
  • Bea Gordon, Aidan Manning and Gabe Lewis (advised by Adrian Harpold) presented at the online Western Snow Conference.
  • Bob Shriver gave an invited talk at the Northwest Climate Conference entitled "Quantifying the impacts of ecological drought on sagebrush restoration."
  • Carrie Stark served on a mainstage panel and facilitated a portion of a breakout session for the National Positive Youth Development (PYD) Academy.
  • Carrie Stark, Sheila Bray and Sarah Chvilicek presented Addressing Youth Needs research:
    • Congressman Horsford’s Office.
    • Southern Nevada Maternal & Child Health Coalition. Nevada Department of Education School Safety Conference.
    • USDA Children, Youth, and Families at Risk Conference.
  • David St-Jules presented at the National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meeting, "Analyzing the evidence and assumptions underlining the nutrient-based kidney diet."
  • John Cushman presented at the National Science Foundation-sponsored Convergence Accelerator workshop on Accelerating Sustainable Systems for Food Security in Extreme Environments and Food Deserts.
  • Paul Meiman helped the Northeastern Nevada Stewardship Group host their first virtual annual meeting.
  • Peter Weisberg and Robert Washington-Allen served on the Host Committee for the 2021 Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology. Alice Ready, Georgia Basey and Tom Dilts (from the Weisberg Lab) presented:
    • Dilts, Thomas E., Marcus E. Blum, Kevin T. Shoemaker, Peter J. Weisberg, Kelley M. Stewart. Third- generation topographic ruggedness indices improve mapping of rugged terrain and habitat modeling for desert bighorn sheep.
    • Ready, Alice, Peter Weisberg, Thomas Dilts, Christopher Kratt. Phenology-based, multi-scale classification of invasive annual grasses to the species level using hyperspatial UAV data.
    • Vasey, Georgia, Peter Weisberg, Alexandra Urza. Ecological scale of trait variation and relationship to environmental gradients in a dryland tree species.
  • Sarah Bisbing gave two seminars, one SLO chapter of the California Native Plant Society and another at the Wilderness Society Annual Governing Body Meeting.
  • Steven Frese was a guest lecturer for Global Health and Nutrition students at Allegheny College on “The Gut Microbiome and Malnutrition.”
  • Won Yim presented a research talk at the Virtual PacBio Symposium at the University of Oregon.


  • Aurora Buffington wrote an NSight blog article for National Nutrition Month, and was featured in a National Nutrition Month article in Spanish in the March issue of Vida Magazine.
  • Don Deever wrote “Catch a Falling Star” article (on collecting micrometeorites year-round in your own backyard) published in Nevada Today/NSights.
  • Don Deever, co-authored article published on radon mitigation (Radon hazard in your home: What to do once you've seen the lab results), which appeared in Nevada Today, NSights, and the Lincoln County Record.
  • Flake, S.W. and Weisberg, P.J., 2021. Drought alters the understory of pinyon-juniper woodlands indirectly through tree dieback. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 76, pp.118-128.
  • Jones, J., & Horrillo S. J. (2021, May 24). Outdoor recreation, a necessity for kids. The Nevada Independent.
  • Lesley Morris: Wrote two articles for CABNR DEI Committee in honor of Women's History Month that were circulated within CABNR entitled, "Molly Flag Knudtsen: No place for a woman" and "Women Making History in the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Natural Resources (CABNR)."
  • Mayer JA, Wone BWM, Alexander DC, Guo L, Ryals JA, Cushman JC. (2021) Metabolic profiling of epidermal and mesophyll tissues under water-deficit stress in Opuntia ficus-indica reveals stress-adaptive metabolic responses. Functional Plant Biology.
  • Nelson, K., S. Bisbing, D. Grossenbacher, M. Ritter, and J. Yost. 2021. Testing an invasion mechanism for Eucalyptus globulus: is there evidence of allelopathy? American Journal of Botany.
  • Nuss AB, Sharma A, Gulia-Nuss M. 2021. Genetic Manipulation of Ticks: A Paradigm Shift in Tick and Tick-Borne Diseases Research. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
  • Rhett M. Anderson, Benjamin W. Hoose, Val J. Anderson, Neil C. Hansen, Tamzen K. Stringham, Daniel D. Summers, Kevin L. Gunnell, Melissa L. Landeen, Matthew D. Madsen. Influence of seed conglomeration technology and planting season on Wyoming big sagebrush restoration. Rangeland Ecology & Management.
  • T.K. Stringham, Devon K. Snyder, Patti Novak-Echenique, Kelsey O’Neill, Alexa Lyons, Mattie Johns. Great Basin Ecological Site Development Project State and Transition Models for Major Land Resource Area 26 in Nevada and Portions of California. Nevada Ag. Experiment Station Research Report 2021-01.
  • Wahrenburg Z, Benesch E, Lowe C, Jimenez J, Kumar Reddy Vulavala V, Lü S, Hammerschmidt R, Douches D, Yim WC, Santos P, Kosma DK (2021) Transcriptional regulation of wound suberin deposition in potato cultivars with differential wound healing capacity. The Plant Journal.

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