House numbers: Always use figures. Example: 9 Morningside Circle.
Only abbreviate Ave. (Avenue), Blvd. (Boulevard) and St. (Street) with street numbers; spell out all others (Circle, Road, Parkway, etc.).
Spell out and capitalize First through Ninth when used as street names. Use figures for 10th and above. Avoid using superscript. Example: First St., 10th Ave.
Always use figures. A 5-year-old boy, the boy is 5 years old, the 5-year-olds.
Chapters, Pages
Capitalize word and use numeral. Chapter 3, Page 123.
Dates, Times
Do not add "st," "th," etc. to the date. Example: Dec. 1, not Dec. 1st.
Use colons only with times not on the hour. Example: 2 p.m., 11 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 11:30 p.m.
Do not use numbers with noon or midnight.
Use lowercase a.m., p.m., with a space before the "a" or the "p," and no space after the first period, as shown here.
Use all figures and spell out inches, feet, etc., to indicate depth, height, length and width. 5 inches of snow, a 5-foot man, 5 feet 6 inches tall, 6 feet wide and 5 feet high, the rug is 9 feet by 12 feet.
Spell out below 10. In metric system, don’t abbreviate anything unless it is film or weapons.
Spell out fractions less than one in text, using a hyphen. Two-thirds, four-fifths, etc. Use figures for precise amounts larger than one, converting to decimals whenever practical.
Spell out below 10.
Hyphenate the noun forms: First-grader, second-grader, 10th-grader. Also hyphenate the adjective forms: a fourth-grade student, a 12th-grade girl.
Spell out all numerals that begin a sentence, except a calendar year. Unless another specific rule applies, spell out whole numbers below 10 and use figures for 10 and above.
In a series, apply the appropriate guidelines. They have 10 cats and three dogs.
Always use figures with % sign. He completed 80% to 90% of the job.
The form: $12 million to $14 million, not: $12 to $14 million.
Always use figures and hyphens. A ratio of 2-to-1, or, a 2-1 ratio.
Always use figures, except follow the fraction rule above.
Do not abbreviate. 2 teaspoons, 5 cups, 1 tablespoon.
Always use figures. OK to abbreviate mph.
Telephone numbers
Ensure your phone number uses hyphens only.
Abbreviate and lowercase the extension abbreviation after the phone number. For example: 775-784-4040, ext. 101.
Always use figures, except zero. Use a word, not a minus sign to indicate temperatures below zero. The low was minus 10, or the low was 10 below zero. Temperatures fell 5 degrees. If you need to specify Fahrenheit, you have two choices.
Use number, space, capital F format: 56 F, 82 F. No degree “circle” is ever used.
Use number, followed by degrees Fahrenheit. The water was 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
Always use figures, spell out pounds, ounces, etc.