
Below are strategies to recognize and/or promote outstanding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) work that directly supports, through recruitment and retention efforts, students from broad and intersecting identities.

DEI Champion

At every NETMAT meeting, Student Services offers a recognition pin symbolizing acknowledgment and appreciation for staff members (individuals or groups) who have worked to advance diversity, equity and inclusion efforts on campus.

Nominations are due two weeks prior to every NETMAT meeting.

Nominate a peer or group for DEI Champion

View DEI Champion winners and nominees

Annual DEI Champion

Every July, the Division of Student Services hosts Professional Development Day. At this event, the division will acknowledge and recognize staff members (individuals or groups) who have gone above and beyond to advance diversity, equity and inclusion efforts on campus.

Nominations are due two weeks prior to every NETMAT meeting.

Nominate a peer or group for Annual DEI Champion

Innovative DEI grant

The Division of Student Services has allocated funds to support innovative and/or essential needs related to diversity, equity and inclusion. Grants (maximum of $3,000 each) are designated for project scholarships/grants or DEI-related trainings in one of the following categories:

  • An individual to attend a training related to DEI
  • An individual or group to conduct research in practice; and publish/present results
  • An individual or group to develop/enhance an innovative student-centered initiative to support DEI efforts
  • Bringing a presenter(s)/facilitator(s) to campus for a division-wide professional development opportunity

Grant criteria and application expectations

  • Broad criteria/expectations across all fund requests
    • Provide a description of the project, training, research
    • Explain connection to and application of DEI Strategic Plan
    • Define benefits to/impact on students, the division, campus culture/climate beyond the students an individual department serves
    • Include brief letter of support from supervisor
    • During a fiscal year, an individual can only receive funds for one of the following requests
    • Initially, this funding is designed for one-time, per fiscal year
      • Requests for ongoing funds should be directed to supervisor.
  • In addition to the items listed above, individuals submitting a grant proposal for the categories below must address these additional specific criteria:
    • Individual attending training
      • Articulate how skills learned will directly apply to position, department, division, and/or university
      • Provide a draft outline of how this individual would conduct a “brown bag lunch” upon return of what was learned
        • When possible, these would be recorded and added to the website library
    • Research in practice
      • Describe methodology and how participants would be selected
      • Include an estimated timeline of research (including IRB, data collection, data analysis, submission of publication, etc.)
      • Articulate how this individual(s) has connected with Student Persistence Research in conducting the research, analyzing findings, and sharing results
      • Provide a draft outline of how this individual would conduct a “brown bag lunch” upon return of what was learned
        • When possible, these would be recorded and added to the website library
    • Develop/enhance student centered initiative
      • Provide data demonstrating need for existing or new initiative
      • Describe the anticipated timeline for design, development, outcomes, implementation, and assessment of enhancement/new initiative
      • Create a draft Initiative evaluation for program participants after a set period of time
      • Provide a draft outline of how this individual would conduct a “brown bag lunch” upon return of what was learned
        • When possible, these would be recorded and added to the website library
    • Professional development opportunity for the division
      • Provide references from other organizations/institutions as to the training and demonstrated outcomes
      • Describe anticipated outcomes of the session
      • Articulate impact/influence on attendee practice after the training
      • Provide a tentative session outline with specific opportunities for attendee engagement
      • Create a draft evaluation form that attendees will complete at the conclusion of the event (this is submitted with the proposal)

Learn more about the DEI grant