Publications are listed below.
Oecologia 197, 25–42
Refsland, T. K., & Cushman, J. H.
Biological Conservation Volume 257, 109086
Hughey, L. F., Shoemaker, K. T., Stewart, K. M., McCauley, D. J., & Cushman, J. H.
Context-dependent effects of a large mammalian herbivore on soil properties and processes due to soil texture and herbivore activity.
Ecology and Evolution 10:10858-10871.
Dodge, V., V. E. Eviner & J. H. Cushman.
Long-term and interactive effects of different mammalian consumers on growth, survival and recruitment of dominant tree species.
Ecology and Evolution 10:8801–8814.
Cushman, J. H., L. E. Saunders & T. K. Refsland.
Cascading effects of mammalian herbivores on ground-dwelling arthropods: variable responses across arthropod groups, habitats and seasons.
Journal of Animal Ecology 88:1319–1331.
Cecil, E., M. J. Spasojevic & J. H. Cushman.
Effects of native bryophytes on exotic grass invasion across an environmental gradient.
Ecosphere 10(6):e02769.
Kleinhesselink, A. R. & J. H. Cushman.
Synthesizing the effects of large, wild herbivore exclusion on ecosystem function.
Functional Ecology 33:1597–1610.
Forbes, E. S., J. H. Cushman, D. E. Burkepile, T. P. Young, M. Klope, H. S. Young.
Ecology & Evolution 8:12115-12125
Ellis, T. D., & J. H. Cushman.
Native herbivores and environmental heterogeneity as mediators of an exotic grass invasion.
Ecology and Evolution 7:1561–1571
Ender, C. L., C. E. Christian & J. H. Cushman.
Effects of individual, community and landscape drivers on the dynamics of a wildland forest epidemic.
Ecology 97:649-660
Haas, S. E., J. H. Cushman, W. W. Dillon, N. E. Rank, D. M. Rizzo and R. K. Meentemeyer.
Shrubs as ecosystem engineers across an environmental gradient: effects on species richness and exotic plant invasion.
Oecologia 175:1277-1290
Kleinhesselink, A. R., S. M. Magnoli, & J. H. Cushman.
Community-level consequences of cattle grazing for an invaded grassland: variable responses of native and exotic vegetation.
Journal of Vegetation Science 24:332-343
Skaer, M. J., D. J. Graydon & J. H. Cushman.
Responses to invasion and invader removal differ between native and exotic plant groups in a coastal dune.
Oecologia 173:1521-1530.
Magnoli, S. M., A. R. Kleinhesselink, & J. H. Cushman.
Population genetic diversity and structure of two rare vernal pool grasses in central California.
Conservation Genetics 13:117-130
Gordon, S. P., C. M. Sloop, H. G. Davis & J. H. Cushman.
Native herbivores and plant facilitation mediate the performance and distribution of an invasive exotic grass.
Journal of Ecology 99:524-531
Cushman, J. H., C. J. Lortie & C. E. Christian.
Spatial estimation of the density and carbon content of host populations for Phytophthora ramorum in California and Oregon.
Forest Ecology & Management 262:989-998.
Lamsal, S., R. C. Cobb, J. H. Cushman, Q. Meng, D. M. Rizzo & R. K. Meentemeyer.
Community-level consequences of invasion: impacts of exotic clonal plants on riparian vegetation.
Biological Invasions 12:2765-2776
Cushman, J. H., & K. A. Gaffney.
Shrubs as ecosystem engineers in a coastal dune: influences on plant populations, communities and ecosystems.
Journal of Vegetation Science 21:821-831
Cushman, J. H., J. C. Waller & D. R. Hoak.
Influence of land-cover change on the spread of an invasive forest pathogen.
Ecological Applications 18:159-171.
Meentemeyer, R. K., N. E. Rank, B. L. Anacker & J. H. Cushman.
Multi-scale patterns of human activity and the incidence of an exotic forest pathogen.
Journal of Ecology 96:766-776
Cushman, J. H., & R. K. Meentemeyer
Negative effects of vertebrate herbivores on invertebrates in a coastal dune community.
Ecology 89:1972-1980.
Huntzinger, M., R. Karban & J. H. Cushman.
Effects of a directional abiotic gradient on plant community dynamics and invasion in a coastal dune system.
Journal of Ecology 95:468-481.
Lortie, C. J. & J. H. Cushman.
Influence of a large herbivore reintroduction on plant invasions and community composition in a California grassland.
Conservation Biology 21:15-521.
Johnson, B. E. & J. H. Cushman.
Temporal changes in native and exotic vegetation and soil characteristics following disturbances by feral pigs in a California grassland.
Biological Invasions 8:1073-1089.
Tierney, T. & J. H. Cushman
Indirect effects of deer herbivory on local nitrogen availability in a coastal dune ecosystem.
Oikos 110:124-132.
McNeil, S. G. & J. H. Cushman.