
Our division offers a core curriculum that all our student services staff is required to complete within their first year. Our launch of this core curriculum requirement began for the 2021-2022 academic year and will continue to develop to adapt to the needs of the communities we serve.

Additionally, after the first-year requirements are completed, we encourage further development in the understanding and importance of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. The education is presented through a variety of modalities, which include WebCampus coursework and in-person workshops.

Canvas curriculum modules

How to access Student Services curriculum

  1. Log in to WebCampus
  2. Click on the Student Services Professional Development tile
  3. On the Self‐Enrollment Page, click the “Enroll in Course” button/link
  4. Once you have been enrolled in the course, click the “Go to the Course” button/link
  5. To select individual modules, click on “Modules” option/link

How directors can view staff progress

Download directions for directors