Estimate your costs

We make sure all students can afford an exceptional, top-tier college education. Use our tuition estimator tool to get a personalized understanding of your estimated tuition and fees, housing, meals, parking permit fees and more.

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A Wolf Pack sign made of lights is next to a sign of the Nevada Wolf Pack Sport Wolf logo also made of lights, at a Nevada Alumni Association event.

2024-2025 academic year
Undergraduate tuition and fees*

In-State Freshman


Includes $8,430 in base tuition
Includes $1,148 in mandatory student fees

Out-of-State Freshman


Includes $8,430 in base tuition
Includes $18,142 in non-resident tuition
Includes $1,148 in mandatory student fees

In-State Transfer


Includes $8,430 in tuition
Includes $1,148 in mandatory student fees

Non-Resident Transfer


Includes $8,430 in base tuition
Includes $18,142 in non-resident tuition
Includes $1,148 in mandatory student fees

Western Undergraduate Exchange


Includes $8,430 in base tuition
Includes $4,216 in WUE tuition
Includes $1,148 in mandatory student fees

Pack Exchange Program


Includes $8,430 in base tuition
Includes $8,430 in PEP tuition
Includes $1,148 in mandatory fees



Includes $8,430 in base tuition
Includes $18,142 in non-resident tuition
Includes $1,438 in mandatory student fees

Online Students


Tuition and fees vary by program

*Based on full-time enrollment of 30 credits across fall (15 credits) and spring (15 credits) before any financial aid packages are applied. Does not include on-campus housing, dining, books or supplies.

2024-2025 academic year
Graduate, Medical and Online education tuition and fees

Is your financial aid on track?

Apply for aid

Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit your application to be considered for available scholarships.

Anything missing?

If additional documents are required, to-do items will be placed in your MyNEVADA account and you will be notified via email.

Check for updates

Check for award updates online via MyNevada.

Tuition and fees resources

Tuition and fees rates

Get more details in tabular format of the University's tuition and fees, as set by the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Board of Regents.

Predictable pricing

Tuition is set by the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) and yearly per-credit registration fees are set up to the 2026-2027 academic year.

Cost of attendance

Review cost of attendance figures, including direct and indirect costs, compiled by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Tuition waivers

The University supports a variety of tuition waivers, from the Native American Fee Waiver to programs for foster youth.

Student fees guide

Learn more about mandatory student fees that cover a range of services and programs at the University.

Financial aid forms

Access a menu of financial aid forms, from dependent worksheets to tax forms.

We're here to help

Undergraduate students

Contact us via email at, call (775) 784-4666 or (877) 666-0014 (toll free), or book an appointment.

Graduate students

Contact us via email at or call (775) 784-6869.

International students

Contact us via email at or call (775) 784-6874.

This is an estimate. The above costs are reflective of 2024-2025. Fees are subject to change with approval from NSHE Board of Regents. Additional fees may vary by academic level, program, living and meal arrangements.