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Counseling Services provides culturally responsive mental health services to the University of Nevada, Reno students regardless of their identities and/or immigration status.

Adult Mental Health First Aid

Counseling Services is now offering Adult Mental Health First Aid training to our campus community. This certification course will teach participants about mental health disorders, substance use and strategies for providing help and resources.


We at the University of Nevada, Reno Counseling Services join the rest of the University community, in particular our Black student leaders and ASUN, in expressing our grief, compassion, anger and heartbreak to all those who are affected and continue to be affected by race-based injustices. As a department dedicated to the alleviation of human suffering and advancement of human well-being, we condemn all acts of violence, racism, prejudice, and hatred against Black and African American individuals and cultures and stand in solidarity against systemic oppression. Mental health professions, such as social work and psychology, have explicit ethical guidelines about promoting social justice. As such, Counseling Services' training, practices, policies, and procedures aim to minimize the disparities so clearly visible in our society at large.

Learn more about our commitment to action