Marketing lists & guides
Our College's brand represents everything we do — teaching, research and engagement. The College and University brand checklists, cheat sheets, guides and how-tos collected here will help you take a deep dive into our brand. Using our brand in a consistent manner on all communications will ensure a cohesive look and feel for both our internal and external audiences.
Accessibility commitment, policy overview & contacts
Our University and College are committed to diversity and to ensuring that our programs, services and activities are accessible to all. Learn about our commitment and policy, and who to contact for help.
Social media accessibility cheat sheet
In addition to the Basic Web Accessibility Cheat Sheet, follow these general best practices on hashtags, hyperlinks, images, video and more to ensure your social media content is accessible for people with disabilities.
Web accessibility cheat sheet
Learn the basics of making web content, including webpages, PDFs, and audio and video files, accessible for people with disabilities; how to check your accessibility work; and University accessibility resources.
University brand
The University's framers understood that education is the great equalizer, and that knowledge is power. For that reason, empowering people from across society to achieve their dreams through education and knowledge is the foundation of the University of Nevada, Reno brand.
University brand compliance
The University enforces a policy that requires prior approval in the form of a Print Release for all printing, imaging or embroidery projects using external vendors and costing $50 or more.
University road map
Explore the University's brand position, promise and pillars; learning, discovery and engagement messages, market value, competitive advantage and student benefits; and substantiators. (You must log into NevadaBox with your University NetID to view the map.)
College brand checklist for designers
It's important to start all projects with University and College policies in mind. This checklist can help. It touches on accessibility, branding, content, design, logo, photography and iconography, social media, spending money, swag, websites, and more.
Extension brand
Learn about Extension's brand positioning, tone, voice and communications, as well as how to use our branded templates.
College proofing checklist for marketing materials
Putting together marketing materials? Here's a checklist with tips and resources. It's designed to help you ensure your materials are on-brand, well-written and in compliance with policy.
University content calendar & guides
You, your students and members of your team are encouraged to write or help to write social media, Ask the Professor (200-300 words), newsletter (250 words), NSights blog (500-1,000 words) or Story posts on your work, research, programs, field trips or events.
College writer's guide
There are many ways to talk about our College, units, departments and titles. From formal to informal, from stand-alone to with reference to the University: learn them all. Also get design tips to use when logos or identifiers meet content.
College photography guide
Get camera tips, including for smartphone cameras. Learn about High Dynamic Range (HDR), manually setting the focus point, shutter release, zooming without losing quality, the rule of thirds for photo composition and more.
College printing guide
Championing and protecting our brand is a team effort. Guidelines on printing designs that use our College and University brand are collected in this document. Please use these guides when you order or print pieces which tell our College's story. Also learn about ordering branded items from Barker.
University social media guide
Learn about University social media guidelines, policies, goals and strategies; meet the University social media leadership team; get social media tips; see official University social media channels; and apply for access to an exiting or to create a new University social media site.
Social media accessibility cheat sheet
In addition to the Basic Web Accessibility Cheat Sheet, follow these general best practices on hashtags, hyperlinks, images, video and more to ensure your social media content is accessible for people with disabilities.
College social media policy
We recognize the value of social media platforms for a range of goals and balance the support of social media with the preservation of our University and College brand identity, integrity and reputation. To help with that balance, we have a social media policy for our College.
College social media suggestion form
Share a social media, newsletter or news story, or an email list for our newsletters. Submission requests will be reviewed before use; changes may be made to submissions including for accessibility, branding, University style and AP style; and not all submission requests will be used.
College social media request form
Use this form to submit or update a request to be an authorized admin on one of our College's social media accounts. Also use this form to submit a request for a potential new account two to four weeks before you would like to launch it. Please allow five business days for a response.
Social media strategy 101
Follow this guide to discover your goals, audience and messages; select channels effective for your situation; and get tips on using those platforms, measuring your success, and operating in compliance with policy and as part of a team.
Social media hashtags 101
Gain insight into our College's hashtag strategy; get tips on finding, ordering and formatting hashtags for maximum impact; and see which hashtags the University uses, when and why.
Social media FAQs
Get answers to our College's most commonly asked questions regarding social media, such as: How do I become an admin on an existing account? Can I set up a new account? What's accessibility? What do I post about, where and how? And more!
College best practices for videography
Learn about general best practices and best practices for accessibility, including how to get free caption files; branding; copyright; diversity, equity & inclusion; and creating videos on your smartphone. Also explore quick tips on budgeting for a videographer and getting brand checks.
College websites guide
Get instructions and guides, including videos, to help you get the most of out of our College's Website Assets Management System (formerly known as the Personnel Management System). You'll learn how to control your profile page and other pages on the main, Experiment Station and Extension websites.