Kassandra Harding.

Kassandra Harding

Adjunct Faculty


Kassandra Harding has an extensive background in global and community nutrition, epidemiology, biostatistics, data science, implementation science, program development, program evaluation, maternal and child health and nutrition, social media marketing, network analysis, project management, technical assistance, and undergraduate and graduate teaching and mentorship.


Aryeetey R., Harding K.L., Hromi-Fiedler A.J., Pérez-Escamilla, R. (2020). Analysis of stakeholder networks for breastfeeding policies and programs scale up in Ghana. International Breastfeeding Journal, 15(1).

Aryeetey R., Lasisi O., Hromi-Fiedler A.J., Carroll G., Pérez-Escamilla, R., Harding K.L. (2020). Design and testing of communication materials for the Breastfeed4Ghana social media marketing campaign. Digital Health. 6.

Buccini G., Harding K.L., Ferré-Eguiluz I., Safron C., Hromi-Fiedler A., González de Cosío, T., Pérez-Escamilla R. (2020). An analysis of the stakeholder networks to support the breastfeeding scale-up environment in Mexico. Journal of Nutritional Science, 9(10).

Harding K.L., Aryeetey R., Carroll G., Lasisi O., Pérez-Escamilla R., Young M. (2020). Breastfeed4Ghana: Design and evaluation of an innovative social media campaign. Matern Child Nutr. 16 (2), e12909

Harding K.L., Pérez-Escamilla R., Carroll G., Aryeetey R., Lasisi O. (2019). Four Dissemination Pathways for a Social Media–Based Breastfeeding Campaign: Evaluation of the Impact on Key Performance Indicators. JMIR Nursing. 2 (1), e14589.

Harding K.L., Aguayo V.M., Webb P. Trends and correlates of overweight among children, adolescent girls, and women in South Asia: An analysis of data from eleven national surveys in six countries over eighteen years. Nutrients. 11 (8), 1899.

Than M.K., Nyi S.N., Hlaing L.M., Mar S.L., Thwin T., Cashin J., Pérez-Escamilla R., Harding K.L. (2019). Scaling up breastfeeding in Myanmar through the Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly Initiative. Current Development in Nutrition. 3 (8): nzz078. https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzz078

Buccini G., Harding K.L., Hromi-Fiedler A., Pérez-Escamilla R. (2018). How does ‘Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly’ work? A Program Impact Pathways analysis. Matern Child Nutr. e12766.

Harding K.L., Aguayo V.M., Webb P. (2018). Birthweight and feeding practices are associated with child growth outcome sin South Asia. Matern Child Nutr. 14 (S4): e12650. https://doi.org/10.1111/mcn.12650

Harding K.L., Aguayo V.M., Webb P. (2018). Factors associated with child wasting in six South Asian countries: Challenges and Opportunities for Accelerated Action. PLoS ONE 13(7): e0198749. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0198749

Harding K.L., Aguayo V.M., Webb P. (2018). Education and nutrition: critical interactions between maternal schooling and child micronutrient status. BMC Public Health. 18(470): https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5312-1

Harding K.L., Aguayo V.M., Namirembe G., Webb P. (2018). Anemia in South Asia: Analysis of Determinants in Pakistan and Nepal, and Policy Challenge and Implications for the Region. Matern Child Nutr. 14 (S4): e12478. https://doi.org/10.1111/mcn.12478

Harding K.L., Aguayo V.M., Webb P. (2017). Hidden Hunger in South Asia: Trends, Patterns and Opportunities. Public Health Nutr. 21(4): 785–795

Harding K.L., Matias S.L., Mridha M.K., Vosti S.V., Hussain, S., Dewey K.G., Stewart C.P. (2017). The dietary and health implications of eating less throughout pregnancy and postpartum in rural Bangladesh. Public Health Nutr. 20(11): 1928-1940

Harding K.L., Matias S.L., Mridha M.K., Moniruzzaman M., Vosti S.A., Hussain, S., Dewey K.G., Stewart C.P. (2017). Adherence to LNS and IFA intake recommendations among pregnant and lactating women participating in a community health program in northwest Bangladesh. Matern Child Nutr. 13(1)

Mridha M.K., Matias S.L., Chaparro C.M., Paul R.R., Hussain S., Vosti S.A., Harding K.L., Cummins J.R., Day L.T., Saha S.L., Peerson J.M., Dewey K.G. (2016). Lipid-based nutrient supplements for pregnant women reduce newborn stunting in a cluster-randomized controlled effectiveness trial in Bangladesh. Am J Clin Nutr. 103:1-14

Published abstracts

Harding K.L., Aryeetey R., Pérez -Escamilla R., Carroll G.J., Lasisi O., Hromi-Fiedler A.J. (2018). Evaluation of the Breastfeed4Ghana Social Media Campaign. Breastfeeding Medicine. 13(7): p. A17-18. (abstract for presentation)

Carroll G.J., Aryeetey R., Lasisi O., Pérez-Escamilla R., Harding K.L. (2018). Costing the Breastfeed4Ghan Social Media Campaign. Breastfeeding Medicine. 13(7) (abstract for presentation)

Aryeetey R., Harding K.L., Lasisi o., Hromi-Fiedler A.J., Bentil H., Pérez-Escamilla, R. (2018). Stakeholder Network and influence mapping of breastfeeding in Ghana. Breastfeeding Medicine. 13(7) (abstract for presentation)

Buccini G., Harding K.L., Hromi-Fiedler A., Pérez-Escamilla R. (2018). How does ‘Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly’ work? A Program Impact Pathways analysis. Breastfeeding Medicine. 13(7) (abstract for presentation)

Technical reports

Matias S.L., Harding K.L., Moniruzzaman M., Ullah M.B., Vosti S.V., Mridha M.K., Dewey K.G. 2017. Process Evaluation of the Rang-Din Nutrition Study: Final Report. Washington, DC: FHI 360/FANTA

Harding K.L., Matias S.L., Moniruzzaman M., Mridha M.K., Vosti S.V., Dewey K.G. 2016. Rang-Din Nutrition Study: Assessment of Adherence to Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements and Micronutrient Powders among Children 6–23 Months in Bangladesh. Washington, DC: FHI 360/FANTA

Harding K.L., Matias S.L., Moniruzzaman M., Stewart C.P., Mridha M.K., Vosti S.V., Dewey K.G. 2014. Rang-Din Nutrition Study: Assessment of Participant Adherence to Lipid- Based Nutrient and Iron-Folic Acid Supplements among Pregnant and Lactating Women in the Context of a Study on the Effectiveness of Supplements in Bangladesh. Washington, DC: FHI 360/FANTA


B.S., Clinical Nutrition, University of California, Davis
Ph.D., Nutritional Biology, International and Community Nutrition, University of California, Davis