principal Investigator to the Executive Director of Sponsored Projects. Exceptions are rare and not anticipated.