Earthquake and structural engineering

Our world-class research program in earthquake and structural engineering focuses on understanding how key infrastructure stands up to extreme forces such as an earthquake. We simulate earthquake effects on large-scale models and use those results to engineer safer buildings, bridges and roads.

Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research


Faculty in earthquake and structural engineering

Earthquake & Structural Engineering Bayesian Inference, Model Updating, Uncertainty Quantification, Model Inversion, Data Assimilation, Structural Health Monitoring, System Identification, Damage Identification, Computational Mechanics, Nonlinear Modeling, Disaster Resilience, Risk Engineering, Structural Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Experimental Mechanics
Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian
Assistant Professor He, him, his
(775) 682-6567
SEM 218
1366 Bayesian Inference, Model Updating, Uncertainty Quantification, Model Inversion, Data Assimilation, Structural Health Monitoring, System Identification, Damage Identification, Computational Mechanics, Nonlinear Modeling, Disaster Resilience, Risk Engineering, Structural Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Experimental Mechanics
Earthquake & Structural Engineering
Elnaz Esmaeilzadeh Seylabi
Elnaz Esmaeilzadeh Seylabi
Assistant Professor
(775) 682-6568
SEM 214
Earthquake & Structural Engineering
Patrick Laplace
Patrick Laplace
Research Associate Professor
(775) 784-8080
EEL 118
Earthquake & Structural Engineering
Gokhan Pekcan
Gokhan Pekcan
Professor; Graduate Program Director; Associate Chair for Graduate Affairs
(775) 784-4512
SEM 130B
Earthquake & Structural Engineering
Floriana Petrone
Floriana Petrone
Assistant Professor
(775) 682-6582
SEM 216
Earthquake & Structural Engineering seismic isolation, nonstructural components
Keri Ryan
Keri Ryan
E.W. McKenzie Foundation Endowed Professor and Chair
(775) 784-6928
SEM 103
1366 seismic isolation, nonstructural components
Earthquake & Structural Engineering
Mostafa Tazarv
Mostafa Tazarv
Associate Professor
(775) 682-6708
SEM 227