Exploring phenotypic diversity of Tef for biomass and grain production under optimum growth conditions.
Frontiers in Plant Science
Mengistu MA, Yim WC, Solomon JKQ, Cushman JC.
Synthetic crassulacean acid metabolism (SynCAM) for improving water-use efficiency in plants.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
Lim SD, Lomas JS, Islam M, Perez-Lopez, AV, Petrusa LM, Yim WC, Lim SL, Cushman JC.
Biomass production potential of 14 accessions of cactus pear (Opuntia spp.) as a food, feed, and biofuel crop for arid lands.
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 210: e12704
Neupane, D., Niechayev, N. A., Petrusa, L. M., Heinitz, C. and Cushman, J. C.
Increased food, feed, and biofuel demands of the future will require a greater reliance upon crop production systems in arid and semi-arid regions around the world. Here, we evaluated the biomass...
The nitrogen preference of Opuntia ficus-indica: a sand culture snapshot.
MDPI Plants. 13: 3489. DOI: 10.3390/plants13243489
Niechayev NA, Pereira PN, Cushman JC.
Comprehensive expression profiling analysis to investigate salt and drought responding genes in wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum L.).
Plant Stress 11: 100315. DOI: 10.1016/j.stress.2023.100315.
Bakir M, Uncuoglu AA, Ozmen CY, Baydu FY, Kazan K, Kibar U, Schlauch KA, Cushman JC, Ergul A
Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) at the crossroads: Special issue in the Annals of Botany to honor 50 years of CAM research by Klaus Winter
Annals of Botany. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcad160
Sage RF, Edwards EJ, Heyduk K, Cushman JC
Developmental dynamics of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) in Opuntia ficus-indica
Annals of Botany. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcad070
Niechayev NA, Meyer JA, Cushman JC
Epidermal bladder cells as a herbivore defense mechanism
Current Biology. 33: 4662-4673. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.09.063
Moog MW, Yang X, Bendtsen AK, Dong L, Crocoll C, Imamura T, Mori M, Cushman JC, Kant M, Palmgren M
Evolutionary blocks to anthocyanin accumulation and the loss of an anthocyanin carrier protein in betalain-pigmented Caryophylalles
New Phytologist. 241: 471-489. DOI: 10.1111/nph.19341
Pucker B, Walker-Hale N, Yim WC, Cushman JC, Crum A, Yang Y, Brockington S
The starch-deficient plastidic PHOSPHOGLUCOMUTASE mutant of the constitutive crassulacean acid metabolisms (CAM) species Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi impacts diel regulation and timing of stomatal CO2 responsiveness
Annals of Botany. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcad017
Hurtado-Castano N, Atkins E, Barnes J, Boxall SF, Dever LV, Knerova J, Hartwell J, Cushman JC, Borland AM
Tissue succulence in plants: Carrying water for climate change
Journal of Plant Physiology. 289: 154081. DOI: 10.1016/j.jplph.2023.154081
Peréz-Lopéz AV, Lim SD, Cushman JC.
Multi-scale catalytic fast pyrolysis of Grindelia reveals opportunities for generating low oxygen content bio-oils from drought tolerant biomass
Energy & Fuels. 36 (1): 425–434. DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c02403
Cross P, Iisa K, To A, Nimlos M, Carpenter D, Mayer JA, Cushman JC, Neupane B, Miller G, Adhikari S, Mukarakate C
NaCl-promoted respiration and cell division in halophytism of a halophyte, the common ice plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L
J. Fac. Agr. Kyushu Univ. 67 (2): 153-164.
Sato R, Tran DQ, Yoshida K, Dang J, Konishi A, Ohnishi S, Cushman JC, Agarie S
Plant responses and adaptations to climate change
The Plant Journal. 109 (2): 319–322. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.15641 (Cover Article)
Cushman JC, Denby K, Mittler R.
Realizing the potential of Camelina sativa as a bioenergy crop for a changing global climate
MDPI Plants. 11 (6): 772. DOI: 10.3390/plants11060772 (Cover Article)
Neupane D, Lohaus RH, Solomon JKQ, Cushman JC
The final piece of the Triangle of U: Evolution of the tetraploid Brassica carinata genome
The Plant Cell, Volume 34, Issue 11, November 2022, Pages 4143–4172
Won Cheol Yim, Mia L Swain, Dongna Ma, Hong An, Kevin A Bird, David D Curdie, Samuel Wang, Hyun Don Ham, Agusto Luzuriaga-Neira, Jay S Kirkwood, Manhoi Hur, Juan K Q Solomon, Jeffrey F Harper, Dylan K Kosma, David Alvarez-Ponce, John C Cushman, Patrick P Edger, Annaliese S Mason, J Chris Pires, Haibao Tang, Xingtan Zhang
Here, we report a chromosome scale 1.31-Gbp genome assembly with 156.9-fold sequencing coverage for B. carinata, completing the reference genomes comprising the classic Triangle of U, a classical...
Characterization of a microbial consortium for improved biological degradation of Opuntia ficus-indica biomass for biofuel production.
Heliyon. 7 (8): e07854. DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e07854
Blair BB, Yim WC, Cushman JC.
Disentangling sources of genes tree discordance in phylogenomic datasets: Testing ancient hybridizations in Amaranthaceae s.l..
Systematic Biology. DOI: 10.1093/sysbio/syaa066. PubMed PMID: 32785686.
Moreles-Briones, D.F., Kadereit, G., Tefarikis, D., Moore, M.J., Smith, S.A., Brockington, S.F., Timoneda, A., Yim, W.C., Cushman, J.C., and Yang, Y.
Five-year field trial of the biomass productivity and irrigation response of cactus pear (Opuntia spp.) as a bioenergy feedstock for arid lands.
Global Change Biology: Bioenergy. 13(4): 719-741. DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12805.
Neupane D, Mayer JA, Niechayev NA, Bishop CD, Cushman JC
Grain mineral nutrient profiling and iron bioavailability of an ancient crop teff (Eragrostis tef)
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 15 (10): 1314–1324. DOI: 10.21475/ajcs.21.15.10.p3264
Ligaba-Osena A, Mengistu MA, Craft E, Bodis M, Giri S, Beyene G, Cushman JC, Glahn R, Pineros M.
Membrane profiling by free flow Electrophoresis and SWATH-MS to characterize subcellular compartment proteomes in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22:5020. DOI: 10.3390/ijms22095020.
Guo Q, Liu L, Yim WC, Cushman JC, Barkla BJ.
An Agrobacterium-mediated transformation via organogenesis regeneration of a facultative CAM plant, the common ice plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.
Plant Production Science 23: 343–349. DOI: 10.1080.1343943x.2020.1730700.
Agarie, S., Umemoto, M., Sunagawa, H., Anai, T., Cushman, J.C.
Biosystems design to accelerate the C3-to-CAM progression.
Biodesign Research. Article ID 3686791. DOI: 10.34133/2020/3686791.
Yuan, G., Hassan, M.M., Liu, D., Lim, S.D., Yim, W.C., Cushman, J.C., Markel, K., Shih, P.M., Lu, H., Weston, D.J., Chen, J-G., Tschaplinski, T.J., Tuskan, G.A., Yang, X.
Characterization of Seed, Oil, and Fatty Acid Methyl Esters of an Ethyl Methanesulfonate Mutant of Camelina sativa with Reduced Seed-Coat Mucilage
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, vol 97, iss 2
RH Lohaus, JJ Zager, DK Kosma, JC Cushman
Five-year field trial of eight Camelina sativa varieties for biomass to be used for biofuel under irrigated conditions in a semi-arid climate.
MDPI Agronomy. 10: 562. DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10040562.
Lohaus, R.H., Neupan, D., Mengistu, M.A., Solomon, J.K.Q., and Cushman, J.C.
Genomic adaptations of the green alga Dunaliella salina to life under high salinity.
Algal Research. 50: 101990. DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2020.101990.
Polle, J.E.W., Calhoun, S., McKie-Krisberg, Z., Prochnik, S., Neofotis, P., Yim, W.C., Hathwaik, L.T., Jenkins, J., Molina, H., Bunkenborg, J., Grigoriev, I. Barry, K., Schmutz, J., Jin, E., Cushman, J.C., and Magnusson, J.R.
Light-responsive expression atlas reveals the effects of light quality and intensity in Kalanchoë fedtschenkoi, a plant with crassulacean acid metabolism.
GigaScience. 9: 1-17. DOI: 10.1093/gigascience.gia018.
Zhang, J., Hu, R., Sreedasyam, A. Garcia, T.M., Lipzen, A., Wang, M., Yerramsetty, P., Liu, D., Ng, V., Schmutz, J., Cushman, J.C., Borland, A.M., Pasha, A., Provart, N.J., Chen, J-G., Muchero, W., Tuskan, G.A., and Yang, X.
Plant tissue succulence engineering improves water-use efficiency, water-deficit stress attenuation and salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis.
Plant Journal, 103(3), 1049-1072
Lim, S. D., Mayer, J. A., Yim, W. C., Cushman, J. C.
Plant tissue succulence engineering improves water-use efficiency, water-deficit stress attenuation, and salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis.
The Plant Journal. 103: 1049–1072. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.14783.
Lim, S.D., Meyer, J.A., Yim, W.C., and Cushman, J.C.
Systems biology and synthetic biology in relation to drought tolerance and avoidance in plants.
Frontiers in Plant Science. 11: 394. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00394.
Yang, X., Cushman, J.C., Borland, A.M., and Liu, Q.
A method for simultaneous isolation of chloroplasts and mitochondria from ice plant.
Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology. 20: 47–54. DOI: 10.1016/j.pep.2018.11.010.
Hong, H.T.K., Phuong, T.T.B., Wheatley, M.D., and Cushman, J.C.
Biology and chemistry of an Umbravirus-like 2989 bp single-stranded RNA as a possible causal agent for Opuntia stunting disease (engrosamiente de cladidios) – A review
Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development. 21: 1–31.
Felker P, Bunch R, Russo G, Preston K, Tine JA, Suter B, Mo X, Cushman JC, Yim WC
Characterization of seed oil and fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) from wild-type and an ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) mutant of Camelina sativa with reduced seed-coat mucilage.
Journal of American Oil Chemists’ Society. 97: 157–174. DOI: 10.1002/aocs.12322.
Lohaus, R.H., Zager, J.J., Kosma, D.K., and Cushman, J.C.
Crassulacean Acid Metabolism Abiotic Stress-Responsive Transcription Factors: a Potential Genetic Engineering Approach for Improving Crop Tolerance to Abiotic Stress
Front Plant Sci. 2019; 10: 129.
Amin AB, Rathnayake KN, Yim WC, Garcia TM, Wone B, Cushman JC, Wone BWM
Evolution of l-DOPA 4,5-dioxygenase activity allows for recurrent specialisation to betalain pigmentation in Caryophyllales
New Phytologist. 227: 914–929. DOI: 10.1111/nph.16089.
Sheehan H, Feng T, Walker-Hale N, Lopez-Nieves S, Pucker B, Guo R, Yim WC, Badgami R, Timoneda A, Zhao L, Tiley H, Copetti D, Sanderson MJ, Cushman JC, Moore MJ, Smith SA, Brockington SF
Exploring the relationship between crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) and mineral nutrition with a special focus on nitrogen
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20: 4363. DOI: 10.3390/ijms20184363.
Pereira PN, Cushman JC.
Ion accumulation and expression of ion homeostasis-related genes associated with halophytism, NaCl-promoted growth in a halophyte, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.
Protein Production Science. 9: 91–102. DOI: 10.1080/1343943X.2019.1647788.
Tran DQ, Konishi A, Cushman JC, Morokuma M, Toyota M, Agarie S.
Laying the foundation for crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) biodesign: Characterization of individual C4 metabolism genes from the common ice plant in Arabidopsis
Frontiers in Plant Science. 10: 101
Lim SD, Lee S, Choi W-G, Yim WC, and Cushman
New perspectives on Crassulacean acid metabolism
Journal of Experimental Botany. 70: 6489–6493. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erz465. Cover article.
Hultine K, Cushman JC, Williams DG.
Nutritional and mineral content of prickly pear cactus: A highly water-use efficient forage, fodder, and food species
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 205:625–634. DOI: 10.1111/jac.12353. Cover article
Mayer JA, Cushman JC
The bracteatus pineapple genome and domestication of clonally propagated crops.
Nature Genetics. 51: 1549–1558 DOI: 10.1038/s41588-019-0506-8.
Chen L-Y, VanBuren R, Paris M, Zhou H, Zhang X, Wai CM, Yan H, Chen S, Along M, Ramakrishnan S, Liao Z, Liu J, Lin J, Yue J, Fatima M, Lin Z, Zhang J, Juang L, Wang H, Hwa T-Y, Kao S-M, Choi JY, Sharma A, Song J, Wang H, Yim WC, Cushman JC, Paull RE, Matsumoto T, Qin Y, Wu Q, Wang J, Yu Q, Wu J, Zhang S, Boches P, Tung C-W, Wang M-L, d’Eckenbrugge GC, Sanewski GM, Purrugganan MD, Schatz MC, Bennetzen JL, Lexer C, Ming R.
Understanding trait diversity associated with crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM)
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 49: 74-85
Niechayev NA, Pereira PN, Cushman JC
A Vitis vinifera basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor enhances plant cell size, vegetative biomass and reproductive yield
Plant Biotechnology Journal 09 March 2018
Lim SD, Yim WC, Liu D, Hu R, Yang X, Cushman JC
Fast pyrolysis of Opuntia ficus-indica and Grindelia squarrosa.
Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 32: 3510–3518.
Cross P, Mukarakate C, Nimlos M, Carpenter D, Donohoe B, Mayer JA, Cushman JC, Neupane B, Miller G, Adhikari S.
Identification of Genes Encoding Enzymes Catalyzing the Early Steps of Carrot Polyacetylene Biosynthesis
Plant Physiology December 2018
Busta L, Yim WC, LaBrant EW, Wang P, Grimes L, Malyszka K, Cushman JC, Santos P, Kosma DK, Cahoon EB
Quantitative ROS bioreporters: A robust toolkit for studying biological roles of ROS in response to abiotic and biotic stresses.
Physiologia plantarum, 165(2), 356-368.
Lim, S. D., Kim, S.-H., Gilroy, S., Cushman, J. C., Choi, W.-G.
Simultaneous chloroplast, mitochondria isolation and mitochondrial protein preparation for two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis of ice plant leaves under well-watered and water-deficit stressed treatments
Protein Expression and Purification. 155: 86–94
Hong HTK, Phuong TTB, Thuy NTT, Wheatley MD, and Cushman JC
An rbcL mRNA binding protein is associated with C3 to C4 evolution and light-induced production of Rubisco in Flaveria.
Journal of Experimental Botany DOI:10.1093/jxb/erx264
Yerramsetty PK, Agar EM, Yim WC, Cushman JC, Berry JO
Divide and Conquer (DC) BLAST: Fast and easy BLAST execution within HPC environments.
PeerJ. 5: e3486.
Yim WC, Cushman JC
Draft Nuclear Genome Sequence of the Halophilic and Beta-Carotene-Accumulating Green Alga Dunaliella salina Strain CCAP19/1.
Genome Announcements doi:10.1128/genomeA.01105-17
Polle JEW, Barry K, Cushman JC, Schmutz J, Tran D, Hathwaik LT, Yim WC, Jenkins J, McKie-Krisberg Z, Prochnik S, Lindquist S, Dockter R, Adam C, Molina H, Bunkenborg J, Jin ES, Buchheim M, Magnuson J.
Draft nuclear genome sequence of the halophilic and beta-carotene-accumulating green alga Dunaliella salina strain CCAP19/18.
Genome Announcements. 5:e01105-17.
Polle JE, Barry K, Cushman J, Schmutz J, Tran D, Hathwaik LT, Yim WC, Jenkins J, McKie-Krisberg Z, Prochnik S, Lindquist E.
Leaf carbohydrates influence transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of nocturnal carboxylation and starch degradation in the facultative CAM plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum.
Journal of Plant Physiology. 218: 144-154.
Taybi T, Cushman JC, Borland AM.
MYB and HD-ZIP IV homologs related to trichome formation are involved in epidermal bladder cell development in the halophyte Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.
Plant Production Science 20 (1): 72-82.
Roeurn S, Hoshino N, Soejima K, Inoue Y, Cushman JC, Agarie S.
Sporobolus stapfianus: Insights into desiccation tolerance in the resurrection grasses from linking transcriptomics to metabolomics.
BMC Plant Biol doi: 10.1186/s12870-017-1013-7.
Yobi A, Schlauch KA, Tillett RL, Yim WC, Espinoza C, Wone BWM, Cushman JC, Oliver MJ
Temporal and spatial transcriptomic and microRNA dynamics of CAM photosynthesis in pineapple.
The Plant Journal. 92: 19-30
Wai CM, VanBuren R, Zhang J, Huang L, Miao W, Edger PP, Yim WC, Priest HD, Meyers BC, Mockler T, Smith JA, Cushman JC, Ming R.
The Kalanchoë genome provides insights into convergent evolution and building blocks of crassulacean acid metabolism.
Nature Communications. 18:1899.
Yang X, Hu R, Yin H, Jenkins J, Shu S, Tang H, Liu D, Weighill DA, Yim WC, Ha J, Heyduk K, Goodstein DM, Guo H-B, Moseley RC, Fitzek E, Jawdy S, Zhang Z, Xie M, Hartwell JA, Grimwood J, Abraham PE, Mewalal R, Beltrán JD, Boxall SF, Dever LD, Palla KJ, Albion R, Garcia T, Mayer JA, Lim SD, Wai CM, Peluso P, Van Buren R, De Paoli HC, Borland AM, Guo H, Chen J-G, Muchero W, Yin Y, Jacobson DA, Tschaplinski TJ, Hettich RL, Ming R, Winter K, Leebens-Mack JC, Smith JAC, Cushman JC, Schmutz J, Tuskan G
Identification of ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.) microRNAs using RNA-Seq and analysis of their potential functional roles in high salinity responses in seedlings.
Frontiers in Plant Biology. 7: 1143.
Chiang C-P, Yim WC, Sun Y-H, Ohnishi M, Mimura T, Cushman JC, Yen HE.
Identification of ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.) microRNAs using RNA-Seq and their putative roles in high salinity responses in seedlings.
Frontiers in Plant ScienceFront Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01143
Chiang C, Yim WC, Sun Y, Ohnishi M, Mimura T, Cushman JC, Yen HE.
Orchestration of carbohydrate processing for crassulacean acid metabolism.
Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 31: 118–124.
Borland AM, Guo H-B, Yang X, Cushman JC.
Suppression subtractive hybridization library construction and identification of epidermal bladder cell-related genes in the common ice plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.
Plant Product. Sci. 19: 552-561.
Roeurn S, Hoshino N, Soejima K, Inoue Y, Cushman JC, Agarie S
Transcript, protein and metabolite temporal dynamics in the CAM plant Agave
Nature Plants 2: 16178
Abraham PE, Yin H, Borland AM, Weighill D, Lim SD, De Paoli HC, Engle N, Jones PC, Agh R, Weston DJ, Wullschleger SD, schaplinski T, Jacobson D, Cushman JC, Hettich RL, Tuskan GA, Yang, Y
A roadmap for research on crassulacean acid metabolism to enhance sustainable food and bioenergy production in a hotter, drier world.
New Phytologist. 207: 491–504.
Yang X, Cushman JC, Borland AM, Edwards EJ, Wullschleger SD, Tuskan GA, Owen NA, Griffiths H, Smith JAC, De Paoli HC, Weston DJ, Cottingham R, Hartwell J, Davis SC, Silvera K, Ming R, Schlauch KA, Abraham P, Stewart JR, Guo H-B, Albion RA, Ha J, Lim SD, Wone BWM, Yim WC, Garcia T, Mayer JA, Petereit J, Nair SS, Casey E, Hettich RL, Ceusters J, Ranjan P, Palla KJ, Yin H, Reyes-García C, Andrade JL, Freschi L, Beltran JD, Dever LV, Boxall SF, Waller J, Davies J, Bupphada P, Kadu N, Winter K, Sage
Biomass characterization of Agave and Opuntia as potential biofuel feedstocks.
Biomass and Bioenergy. 76: 43-53. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.03.004
Yang L, Carl S, Lu M, Mayer JA, Cushman JC, Tian E, Lin H.
Development and use of bioenergy feedstocks for semi-arid and arid lands.
Journal of Experimental Botany. 66: 4177-4193.
Cushman JC, Davis SC, Yang X, Borland AM
Evaluation of diverse microalgal species as potential biofuel feedstocks grown using municipal wastewater.
Frontiers in Energy Research. 3 (20): 1-8.
Hiibel SR, Lemos MS, Kelly BP, Cushman JC.
The pineapple genome and the evolution of CAM photosynthesis.
Nature Genetics. 47: 1435–1442.
Ming R, Van Buren R, Wai CM, Tang H, Schatz MC, Bowers, JE, Lyons E, Wang M-L, Chen J, Biggers E, Zhang J, Huang L, Zhang L, Miao W, Zhang J, Ye Z, Miao C, Lin Z, Wang H, Zhou H, Yim WC, Priest HD, Zheng C, Woodhouse M, Edger PP, Guyot R, Guo H-B, Guo H, Zheng G, Singh R, Sharma A, Min X, Zheng Y, Lee H, Gurtowski J, Sedlazeck F, Harkess A, McKain MR, Liao Z, Fang J, Liu J, Zhang X, Zhang Q, Hu W, Yuan Q, Wang K, Chen L-Y, Shirley N, Lin Y-R, Liu L-Y, Hernandez AG, Wright CL, Bulone V, Tuskan GA
Transgressive, reiterative selection of Dunaliella salina with enhanced lipid and starch production using continuous buoyant density gradient centrifugation.
Algal Research. 9:194-203.
Hathwaik LT, Redelman D, Samburova V, Zielinska B, Shintani DK, Harper JF, Cushman JC.
Climate-resilient agroforestry: Physiological responses to climate change and engineering of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) as a mitigation strategy.
Plant, Cell and Environment. 38: 1833-1849.
Borland AM, Wullschleger SD, Wilson DJ, Tuskan GA, Hartwell J, Yang X, Cushman JC.
Engineering Crassulacean acid metabolism to improve water-use efficiency.
Trends Plant Sci. 19: 327-338. Video abstract for this article is available at:
Borland AM, Hartwell J, Weston D, Schlauch KA, Tschaplinski TJ, Tuskan GA, Yang X, Cushman JC.
Interview with John C. Cushman.
Trends Plant Sci. 19: 274-275.
Cushman JC.
Multiple isoforms of phophoenolpyruvate carboxylase in the Orchidacea (subtribe Oncidiinae): implications for the evolution of crassulacean acid metabolism.
J. Exp. Bot. 65:3623-3636. doi: 10.1093/jxb/eru234
Silvera K, Winter K, Rodgriguez BL, Albion, RL, Cushman JC.
Synthetic biology as it relates to CAM photosynthesis: Challenges and opportunities.
J. Exp. Bot. 65:3381-3393.
DePaoli HC, Borland AM, Tuskan GA, Cushman JC, Yang X.