Nuclear Packaging Graduate Program courses
Note that some courses are in multiple categories. See the Nuclear Packaging Course Descriptions in the University Catalog for individual information. For RAMPAC Packaging University schedule and descriptions, see RAMPAC Packaging University information.
- Acronyms for participating national laboratories are as follows: Argonne (ANL); Los Alamos (LANL); Lawrence Livermore (LLNL); Oak Ridge (ORNL); Pacific Northwest (PNNL); Sandia (SNL); and Savannah River (SRNL).
- Additional 3-unit electives, including ME 673-Introduction to Nuclear Packaging, are offered by and at the University’s Mechanical Engineering Department and Materials Science & Engineering Department.
Nuclear Packaging and Transportation Security & Safeguard courses by category
Course title and number | Host lab |
SARP Review and Confirmatory Analysis (2 units, 2 weeks) - NP 702 | LLNL |
Management of SARP Preparation - NP 703 |
Quality Assurance for Transport Packaging and Storage Casks - NP 701 |
Course title and number | Host lab |
ASME Pressure Vessel Code for Nuclear Transport and Storage - NP 700 | ANL |
Structural Analysis of Radioactive Material Packages - NP 655 | SNL |
Thermal Modeling and Testing of RAM Packages - NP 605 | SNL |
Containment Analysis of Radioactive Material Transportation - NP 606 | LLNL |
Radiation and Nuclear Criticality Analysis of RAM Packages - NP 607 | ORNL |
Radioactive Material Packaging: Welding/NDE QC & Software QA - NP 604 | LLNL |
Course title and number | Host lab |
Radioactive Material Package Operations and Leak Testing - NP 608 | SRNL |
Use of Type B and Fissile Certified Packages - NP 658 | LANL |
Course title and number | Host lab |
Quality Assurance for Transport Packaging and Storage Casks - NP 701 | ANL |
Radioactive Material Packaging: Welding/NDE QC & Software QA - NP 604 | LLNL |
Course title and number | Host lab |
Fundamentals of Nuclear Security - NP 720 | SNL |
Fundamentals of Cyber-Physical Security - NP 621 | PNNL |
Explosive Analysis of Nuclear Packages - NP 627 | SNL |
Course title and number | Host lab |
Nuclear Security During US Domestic Transport - NP 710 | ANL |
Nuclear Security During International Transport - NP 711 | ANL |
Transportation Physical Security - NP 625 | SNL |
Response to Radioactive Material Transport Emergencies - NP 652 | ANL |
Course title and number | Host lab |
Fundamentals of Nuclear Safeguards - NP 730 | ORNL |
Fundamentals of Nondestructive Assay - NP 632 | ORNL |
Course title and number | Host lab |
Facility Decommissioning and Site/Facility Closure - NP 615 | ORNL |
Nuclear Packaging Internships - NP 640 (135-270 hours, 3 units) | Any nuclear site |