Scientific Core Service Awards

The Nevada INBRE and partners are seeking applicants for Scientific Core Service Awards to foster your research, publications and grants three times per year: April, August and December.

Services can be requested from the following scientific cores:

Applicants may request services from one or multiple cores. No award will be issued for more than $5,000. Requests for the Nevada Bioinformatics Center up to $5,000 will be considered; for all others, a maximum of $2,000 in services may be requested from each core.

Here are some highlighted services:

  • Quantitative proteomics using both label-free (e.g., DIA, spectral counting) and isobaric labelling (TMT) methodologies and data analyses
  • Experimental, sequencing, and computational support for single-cell RNA-Seq (scRNA-Seq)
  • Experimental and computational support for microbiome projects
  • Pathway analysis for human, mouse or rat via iPathwayGuide (iPG); for other organisms please consult with the Nevada Bioinformatics Center.
  • (Multi) Omics data analysis
  • Phenotype prediction and metagenomics
  • Bioinformatics and data science training workshops, e.g., R for Data Science, First Steps with Python, Introduction to Microbiome Data Analysis, Introduction to RNAseq
  • Supporting analytical chemistry research, e.g., ion chromatography
  • Confocal imaging of cells and tissue (Leica Stellaris 5 and 8)
  • Single molecule tracking (Olympus TIRF)
  • Assisting in designing, executing and analyzing flow cytometric and cell sorting experiments
  • Designing and printing of objects used in scientific research

For more information about additional services and ways the cores could assist in your research endeavors, please reach out to the cores directly. For questions or concerns, contact the Nevada INBRE data science director, Juli Petereit, Ph.D.

Applications are due Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

Apply for a service award

Please consult with the cores early!

Researchers at a Nevada INBRE Partner Institution (CSN, DRI, GBC, NSU, TMCC, UNLV, UNR, WNC) needing scientific core services or support may apply.

Outreach institutions (CSN, GBC, NSU, TMCC, WNC) may apply at any time. Researchers from these locations may complete the application for outreach institutions. This application remains open and applications will be considered throughout the year.

Important information

  • You must consult with scientific core staff about your project to obtain a quote for requested services. The quote must be included in your application.
  • Priority will be given to investigators who are unfunded or can provide matching funds, as well as those who have not received a service award in the past.
  • Non-biomedical research projects will only be considered for applications from CSN, GBC, NSC, TMCC, and WNC with student involvement, but priority will be given to biomedical related projects (University of Nevada, Reno non-biomedical applications will be considered thanks to support from the University’s Research & Innovation division and the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources)
  • Priority will be given to applications that include student involvement. One of Nevada INBRE’s missions is to foster the next generation of scientists and undergraduate student involvement is very important to us.
  • Undergraduate and graduate students, residents and postdoctoral fellows are welcome to apply.
  • Any material presented or published on this work requires a Nevada INBRE funding acknowledgement – please reference your service award agreement for the required acknowledgements.
  • Awardees will be required to present their research at an annual seminar.
  • Awardees will be required to complete a report for Nevada INBRE in December regarding publications, presentations and grants applied for and/or awarded as a result of this service award for the remainder of the Nevada INBRE funding cycle.


This program was initiated by Nevada INBRE, a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (GM103440) from the National Institutes of Health.

Additional supporting partners include: