Developing an asynchronous online course with IDET

Faculty Course Developers (FCDs) may choose to develop their asynchronous online course following ODL’s Instructional Design & Educational Technology (IDET) course development process. This process will guide faculty from initial planning through building their course in WebCampus, with the assistance of a course development team from the Office of Digital Learning (ODL). FCDs who develop their asynchronous online course with an IDET development team may be eligible for a development stipend of up to $1000 per credit.

Learn more about the members of the IDET development team here.

The steps of the IDET development process are outlined below:

Step 1: Course planning and designing

The course development process begins with the FCD being assigned to a development team. Next, a team-wide meeting is scheduled to discuss the class and establish a course development timeline. They will also discuss the development process, construct a team communication plan, define roles and responsibilities, and determine the project timeline. The Faculty Course Developer (FCD) will then complete the online course development training and begin work on planning and designing the course. At this stage, the FCD will

  • finalize course and module learning outcomes;
  • create a course map to align course content with course-wide objectives; and
  • determine strategies for content delivery and instructional activities, and plan major assignments and assessments.

Step 2: Course development and building

After the FCD has completed initial planning and training with the help of their course development team, the FCD will begin to develop course materials to meet all University Standards for Digital Instruction using ODL’s customizable WebCampus template.

Step 3: Quality assurance course review

Once the FCD has built their course in WebCampus, they will work with their Instructional Designer to review it using the University Standards for Digital Instruction. Once the course passes the informal review, the Digital Learning Quality Assurance Officer will complete the official course review. After the course passes the official review, it can be scheduled.

Note: If a course does not pass official review, it may still be offered in the target semester, but will be required to undergo revisions to meet all University Standards for Digital Instruction before it may be scheduled in future terms.


If you’d like to know more about the new online course development process, or have questions, please contact the Office of Digital Learning.