A climate change indicator framework for rangelands and pastures of the USA.
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D. Ojima, R. Aicher, S. Archer, D. Bailey, S. Casby-Horton, N. Cavallaro, J. Reyes, J. Tanaka, R. Washington-Allen
Quantifying short-term erosion and deposition in an active gully using terrestrial laser scanning: a case study from west Tennessee, USA
Frontiers in Earth Science, Vol 8
Y Li, JJ Mcnelis, RA Washington-Allen
Assessing the Impact of a Geospatial Data Collection App on Student Engagement in Environmental Education
Education Sciences, v9 Article 118 2019
Norton, E., Y.K. Li., R.A. Washington-Allen, and L. Reyes-Mason
Determining Spread Rate of Kudzu Bug (Hemiptera: Plataspidae) and Its Associations With Environmental Factors in a Heterogeneous Landscape
Environmental Entomology, Volume 48, Issue 2, April 2019, Pages 309–317
Liang, W., L. Tran, J. Grant, R. Washington-Allen, S. Stewart, and G. Wiggins
Structural and sedimentological connectivity on a rilled hillslope
Science of The Total Environment Vol. 655, 10 March 2019, Pages 1479-1494
L. Xiaoyu, Y.K. Li., R.A. Washington-Allen, and Y. Li
Studying Crop Yield Response to Supplemental Irrigation and the Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Physical Attributes in a Humid Region
Agriculture 2019, 9(2), 43
Haghverdi, A., Leib, B., Washington-Allen, R., Wright W., Ghodsi, S., Grant, T., Zheng, M., Vanchiasong, P.
2018. Structural and sedimentological connectivity on a rilled hillslope.
Science of the Total Environment 655, 1479-1494.
Lu, Xiaoyu*, Y.K. Li., R.A. Washington-Allen, and Y. Li.
Predicting the potential invasion of kudzu bug, Megacopta cribraria (Heteroptera: Platspidae) in North and South America and determining its climatic preference.
Biological Invasions, Vol 20(10), pp 2899–2913
Liang, W.*, L. Tran, R. Washington-Allen, G. Wiggins, S. Stewart, J. Vogt, and J.Grant.
Prediction of cotton lint yield from phenology of crop indices using artificial neural networks.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 152: 186-197
Haghverdi, A., R.A. Washington-Allen, A., B.G. Leib.
The effect of pseudo-absence selection method on transferability of species distribution models in the context of non-adaptive niche shift.
Ecological Modeling 388: 1-9
Liang, W.*, M. Papes, L. Tran, J. Grant, R. Washington-Allen, S. Stewart, and G. Wiggins.
Tree mortality from an exceptional drought spanning mesic to semiarid ecoregions
Ecological Applications 26: 602-611
Moore, G.W., Edgar ,C.B., Vogel, J.B., Washington-Allen, R.A., March, R.G., Zehnder, R.
<p>Signicant areas of the southern USA periodically experience intense drought that can lead to episodic tree mortality events. Because drought tolerance varies among species and size of trees, such...