Marc Johnson
Black Lives Matter
In recent weeks we have listened to the anger and frustration expressed by our Black students, faculty and staff over ongoing police brutality and the systemic racism that lives on in our society. As we listened, we came to recognize the pain caused by each death of a Black person at the hands of police. The meaning of “Black Lives Matter” has never been clearer as people around the world speak up in the name of humanity and speak out against bigotry and hate. These words are not enough. Today, this University stands in solidarity with its Black student leaders who have brought forward several action items in the “Listen to Us” platform that will make us a better institution for Black students, faculty and staff. Campus leaders of the President’s Council and Council of Deans unanimously support the actions recommended in the “Listen to Us” platform.
The University will take these immediate actions to address the impact of racism on campus:
- A public review of our policing standards, training and protocols to ensure community safety, equity and compliance with justice values.
- A public review of the African Diaspora Program, which replaced the Black Cooperative Program, to ensure Black student needs are being met.
- Bring thoughtful and prominent recognition celebrating Colin Kaepernick and those Black social justice pioneers who came before him on our campus.
- Explore test score alternatives for use in first year math and English course placement and institutional scholarship criteria.
- Support the establishment of an undergraduate and graduate trustee position.
- Pursue the establishment of a living learning community in the residence halls focused on Black culture.
- Continue and expand cultural competency education across campus.
This University is proud of the courageous voices these students have brought to an injustice that has gone on for far too long. It is important to confront our past and seek to build a more equitable and just community for Black students.
Kevin Carman
Executive Vice President & Provost
Shannon Ellis
Vice President, Student Services
Vic Redding
Vice President, Administration & Finance
Mridul Gautam
Vice President, Research & Innovation
Todd Renwick
Assistant Vice President & Chief of Police
Lynda Buhlig
Vice President, Development & Alumni Relations
Thomas Schwenk
Vice President, Health Sciences & Dean, UNR School of Medicine
Eloisa Gordon-Mora
University Diversity & Inclusion Officer
Heidi Gansert
Executive Director, External Relations
Kerri Garcia Hendricks
Executive Director, Marketing & Communications & Chief Marketing Officer
Doug Knuth
Director, Intercollegiate Athletics
Brian Frost
Chair, Faculty Senate
Mary Dugan
General Counsel
Patricia Richard
Chief of Staff
Shawn Norman
Associate Vice President, Planning, Budget & Analysis
Jill Heaton
Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs
David Shintani
Vice Provost, Undergraduate Education
David Zeh
Vice Provost, Graduate Education & Dean, Graduate School
Steve Smith
Vice Provost, Information Technology & Chief Information Officer
Donald Easton-Brooks
Dean, College of Education
Trudy Larson
Dean, School of Community Health Sciences
Manos Maragakis
Dean, College of Engineering
Shadi Martin
Dean, School of Social Work
Debra Moddelmog
Dean, College of Liberal Arts
Greg Mosier
Dean, College of Business
Bill Payne
Dean, College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources
Kathy Ray
Dean, University Libraries
Al Stavitsky
Dean, Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism
Debera Thomas
Dean, Orvis School of Nursing
Jeffrey Thompson
Dean, College of Science