Effects of liquid-based diets with breweries grains enriched with isolated starch and fish oil on veal quality
Meat Science, Volume 216, October 2024, 109592
Giotto, F.M., Gamage, N.H., Macias-Franco, A., Gerrard, D.E., Fonseca, M.A., de Mello, A.S.
MicroRNA Biogenesis, Gene Regulation Mechanisms, and Availability in Foods
Non-coding RNA 10(5), 52
de Mello, A.S.; Ferguson, B.S.; Shebs-Maurine, E.L.; Giotto, F.M.
Effect of Beef Silver Skin (Epimysium) Levels on Meat Emulsion Stability, Quality Attributes, and Texture Parameters
Foods 2023, 12(20
Kewata, K., Giotto, F.M., de Mello, A.S., Kingery, T., Silva, L.H.P.
Effects of isoenergetic supplementation as water use mitigation strategy on water footprint and health of nursing bull calves
Transl Anim Sci. 2023 Nov 16;7(1):txad127
Franco, A. M., da Silva, A. E. M., de Moura, F. H., Norris, A. B., Roloson, S. B., Gerrard, D. E.; De Mello, A. S.; Fonseca, M. A.
Systém hodnocení jatecných tel skotu v USA
Maso, 2023, roc. 34(2), s. 31-37. ISSN 1210-4086.
Lebedová, N., de Mello, A., Gamage, N., Barton, L., Bureš,
Discarded pecan seeds as an alternative feedstuff in lamb diets: Effects on intake, growth performance, carcass weights, and meat quality
Small Ruminant Research, Volume 213, August 2022,
Giotto, F.M., Grandis, F.A., de Mello, A.S., Ribeiro, E.L.A.
Effects of MS bacteriophages, ultraviolet light, and organic acid applications on beef trim contaminated with STEC O157:H7 and the “Big Six” serotypes after a simulated High Event Period Scenario
Meat Science
Shebs, E.L., Giotto, F.G., de Mello, A.S.
Effects of bacteriophages and peroxyacetic acid applications on beef contaminated with Salmonella during different grinding stages
Meat Science
Shebs-Maurine, E.L., Giotto, F.M., Laidler, S.T., de Mello, A.S.
Effects of lipid and starch supplementation as water intake mitigation techniques on performance and efficiency of nursing Holstein calves
Translational Animal Science, Volume 5, Issue 3, July 2021
Macias-Franco, A., da Silva, A.E.M.., de Moura, F.H., Norris, A.B., Van Den Broek, K., Valcheck, M., de Mello, A.S., Fonseca, M.A.
Application of MS bacteriophages on contaminated trimmings reduces Escherichia coli O157 and non-O157 in ground beef
Meat Science
Shebs-Maurine, E.S., Torres,E .S., Yeh-Parker, de Mello, A.S.
Effects of muscle and finishing diets containing distillers grains with low moisture levels on fatty acid deposition in two novel value-added beef cuts
Food Science of Animal Resources, pISSN: 2636-0772, eISSN: 2636-0780
Giotto, F. M. Fruet, A. P. B., Nörnberg J. L.,Calkins, C. R., de Mello, A. S.
Effects of the incorporation of tannin extract from Quebracho Colorado wood on color Parameters, lipid oxidation, and sensory attributes of beef patties
Foods 2020, 9(5), 667
Fruet, A.P.B., Giotto, F.M., Fonseca, M.F., Nörnberg, J.L., and de Mello, A.S.
Condensed tannins from Quebracho Colorado wood are incorporated into beef patties as a natural antioxidant source to improve shelf life....
Efficacy of bacteriophage and organic acids in decreasing STEC O157:H7 populations in beef kept under vacuum and aerobic conditions: A simulated High Event Period scenario
Meat Science. Volume 162, April 2020,
Shebs. E.L., Lukov, M.J., Giotto, F.M., Torres, E.S., de Mello, A.S.
Bacteriophages led to improved reductions of the bacteria E. coli in aerobically-packaged beef. As well as, bacteriophage applications are more effective than organic acids in package meats....
Effects of different antioxidants on quality of beef patties from steers fed low-moisture distillers grains
Meat Science, Volume 154, August 2019, Pages 119-125
Fruet, A.P.B., Nörnberg, J.L., Calkins, C.R., de Mello, A.S.
Corn Distillers Grains plus Solubles (DGS) are commonly used as a source of protein and energy for finishing cattle and its composition may vary based on moisture levels, fat and protein content....
Effect of ultraviolet light, organic acids, and bacteriophage on Salmonella populations in ground beef
Meat Science
Yeh, Y., de Moura, F., Van de Broek, K., de Mello, A.S.
Effects of feeding legume-grass pasture and different concentrate levels on fatty acid profile, volatile compounds, and off-flavor of the M. longissimus thoracis
Meat Science
Fruet, A.P.B., Trombetta, F, Stefanello, F.S., Speroni, C.S., Donadel, J.Z., De Souza, A.N.M, Rosado Júnior, A., Tonetto, C.J., Wagner, R., de Mello, A.S., Nörnberg, J.L.
Effects of fortification of beef steaks with krill oil on physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics
Journal of Human Nutrition & Food Science
Fruet, A. P., Gerrard, D., Nörnberg, J. L. and de Mello, A. S.
Growth performance and carcass traits of steers finished on three different systems including legume–grass pasture and grain diets
Fruet, A.P.B; Stefanello, F.S.; Trombetta, F.; De Souza, A.N.M.; , Rosado Júnior, A.G.; Tonetto, C.J.; Flores, J.L.C.; Scheibler, R.B.; Bianchi, R.M.; Pacheco, P.S.; De Mello, A. S.; and Nörnberg, J.L.
Meat Science Lexicon
Meat and Muscle Biology 2(3)
Seman, D.L., Boler, D.D., Carr, C.D., Dikeman, M.E., Owens, C.M., Keeton, J.T., Pringle, T.D., Sindelar, J.J., Woerner, D.R., de Mello, A.S., Powell, T. M.
The American Meat Science Association became aware of the need to develop a lexicon for the standardization of various terms used in meat sciences that have been adopted by researchers in allied...
Oxidative stability of beef from steers finished exclusively with concentrate, supplemented, or on legume-grass pasture
Meat Science
Fruet, A.P.B., de Mello, A.S., Trombetta, F., Stefanello, F.S., Speroni, C.S., de Vargas, D.P., de Souza, A.N.M., Rosado Júnior, A.G., Tonetto, C.J., Nörnberg, J.L.
Bacteriophage application on red meats and poultry: Effects on Salmonella population in final ground products
Meat Science
Yeh, Y., Purushothaman, P., Gupta, N., Ragnone, M., Verma, S. C., de Mello, A. S.
Effects of finishing diets containing wet distillers grains plus solubles on beef quality attributes and fatty acid profile
Meat Science
de Mello, A.S., Jenschke, B.E., Senaratne, L.S., Carr, T.P., Erickson, G.E., Calkins, C.R.
Effects of long spray-chilling on water pocket development in ribeyes
Meat Science
de Mello, A. S.; Ringkob, T., Yeh, Y.
Evaluation of palatability and muscle composition of novel value-added beef cuts
Meat Science
Yeh, Y., Ribeiro, F.A., Omaye, S.T., Calkins, C.R., de Mello, A. S.
Animal welfare of pre-slaughter handling and the influence on pork quality and stress physiological parameters.
Ciencia Rural 42: 532-537
Ludtke, C. B.; Dalla Costa, O. A.; Roça, R. O.; Silveira, E. T. F.; Athayde, N. B.; Araújo, A. P.; de Mello, A. S.; Azambuja, N. C.
Beef Quality of Calf-Fed Steers Finished on Varying Levels of Corn-Based Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles.
Journal of Animal Science, v. 1, p. 232-237
de Mello, A. S.; Calkins, C. R.; Jenschke, B. E.; Carr, T. P.; Dugan, M. E. R.; Erickson, G. E.
Effects of feeding modified distillers grains plus solubles on marbling attributes, proximate composition and fatty acid profile of beef.
Journal of Animal Science, v. 1, p. 234-242
de Mello, A. S.; Jenschke, B. E.; Senaratne, L. S.; Carr, T. P.; Erickson, G. E.; Calkins, C. R.
Evaluation of performance, carcass characteristics & sensory attributes of beef from finishing steers fed field peas.
Journal of Animal Science 89: 1167-1172
Jenkins, K. H.; Vasconcelos, J. T.; Hinkle J. B. ; Furman, S. A.; de Mello, A. S.; Senaratne, L. S.; Pokharel, S.; Calkins, C. R.
Effect of Cooking Method, Distiller's Grains, and Vitamin E Supplementation on the Vitamin Content of Value Cuts from Beef Steers Fed Wet Distiller's Grains and Solubles and Supplemental Vitamin E.
Journal of Food Science 75: 166-172.
Kim, Y.N.; Giraud, D.W.; Masrizal, M.A.; Hamouz, F.L.; Watanabe, K.; Schnepf, M.I.; de Mello, A. S.; Erickson, G.E.; Calkins, C.R.; Driskell, J.A.
Mapping of intramuscular tenderness and muscle fiber orientation of muscles in the beef round.
Journal of Animal Science 88: 3084-3106.
Senaratne, L. S.; Calkins, C. R.; de Mello, A. S.; Pokharel, S. ; Hinkle, J. B.
Vitamin and mineral content of value cuts from beef steers fed distiller's grains.
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24: 362-367
Driskell, J. A.; Kim, Y. N.; Giraud, D. W.; Hamouz, F. L.; de Mello, A. S.; Erickson, G. E.; Calkins, C. R.
Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide in the Scald Tank on the Microbial Count of Pork Skin.
The Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine in Tropical Countries 62: 27-31.
de Mello, A.S.; Roça, R. O.