
Using modern approaches in genetics, demography and population biology, behavior, and landscape ecology to accomplish our research goals.

sheep capture

Study with researchers working in:

  • conservation and management of wildlife populations, including reintroduction of extirpated mammals to their historic ranges
  • maintenance of biodiversity
  • management of harvested species
  • understanding how wildlife interact with human altered landscapes
  • understanding selection of resources and movement patterns of wildlife species at multiple spatial scales

Faculty working in Wildlife

Research - Wildlife ecology & conservation (NRES)
Hall Cushman
Hall Cushman
Professor, Community & Climate-Change Ecology
(775) 682-9512
FA 224
Research - Wildlife ecology & conservation (NRES)
Jeff Falke
Jeff Falke
Unit Leader, Nevada Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit he/him/his
(775) 682-9510
KRC 101
Research - Wildlife ecology & conservation (NRES)
Brian Folt
Brian Folt
Nevada Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit | Assistant Unit Leader he/him
KRC 100
Research - Wildlife ecology & conservation (NRES)
Marjorie Matocq
Marjorie Matocq
Professor, Population & Evolutionary Genetics and Director of the Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology graduate program She, her, hers
(775) 784-4621
FA 220d
Research - Wildlife ecology & conservation (NRES)
Kevin Shoemaker
Kevin Shoemaker
Associate Professor, Applied Population Ecology
(775) 682-7449
FA 220e
Research - Wildlife ecology & conservation (NRES)
Kelley Stewart
Kelley Stewart
Professor, Wildlife Ecology
(775) 784-4314
FA 220F
Research - Wildlife ecology & conservation (NRES)
Peter Weisberg
Peter Weisberg
Professor, Landscape Ecology
(775) 784-7573
FA 220c
Research - Wildlife ecology & conservation (NRES)
Perry Williams
Perry Williams
Assistant Professor, Statistical Ecology
(775) 682-8141
FA 240

Start your application today

To learn to solve a wide variety of wildlife issues with science. Or, explore other areas of interest below.