Constitution of the Interfraternity Council
Including revisions and amendments: February 2016; February 12, 2018; April 9, 2018, April 24, 2017; October 15, 2018
In accordance with the establishment of fraternities on the University of Nevada, Reno, the Fraternity Community, showing a primary loyalty to the University of Nevada, Reno with respect for the Relationship Agreement and a desire to serve its best interest, and realizing a need for close cooperation and a spirit of good will among faculty, administration, and fraternal organizations of the University, hereby establishes this constitution for the exercising of a responsible self-government within the University of Nevada, Reno.
- Promote the general welfare of the fraternity system, the university , and the com munity through developing and maintaining communications, standards of conduct, and common goals.
- To act as the administrative and executive council and levy sanctions for the fraternal organizations of this campus.
- To offer opportunities for further development of fraternity life on the Nevada campus.
- To act as a liaison between fraternities and the college administration and faculty.
- To offer a common meeting ground for all fraternities.
- To foster friendship and goodwill among the fraternities and the student body as a whole.
Section A
All Greek fraternities and colonies of the University of Nevada, Reno, which have been duly recognized by the proper university authorities and which have been approved by a three fourth vote of the IFC total membership, may become members of this organization by subscription to the Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies.
Section B
The IFC shall be composed of two delegates from each Greek chapter, one of which shall be the president of the fraternity. Attendance at all IFC meetings is mandatory. Any temporary exceptions must be approved by the Executive Council with the only exception being a conflict with academic classes or routine work obligations. If the president requests an exemption on a permanent basis, the replacement must be approved by the full body of IFC. Each chapter is entitled to one (1) vote.
Section C
The term of membership of each representative shall be one calendar year unless the fraternity shall have reason to change its elected representative.
Section D
An advisor appointed by the Vice President of Student Services shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Executive Council.
Section E
If any recognized fraternity fails to sign the Relationship Agreement with the University of Nevada, Reno before the deadline set on the day before spring ASUN Club Fair, that member fraternity loses membership in IFC. Upon reinstatement as a recognized student organization, the fraternity must follow expansion guidelines to be readmitted as a member of the IFC.
Section A
To make and amend bylaws and to adopt suggested policy resolutions from member chapters.
Section B
To levy special financial assessments for IFC Purposes.
Section C
To remove from office, by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the total IFC membership, any officer delinquent in the performance of his duties [as described in Article VI of this Constitution].
Section A
The elected officers of the IFC shall be:
President, Vice President, Director of Administration, Director of Recruitment and Marketing, and Director of Member Development and Programming.
Section B
The officers shall be members in good standing from fraternities holding regular membership in the University of Nevada, Reno IFC.
Section C
The officers shall serve for a term of one year, the term of office beginning no later than the final Council meeting of the fall semester.
Section D
The officers will be regular full-time students at the University of Nevada, Reno.
Section E
The officers will have and maintain a semesterly GPA minimum of the all-campus men’s average. If the officer does not meet the minimum semester GPA requirement, a cumulative GPA above the all-campus men’s average may be considered.
Section F
The officers will be at a minimum of second-semester Freshman standing.
Section G
Any officer failing in his duties as outlined shall submit his resignation in accordance with a request by the IFC Executive Council. The council may choose to accept and designate a successor or reject said resignation. (Article V, Section 3.)
Section H
Officers who fail to perform their duties as outlined, become disqualified, and refuse to resign will be removed from office by impeachment proceedings.
Section A
Causes for impeachment
- Disregard for this constitution, including failure to perform duties as defined in this document.
Section B
Causes for immediate dismissal
- Any member of the Interfraternity Council may be subject to impeachment and succession
- Failure to maintain eligibility as defined in the appropriate sections of this document or the IFC Bylaws, including GPA and disciplinary
- Two (2) unexcused absences from a meeting of the Interfraternity Council or Executive Council of which the member in question is required to attend. Absences are excused by the President of the Interfraternity
- Scheduling classes during the Interfraternity Council meeting, whereas an individual is unable to attend the meetings for the semester. This will result in immediate
Section C
Impeachment Processes
- A 3/4 quorum vote of the Executive Council or a 3/4 quorum vote of the Interfraternity Council shall be necessary to initiate impeachment proceedings against a member of the IFC Executive Council. An impeachment hearing will be scheduled by the President or Vice President in the case of the impeachment of the
- Notice of impeachment must be presented to all members of the Interfraternity Council, as well as the member to be impeached, at least 5 days in advance of the planned date of the impeachment hearing.
- Impeachment calls for a 3/4 vote of the entire IFC
Section D
- In the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President shall assume the office of President for the remainder of his
- In the event of a vacancy in any other position, the President will appoint a replacement until an election can be held for the
- In the event that the President and Vice President seats are simultaneously vacant, or if the Vice President declines to assume the Presidency, the Interfraternity Council will hold an election to fill the vacant position(s).
Section A
The IFC shall meet at least twice a month during the regular semester.
Section B
The IFC shall meet during the summer at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Section C
A quorum shall be set at two-thirds of the IFC Membership.
Section D
IFC shall meet for regular meetings each semester at a time set in accordance with a decision made by the IFC Executive Council.
Section E
Special and emergency meetings will be convened when deemed necessary. The President will be responsible for calling the meeting to order and running the meeting for its intended purpose.
Section F
Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the University of Nevada, Reno Interfraternity Council when applicable, except in matters specifically provided for in the University of Nevada, Reno Interfraternity Council governing documents.
Section A
Amendments to the constitution shall be presented, in writing to the IFC at a regular or special meeting by a representative to the IFC or by the Executive Council. Voting on the proposed amendment shall be deferred until the next regular meeting of the IFC.
Section B
Amendments to the Constitution shall become effective upon a 3/4 quorum vote.