Spring Celebration & Awards Night
Brad Ferguson, Department of Nutrition, Outstanding Researcher
Since joining the University, Brad has established himself as an independent, highly productive researcher. His research is focused on the role of protein acetylation in myocardial remodeling and function through the study of both epigenetic and nonepigenetic mechanisms. More specifically, his research addresses questions regarding the role for sarcomere and mitochondrial protein acetylation in the regulation of cardiac muscle function. His research involves understanding how food bioactive compounds impact microbial populations in the gastrointestinal system. This may involve a change in microbe-derived metabolites that can serve to prevent cardiac dysfunction.
Marina MacLean, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Outstanding Teacher
Marina is one of the most innovative, engaged and enthusiastic instructors in the department. Molecular biology is a constantly changing field, and Marina continuously updates her instruction to reflect this. Her students are taught state-of-the-art techniques, such as CRSPR, or Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, and are therefore equipped for graduate school or the biotech industry.
Buddy Borden, Extension, Outstanding Extension Academic Faculty
Buddy has served Nevada for many years, and has met an ongoing need in the state with the Nevada Economic Assessment Program (NEAP). He is an asset to Extension administration because, for example, he ran an economic analysis of the new Lincoln County youth camp. He is recognized by federal, state and local officials. He has worked on numerous programs and expanded NEAP to include consensus analysis through Marlene Rebori. He also helped Mary Wilson obtain additional funding for her program. As Nevada changes, Buddy is often called upon to help state and local officials address these changes. His work is recognized as professional, and he is quickly available.
Macy Helm, Extension, Outstanding Extension Administrative Faculty
Macy is recognized for her significant contributions to the University through her leadership of Extension's federal nutrition education programs. Beyond her role as principal investigator for these grant-funded programs, Macy has made tremendous strides in the mission of Extension, the University, and our legislative and federal partners. Macy is delightful and cares about her peers, employees, partners, and statewide and national colleagues. She is innovative and creative, dedicated, hard-working, committed, inspirational, adaptable, and calm in the face of adversity.
Linda Brown, Extension, Outstanding Extension Staff
Linda has been a valued member of Extension since 2015, and continually demonstrates what it means to be an Extension employee. She consistently goes above and beyond the duties of her position; is always willing to help out her community, stakeholders and colleagues; and contributes to Extension's overall mission and values.
Nevada Economic Assessment Project (NEAP), Extension, Outstanding Extension Team
Nevada has experienced volatility during COVID-19, expansions within the state's economy, and potential changes of federal public lands and surface water policies. NEAP was developed to assist Nevada's decision-makers with these changes by producing readily available socioeconomic data, data analysis and economic models that provide guidance. NEAP integrates Extension educators and experts from the University to bring the University's community and economic development research to rural communities across Nevada, while working with a diverse group of stakeholders throughout the state.
Cara Goss, Experiment Station, Outstanding Administrative Faculty
Cara is an important part of the educational and animal care team at the Main Station Field Laboratory. She currently serves as the lab’s livestock coordinator and supervisor. The College has the good fortune of having many intelligent and caring people working for it, but Cara is an outstanding member of this great team. Her hard work and diligence is recognized by awarding her the College’s Outstanding Administrative Faculty of the Year Award.
Jill Baker-Tingey, Extension, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award
Jill deserves the College's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award because of her courage to be an empathetic leader who is able to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds, her ability to collaborate with community partners, and her striving for inclusive programming. Jill's dedication to diversity and inclusion permeates throughout the multiple programs she oversees.
About our College
The College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources is a founding college of our land-grant University. We have a long and distinguished record of fulfilling the land-grant mission to provide teaching, research and outreach programs that grow the health and economic vitality of Nevada.

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