Kate Densford

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship
Kate Densford


Kate Densford earned her Ph.D. in History from George Washington University. Her research focuses on Habsburg Central Europe and its successor states. She has received numerous grants, including support from the Central European History Society and Fulbright Austria. Her dissertation turned book manuscript is tentatively titled "Beyond the Battlefield: The Provincial Austrian Home Front during the First World War." She has an article forthcoming in European Review of History.


  • “Feldsberg/Valtice and the Lower Austrian Towns that Became Czech, 1918-1920” in Postwar Continuity and New Challenges in Central Europe, 1918-1923: The War that Never Ended. Edited by Tomasz Pudłocki and Kamil Ruszała. New York: Routledge, 2021. 
  • “Brambovci v železu: Merilo javne podpore v zaledju v času prve svetovne vojne” [“The Wehrmann in Eisen: A Measure of Wartime Support on the Habsburg Home Front”], Zgodovina za vse, 28, Vol.1 (2021): 15-24.  
  • “Fellow Citizens, Unwanted Foreigners: The Refugee Crisis in Wartime Moravia,” in World War I in Central and Eastern Europe: Politics, Conflict and Military Experience. Edited by Judith Devlin, Maria Falina, and John Paul Newman. London: I.B. Tauris, 2018. 
  • “The Wehrmann in Eisen: Nailed Statues as Barometers of Habsburg Social Order during the First World War,” European Review of History: Revue européenne d’historie, 24/2 (2017): 305-324.