2023 Nevada Field Day & Ag Expo
Marketing Communications Campaign


Campaign overview


On-site website marketing

Our efforts to get the word out about the event via websites on our unr.edu domain.


Event website

We created a website for the event on the College's Experiment Station website.

Explore the event website


Event website promotion

To promote the event website on our College's other websites and webpages, we created and implemented an event call-to-action component and a University event calendar page.

Event call-to-action component

We created an event call-to-action component that links to the event website. We included the component on our College; Agriculture, Veterinary & Rangeland Sciences Department, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Department; Natural Resources & Environmental Science DepartmentNutrition Department; Experiment Station; and Extension homepages.

Screenshot of 2023 Field Day event component.
Image description: A screenshot of the event call-to-action component, which includes: 1) The headline: Nevada Field Day & Ag Expo. 2) A photo of a group touring our Valley Road Greenhouse Complex during a previous year's Field Day. 3). Body copy: On Friday, June 2, 2023, visitors will be treated to a variety of hands-on activities, wine tasting, demonstrations and giveaways. 4) A "Get more information" call-to-action button.
Event calendar page

We created a University event calendar page that links to the event website. We use events calendar pages and widgets to pull relevant University event calendar listings on to our College's websites. Because of this, the University event calendar Field Day post was automatically included in our:

See the calendar page

Event calendar page analytics

The event calendar post was directly viewed 127 times.


Event website analytics

The event website was viewed 1,570 times by 1,043 users. The average views per user was 1.51 views, and the average engagement time was 52 seconds. The number of times users took an action on the event website, such as completing the form to register a booth or clicking to get directions to the event, was 5,850.

Table 1: Event website analytics
Views Users Views per user Average enagement time Event count
1,570 1,043 1.51 52.01 seconds 5,850

Event news page

We posted the event's media release as a story on our University's news website, Nevada Today. We use news pages and feeds to pull relevant University news stories on to our College's websites.

Visit the news page


Event news page analytics

The event news page was viewed 1,914 times by 1,366 users. The average views per user was 1.40 views, and the average engagement time was 19 seconds. The number of times users took an action on the event news page, such as clicking through to the event website, was 5,293.

Table 2: Event news page analytics
Views Users Views per user Average enagement time Event count
1,914 1,366 1.40 19 seconds 5,293

Off-site website marketing

Our efforts to get the word out about the event via websites NOT on our unr.edu domain.


Community calendar submissions

We submitted the event to the following community calendars:

  • KKOH-AM News Talk Radio
  • KUNR Public Radio
  • Carson Now
  • Nevada Appeal
  • The Fallon Post
  • North Lake Tahoe Bonanza
  • Visit Reno-Tahoe
  • City of Fernley
  • City of Sparks
  • City of Yerington
  • Visit Carson City
  • Visit Carson Valley
  • The Greater Minden Chamber

Guest content

We posted a guest blog post about the event to the Living With Fire website. The Living With Fire Program, a multi-agency partnership administered by the College's Extension unit, participated in Field Day.


Media relations

Getting the word out about the event through media releases, advisories and earned media


Media release

We created a media release for the event. We distributed it to relevant media outlets via Cision. We also emailed the release, with a suggested social media snippet, to our College's employees.


Media release analytics

  • Sent to 147 contacts in northern Nevada
    • 35% open rate
    • 4% click rate
  • Sent to 73 contacts in southern Nevada
    • 29% open rate
    • 4% click rate

Media advisory

We created a media advisory for the event as well and also distributed it to relevant media outlets via Cision.


Traditional marketing

Getting the word out about the event through radio spots, ads and flyers


Radio spots

  • KOH
  • KUNR


Print and digital ads

  • Reno News & Review (print)
  • Carson News Now (digital)
  • This Is Reno (digital)
Screenshot of 2023 Field Day ad.
Image description: An image of the print and digital ads, which include: 1) The headline and subhead: Nevada Field Day & Ag Expo. Food, giveaways activities and expert demos. 2) Photos from previous Field Days: A graduate student in a greenhouse, presenting about her research to an audience, a professor in a lab coat and safety glasses, conducting a mad scientist experiment for an audience, and Master Gardener Volunteers talking to booth attendees, who are enjoying the booth's flowers and fresh produce. 3). Our College's logo. 4) Our website address. 5). Event details: 6/2, 3 - 7 p.m., 1000 Valley Road.

Flyers around campus and in the counties

We created a flyer for the event. The flyer was distributed to University employee mailboxes campus-wide, posted on bulletin boards (traditional and digital) campus-wide, displayed on the doors of the on-campus buildings our College has a presence in, and mailed to Extension offices in nearby counties for distribution to Extension employees and stakeholders.

Digital flyer

Image description: An image of the digital event flyer, which includes: 1) The headline and subhead: Nevada Field Day & Ag Expo. Food, giveaways activities and demonstrations from University experts. 2) A photo of a professor in a lab coat and safety glasses, conducting a mad scientist experiment for an audience during a previous year's Field Day. 3). Our College's logo. 4) A call to action with QR code: To learn more go to unr.edu/cabnr or scan me now. 5). Event details: Friday, June 2, 2023, 3 - 7 p.m., Valley Rd. Greenhouse Complex.



Email marketing

Getting the word out about the event through email invites, blasts and newsletters


Event email blast

We created and sent an email blast for the event (screenshot below).

Explore the email blast


Event email blast analytics

Table 3: Event email blast analytics
Sends Opens Open rate Click rate
9,245 3,380 37.2% 1.6%

Event in the College's newsletter

We included the event in the College's Innovating for Nevada newsletters for April, May and June. Each edition of the newsletter includes a web version and an email version. We send the email version to two audiences: our employees and our stakeholders.

In the April email and web versions, the event was included as a "save the date" ad with built-in call-to-action button. In the May and June email versions, the event was included as a newsletter story.

In the May web version, the newsletter story was accompanied by a link to pre-event media coverage, as well as a call-to-action component. In the June web version, the event recap newsletter story was accompanied by a photo gallery and a link to during-event media coverage, as well as a call-to-action component.


College email newsletter analytics

Table 4: College email newsletter analytics
Edition/Audience Sends Opens Open rate Click rate
April - Internal 532 126 23.9% 5.1%
April - External 8,503 3,083 36.7% 3.6%
May - Internal 553 131 23.9% 4.4%
May - External 9,554 3,427 36.2% 2.1%
June - Internal 552 139 25.7% 6.1%
June - External 9,547 3,598 38.1% 2%

Event in the University's newsletter

We submitted Field Day for inclusion in the University's Nevada Weekly email newsletter. The event received top billing as a "University spotlight."

Screenshot of 2023 Field Day in Nevada Weekly email newsletter.
Image description: Screenshot of Field Day in the University's Nevada Weekly email newsletter, under the heading "University spotlight." Included is 1) Photo from a previous Field Day: Master Gardener Volunteers talking to booth attendees, who are enjoying the booth's flowers and fresh produce. 2) Heading: Nevada Field Day & Ag Expo provides hands-on activities and demonstrations. 3) Subheading: Farm stand, wine tasting, wool products, plant sale and University research highlights of event.

see the email (adobe PDF)     see email (Outlook MSG) 


Social media marketing

Getting the word out about the event on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn


Campaign impact


Summary analytics

  • 54 posts
  • 64,436+ impressions
  • 32,230+ reach
  • 4,525+ engagements

Inbound engagements

Sounds great
Screenshot of Cherie Williams' social media post.
Image description: Screenshot of comment by user Cherie Williams, "I have never heard of this. Sounds great!!"
Love Field Day
Screenshot of Nevada Intercity Passenger Railroad Company's social media post.
Image description: Screenshot of comment by Nevada Intercity Passenger Railroad Company, LLC, "Love Field Day, but why is it being conducted on a weekday? We won't be able to attend😢"
Fun educational activities
Screenshot of Janet Grigg's social media post.
Image description: Screenshot of comment by user Janet Grigg, "So much fun! Lots of great information. Good educational activities for the kids and everyone was so helpful and friendly. Definitely a 'do over' for next year! Thank you College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & National Resources - Well Done!"
Learned how to grow our little farm
Screenshot of Anna Pagaeu's social media post.
Image description: Screenshot of post by user Anna Pagaeu, "We had a wonderful time at the Nevada Field Day today learning more about how to grow our little farm. Looking forward to sharing updates with everyone." Included with the posts are two photos: 1) A man helping a boy rope a hay bale. 2) Two women smiling in front of a booth about sage grouse.

Campain posts


During-event marketing

Getting the word out about the event during the event


Event booklet

We created a booklet for the event, with information about our College, including what we do, why it matters and how to connect with us, as well as the purpose of the event and descriptions of its demonstrations, tours and exhibits. We positioned staff at event entrances to offer the booklets to all event attendees.


Event signage

We created branded event tabletop, sandwich board and door signs, to ensure attendees knew who was offering the event, how to best navigate and enjoy its happenings, and how to connect with us once it as over.

Tabletop raffle basket sign

Image description: The event's tabletop Wolf Pack Raffle Basket sign, which includes: 1) The College's logo. 2) Heading: Tickets to Win! 3) Subhead: Wolf Pack Raffle Basket. 4) Basket contents: University wine, apparel and swag, plus $25 Wolf Pack Meats gift certificate. 5)Ticket prices: 1 for $5 or 5 for $20. 6) Event hashtag: #NevadaFieldDay.

Tabletop wool products sign

Image description: The event's tabletop Rafter 7 wool apparel sign, which includes: 1) The College's logo. 2) Heading: Run with the Pack! 3) Subhead: In sheep's clothing. 4) Body copy: Limited edition University Rafter 7 wool apparel on sale now. 5)Product price range: $20-250.