Teacher Certification Exams

Nevada law requires a three part examination for college students planning to become teachers to demonstrate mastery of basic skills, professional knowledge, and content area of specialization.

Information about the Nevada requirements can be found by visiting the ETS Praxis website and selecting Nevada. Study materials for the exams can be found on the same ETS website

The exams required are:

It is important that you prepare for these exams. Admission into Advanced NevadaTeach status is conditional upon passing the Praxis Core or CBEST, and teaching licensure is conditional upon passing the PLT, Subject Assessments, and Nevada Law.

NevadaTeach recommends the following schedule for taking the parts of the required exams. This schedule allows enough time to retake the exam before applying for Apprentice Teaching:

  • Take the Praxis Core or CBEST by the end of Knowing & Learning (NVTC 201), prior to applying for Advanced NevadaTeach status
  • Take the PLT and Subject exam during Project-Based Instruction (NVTC 401)
  • Take Nevada Law at any time prior to applying for your teaching license.

All exams must be taken prior to applying for a teaching license.

FAQ: Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators

FAQ: California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST)