Ensemble auditions
Large ensembles offer performance opportunities for both music majors and non-majors. Music majors and students enrolled in applied instrumental lessons or on a music scholarship must join a major ensemble, as required by the School of Music handbook. Auditions are open to all University students and can fulfill the Silver Core 7 requirement for non-music majors.
Wind Ensemble, Concert Winds and Orchestra auditions
Orchestra, Wind Ensemble and Concert Winds: Music majors, music minors and non-music majors should prepare the required excerpts for the audition which will be for placement in Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, or Concert Winds. Be sure to listen to the excerpts so that you have a good understanding of the performance practice and context.
Concert Winds only: Non-music majors or minors only need to select one of the required excerpts, which will be for placement in Concert Winds.
Orchestral Strings auditions: Auditions will be held the first few days of the semester. Auditionees will sign up for an audition time that suits their schedule. Contact Jason Altieri, Orchestra Conductor at jaltieri@unr.edu for details.
Download required audition excerpts
To request accessible excerpt versions or printed excerpt versions, send an email to band@unr.edu.
Music Majors, Music Minors, and Non-Music Majors auditioning for Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, and Concert Winds:
- Prepare all required excerpts for the audition.
- Listen to the excerpts to understand the performance practice and context.
Non-Music Majors/Minors auditioning for Concert Winds only:
- Select and prepare ONE of the required excerpts for placement in Concert Winds.
- Percussionists should perform TWO of the three excerpts.
- Listen to the excerpts to understand the performance practice and context.
Audition Times: Please audition as early as possible within your instrument’s time slot.
Monday, 8/26/24 - Nightingale Concert Hall (use backstage entrance)
- 9 a.m.-11 a.m.: Trumpet, French Horn
- 1-2:30 p.m.: Tuba, Trombone
- 6-7:30 p.m.: Saxophone, Euphonium, conflict/overflow
Tuesday, 8/27/24 - Nightingale Concert Hall (use backstage entrance)
- 8:30-11 a.m.: Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, conflict/overflow
- 11-11:45 a.m.: Clarinet
- 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.: Percussion
Choral auditions
Music majors, music minors, and non-music majors interested in any choral ensemble will need to audition. The audition will consist of a range check, sight singing excerpt, and SATB score reading. Students are not required to prepare a vocal solo. For more information contact Brittney May, Interim Director of Choral Activities at brittneymay@unr.edu.
Auditions will be held the first few days of the semester. Auditionees will sign up for an audition time that suits their schedule. The sign-up sheet will be posted outside the Choral Rehearsal Room, UFA 143.
Auditionees will sign up for an audition time.
Jazz Ensembles and Combo auditions
The audition will consist of a sight-reading excerpt and a tune of your choice. For more information contact Josh Reed, Jazz Area Coordinator at jreed23@unr.edu.
If you’d like to be in a combo or soloist with the band, please plan to improvise in your audition. Backing tracks will be provided. Drums, piano, and guitar amps will be provided. Bassists, please plan to play acoustically.
Students that wish to audition must sign up for an audition time.